4 1/2 hours until belly dance class!
Food. Bed.
Last night I got 16 hours of sleep. Tonight ... let's shoot for 10? Yes. 10.
I don't feel well. Chy, bruisey (no idea where from), tired, hot. Bleh. My bones ache.
Sounds like a nice time for a shower and nap. o:
Feel better!
Think about bacon cupcakes and squirrels mating and in no time you'll be better.
Wishing you well. x
I'm so sorry that your bones are giving you hell. :(
Anti-Inflamatory meds and moist heat always help me when my bones ache...and a nice mug of cocoa. :P
*big hugs*
... My nephew (who is staying here this weekend and is 18) just told me I look like the naughty kindergarten teacher today. >.> I don't know how to take this.
LOL, just smile and make a nice hot meal.
I wolf-whistle lonnnng and haaaard at you. >_>
Pics! I want pics!
Little does he actually know how naughty you really are.
Ducky is right- you might want to make sure your naughty toys, out fits, porn, whips, chains, and your personal dungeon is all locked up.
"I don't know how to take this."
For some reason I want to reply with, "Take it with a ruler." xD
A wee bit awkward.
I am tired. I spent the last 4 hours moving dungeon equipment and cleaning it. Much conversation and fun was had, but I am still tired. :) St. Andrews Crosses are HEAVY, man, and I did the light work!
Very. Very. Light work. :(
Still - good sense of accomplishment that I was able to assist at all. The dungeon shui has been fenged.
I was going to ask you...
Why haven't I been invited into your... Dungeon?
'Cos you're way in hell and gone up THERE. :(
And it is not MY dungeon. ::shrug::
you got to bring your st andrew's cross when you come over for me to cook for you girl you better do and bring a riding crops too plz I sort of miss the little thing ;)
"You're cute when you're mad."
Well, I am about to get really fucking adorable.
I spotted that too on FB, made me giggle!
Good suspension yesterday evening, good sleep last night, good breakfast this morning ... Bring it Thursday.
Bring it.
I am only helpless while the nail polish dries, and even then I can pull the trigger if I have to.
I got rated a 1.
Awwww ... Someone cares! ♥
Aww, I want one. D:
XD me too. I'm so proud, someone would just go n take the time to do that.
you're number 1! You're number 1! WOOOOOo
Dude I could have told you that...
Hmmm did it come from ZombieX?
You mean I have been doing it wrong all these years? Well... I am going to give you a 1 right now. Because I care. *Rat hug*
Yep, I got a 1 too, we rock, Req!!!!
Get ready for the bad dreams.
I am SO ANGRY I am in tears. Well, fuck me. Planning a surprise party for my boss for 40 years with the company, and someone TELLS him? Knowing it was a surprise? That were flying in people from across the country in for a dinner and roast and party, and then golf the next day at la cantera, and someone EMAILS him?! What part of ""SHHHH!! SUPER SECRET SURPRISE EVENT!!" Was UNCLEAR?! How do you fuck that up? I mean, honestly?!
I need a golf club, a tarp, and a few hours in which I am allowed to be creative.
need any help? >: ]
God I hate that...
Can I skip next to you singing: "Someone's gonna get it"? Can I? Please, please, PLEASE?!
I know how you feel. There is always one asshole who ruins everything. I swear...
The golf club, tarp, and 'creativity' screams attempted murder. Go for it. I'll help you hide the body.
duc tape -grin-
I bet you are miffed. That's crap.
Never underestimate the power of bleach. And a deep hole. Just saying. ;)
Shitty :(
So, last night was pool. That was a good deal of fun.
I am renaming M "Minnesota Slim," though. >.> She be a shark. Heh.
I suck at pool.
("Go for the 2, Tony!")
So. I have been informed I am neglecting you guys by not writing more about what I've been up to lately.
Mea culpa.
Some things you just don't get to know. :P
Although, I have been getting more into shibari - not tying others up, but being tied in different ways myself. I might want to learn how to tie, if only to be able to ensure whoever is tying me is doing it properly and there are no safety issues.
Oh, and as a note, a good flogging? It feels like the world's bestest massage. :) Nothing sexual, just, "Can ya beat me so I can relax a little? Thanks!"
Heh. :)
...and this started with an itch!
I've always been worried that flogging would... y'know, hurt. :P
w00t! I'd totally flog you! ♥
20:57 Apr 27 2012
Whoohoo! SEXEHHHH!! Have fun.:)
00:56 Apr 28 2012
Where is the thumbs up button when you need it?