Got to play a decent game of Warhammer 40K today ^.^
It was 2 vs 2 and 2,000pt each. I was playing my Imperial Guard and my team mate was playing his Black Templars (Space Marines). Our opponents were playing Chaos Marines and Imperial Guard.
They won for choosing sides and deployment order, but we won the roll to see who gets first turn!
I was playing an Armored Company with all the tanks I had on the board. I had two Basilisk (artillery), a Demolisher (close support, high strength cannon), two Hellhounds (flame tank), and four Chimeras (transports). My HQ (9 men total) was in one Chimera, and the other three had 10xman grenadier squads in them. The only other infantry I had on the board was two anti-tank squads with three lascannons in each (each squad is made up of 6 gun crew). So I had 9 tanks, and 51 men.
First turn I used one of my Basilisk to destroy the enemy's only Basilisk. Direct hit and exploded out 6" in all directions, taking a few of his guardsmen with it since they were packed in a building next to the now smoking crater. The reason why this was so vital was that Basilisks are one of the very few units in the game that can shoot at a target without line of sight. Since I took out their only chance to destroy my Basilisk, they now had to come across the field, or face the same punishment. Backed up by my Space Marine comrades, my armored column just tore up anything that got near it as it rolled across the table. The Hellhounds being the MVP in this game, they racked up the most kills out of all my other units. Since they use flame weapons, any enemies trying to hide behind cover get cooked either way. These two Hellhounds torched about 40 guardsmen by the end of the game (my opponent having about 80)
By the 6th round, me and my team mate destroyed every last model our opponents had on the board. I'm just happy that I got to play since I only get a chance about once every two weeks!
Ramble, ramble, ramble.
Everyone knows what its like to dream, but what does it mean when you have them more often than other people do? From what I've gathered, some people rarely have dreams, and when they do they can either barely remember what happened, or it was a very short dream to begin with. So here's a big question that has been on my mind for years now... Why does it feel like some of my dreams last for days?
Since I was young I can remember having lengthy dreams and very few nightmares. Even the times when I knew I should have been afraid, I wasn't. It just felt like everything was neutral at its worst. Sometimes I would feel shock and maybe grief, but rarely fear. As I got older, my dreams turned into short adventures. Some of these adventures I can still remember and still hold dear to me today.
Over the past few years, my dreams have gotten stronger... if you fathom a dream begin "stronger". They seemed to last for days, leaving me confused and disoriented. Characters and locations would become more defined. Some I can still remember their faces. A very few of these people I have even gone as far as giving them names after waking up in hopes that they would not be forgotten... even if they were just in my dream world.
My dreams have never repeated themselves; I usually end up in a new location with different people. However, there have been times when I have visited a location again, having people remember me, but having no clue who they were. I'll wake up and then remember previous dreams from months or even years earlier of the same location.
Most of them time I play the role of some leader or person who is trying to help others. Other times its just mundane actions. Of course it not like the real world. Sometimes I have special powers, or physics don't work the same way, or even meeting up with entities that can't be explained. The point to this is that it is ever changing and always seems like I'm set on some sort of adventure.
The only problem I have with this, is that I end up feeling drained when I wake up. If I get 10 to 12 hours of sleep I might feel better, but I still feel drained form over sleeping.
I might write more about this later, and maybe even post a dream. But for right now... I need to go to sleep xD