STABB666's Journal

STABB666's Journal


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9 entries this month

Run for the hills?

18:04 Mar 31 2006
Times Read: 799

Our world is in trouble...No, really, it is.

Global warming a fallacy?

More African starvation on the horizon?

Corals dying faster now?





05:50 Mar 28 2006
Times Read: 817

I watched that movie today.

It was interesting. It provoked quite a deep emotive response in me.

Immediately after I had finished watching it, a near riot broke out in my street. Somalians and Jamaicans hurling bottles across the road at one another. This shit happens almost daily, with the abuse, but this time, both sides had everybody to hand.

The cops came in. They all split into groups, but, unlike usual, they turn on the shorthanded coppers and stab one, put him in hospital. Right outside my fucking door. While the cops turn their attention to protecting themselves and sorting out their colleague, one of the Jamaican guys gets stabbed too, just around the corner.

Twenty or more cops and a guy gets stabbed in broad daylight.

They had choppers, armed response and what use were they? They have one person in for questioning.

I am so sick of this city. It nearly broke me, after watching that movie, to see a group of Afro-carribeans fighting with a group of african immigrants, all of them in this country, this city, because their own is a shithole, one which this country created. And whats the result?

This doesn't bode well for the current mess that our governments are making of other countries, whose refugees we will enevitably see carrying on their fueds over here instead.

You know whats amusing in all this?

I've lived in this part of my city for more than five years now...I have many, many friends and aquaintences around here...but when I go into the shop to buy some groceries, you know what I get? counter-racism.

Why do I say that? As one of the handful of 'white' people that live in this area, I'm well recognised, but because of the nature of the people that live around me, we get a lot of 'traffic'. Visitors looking for something on the other side of legal.

What I get from them, is gangs of hoodies hanging around my front door. When I walk up to them to get in, I get the stand-offish looks, the kissin o the teeth and sometimes an abusive comment or two.

I ignore this, partly because they don't realise I live there and I understand that this is a gang area, but mainly because it would start an unneccessary conflict. This is a conflict which they are looking for because I am 'white'.

The sad fact is, that if I had been a 'black' kiddie, I would have been offered drugs instead.

There is a stereotype about african kids in hoodies, which some try to say is unfounded. Bullshit. These are young people with no proffessional skill sets. They make their money from the drugs, robbing, cars and doing jobs for the big boys. they don't look past the weekend. They can't see that they, if they survive, will be just like the wizened old guy that slumps on his chair in the cafe, stoned off his box and waiting for a funeral.

Sometimes I just want to walk out there and point out what a futile existence which they are binding themselves to, but I'd get my head kicked in, so...I've had enough. I need to get out of here before I go insane.

Somebody please save me!




16:57 Oct 08 2009

Saving in progress!


To err is human.

13:43 Mar 15 2006
Times Read: 849

And I've done so many times in my life, but specifically, I've also made some in my assessment of certain people.

I always assume the best in people until they prove otherwise.

This opens me up for some amount of upset when those people prove to be less honourable than they claim.

But then, it's my own fault for holding to assumptions and believing the lies.

But what upsets me most, is that VR is being infested with such bullshit.

I loved VR, the many friends I had made here and the few special people that I have made a connection with.

I came here seeking advice and information- an explanation.

I found a guide, sisterly love and heartfelt emotions. These were not sought or expected, but were still accepted and I became a part of some peoples' lives.

I also found much knowledge and companionship, but still, I am missing something.

That one thing which would set me free. Truth.

In myself and what I am doing in life. Why am I?

It eludes me, like a snake in the water. And a deadly one at that.




04:22 Mar 12 2006
Times Read: 881

How can a body take this kind of punishment for so long?





18:07 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 895

I've decided to my own to the test.

Who can say what will come of it.





12:42 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 907

Lucid ones.

Are they just dreams, our minds reorganising life events, or perhaps astral travel?

But another possibility, is that they are past life memories, some of these dreams. For those who have awakened their minds to the universe, it is not such a leap of faith to believe that sometimes, those dreams that seem so real, might be echos of what once was.

They still might be somewhat abstract, but have a significant effect upon how we come to view ourselves, whatever they are, these dreams.





11:26 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 913

What a great word.




You can achieve your goals!

22:26 Mar 09 2006
Times Read: 919

My school careers interview;

Q.) What do you want to do after leaving college?

A.) Be a computer systems analyst.

I quit that Job.

Now, I've applied to University. One of the best in the world for my subject. I'm going to have to be extraordinarily fortunate to gain one of the seven places, from more than eighty applicants.

I made a reasonable application, so I'm always hopeful.

If I do get a place, I have up until Spetember to travel. And I know exactly where I'm going.

I have new goals now. Ones which will enable me to learn and hopefully, feel satisfied with my work.




I am a murderer

15:03 Mar 09 2006
Times Read: 930

So I killed my profile...

Would it be a surprise to know that my rating has gone up since doing so? lol



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