She died today. She went into fairly profound grand-mal seizures this afternoon and that was it.
After blood work, we find out she's severely anemic. The vet thinks she may have a tumor causing internal bleeding, but needs to do more tests. =/
*rat pokes out from her second account*
Wishing you both the best. Just let her know you loves her.
*hugs* to both of you
I'm sorry for that critter. I hope you keep your spirits up.
And I really don't have the patience any longer to deal with obstinate emo little fucks.
you want me to bitch slap someone for you?
Just hand them a knife and the solution presents itself.
Nah, no bitch slapping needed. I simply chose to ignore him, and his increasingly frantic messages. He simply doesn't matter enough to do squat about it. =) *shrugs* Waste of skin and air, that one.
Ignoring emo attention grabbers can often drive them crazier than answering them:) I hope his head explodes:)
wow, tough crowd in here! *laughs really quietly*
My oldest cat is sick. She's coughing and not eating and in even more of a foul temper than she normally is.
Into the vet in the morning we go.
I have GOT to get one of these. Or two. Two would be muy fun!
Ok. My blood sugar has always been a little dodgy - low, not diabetic high.
Today, the past five readings:
Fasting (first thing in the morning) - 56
1/2 hour after breakfast - 74
1 hour after lunch - 76
Right before dinner - 53
1/2 hour after dinner - 62
I've been headachey most of the day. I've even had a few pieces of candy. Grr.
If I am funky tomorrow, I need to go see my doc, I think.
Dude, I have the EXACT same problem. It started during my pregnancy and has continued through out. It gets so bad that I shake pretty vigorously when I go long periods of time without eating.
It was regulated while I was incubating, but I haven't gone back to see why I'm not " back to normal". ♥
Hope you get better!
So. There were about 11 of us humans and about 14 animals crammed into a station wagon driving insane distances to meet strange relatives of mine of whom I had never heard.
Then it got weird.
She: "What's PI?!"
Me: "A dessert."
She: "DAMMIT!"
Me: "OY! Language!"
She: "Fine!" … "Seriously? A dessert?"
Me: "No.C'mere. It represents the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean geometry."
She: "... I wish it was dessert."
Is "Stage 4."
I told him he's not allowed to not beat this or I'm putting him in a froufrou bottle.
SO. There I was. Sleeping. Granted the dreams were bizarre, but when are they not?
Lo, and behold! It's 4am! It's time to be woken by a ceiling fan blade smacking me in the head as my ceiling fan disintegrated!
YAY disintegrate!
*mutter mutter*
Yes, Tyler, I DID have the ceiling fan of Damocles, and the thread snapped. :P
Camoflage Spiderman socks.
Bah bah weird sheep, have you any wool? Yessir, yessir, TWO PAIR full!
that is too funny....i bahhh bahhhh
all the time in the vamp box!!! lol
It's rather refreshing to see an active porn star with a few pimples on her ass and a bit of cellulite.
Dammit I thought you were going to show an example...
Lol it makes us believe that there is justice in the Universe >:D
I agree with Morrigon. I was waiting for the picture. Got all excited for nothing...LOL
Watch much porn do you?
i find this comment so true!!!! lmao
"Refreshing" is one adjective... I have a few others
01:22 May 23 2008
I am sorry for the loss of your pet. Although I do not know you, I know the pain of such a loss is severe.
01:29 May 23 2008
So sorry..
01:37 May 23 2008
*hugs tight* I am so sorry.
01:37 May 23 2008
There are no words *hugs*
02:09 May 23 2008
Sorry to hear that.
04:15 May 23 2008
I'm sorry for your loss.
04:56 May 23 2008
Sorry to hear it.
09:16 May 23 2008
03:12 May 26 2008
I'm sorry mama.
I KNOW! I KNOW! You can have fat man!! He likes you better anyway. LMAO
I love ya sugar ;)
03:59 May 27 2008
I'm very sorry you lost Djelli it's obvious you did everything you could to make her better.
09:51 May 29 2008
The loss of a pet is always traumatic- I am sorry you lost someone so close to you- you are in my thoughts sugar
03:43 Jun 01 2008
I wish I had seen this before now. I am truly sorry for your loss:(