PiNkLuSt's Journal

PiNkLuSt's Journal


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13 entries this month

3 days left!

14:19 Feb 25 2008
Times Read: 706

Ok so my weekend wasn't totally worthless even though I didn't get to have my party. I'd say I had a pretty enjoyable weekend you could say and today is going to be a very good one hopefully. Anyhoo there is now 3 more days left until the Wednesday-13 show and I am so fucking excited. Those guys are so damn sexy it's not even funny, not to mention fun to party with too! I cannot wait to see them play again it's been since October, and that was a while ago too long ago if you ask me. I finally get to meet Acey because he was being filled in by Staci on the last tour, so I didn't get to meet Acey whom which I've wanted to for a while now. Now I finally can and I tell you what those rockstars look even more delicous in person, someone is going to need to restrain me from molesting his sexy ass! Lmao anyway I've got things to do and people to talk to so I'll probably write again before the show...




The weekend

20:05 Feb 23 2008
Times Read: 715

Ugh my whole weekend is ruined. I was planning on having a party but that ain't happening now and I am so disappointed. *sighs* I have to find a way to turn things around and make this positive, oh something good needs to happen today. If not I think I might just cry my little heart out! :(





17:00 Feb 21 2008
Times Read: 723

Omg yes I got some batteries and my camera works again! I will be taking new pics after I watch some DeathNote bitches! ^_^





16:36 Feb 21 2008
Times Read: 724

Today is starting out to be a pretty good one, the newest episode of Bleach is up! (haven't watched it yet) Yesterday I began watching DeathNote and I am already hooked on it, after I post this I'm going to continue watching it. I'd like to hurry with that show because right now it's the shortest of all the shows I'm watching. Who knows how long Bleach and Naruto Shippuden will be, don't care I know they'll both be long shows! I was looking up some pics for my journal like the funny pic of the month, and now I'll be adding sexy pic of the month too! I found some good material to put in there, after this I'm going to post one of them. :D

Now enough of the anime talk let us get down to real life buisness. The other day I got to hang out with some friends I haven't seen in a while, it was great I have friends again yay! We smoked a little drank a few beers, and I got my ass kicked at Wii bowling lmao! Anyhoo when I seen Justin again I thought holy shit he's still a hottie. I know he still likes me definetly and I so want to go for it, this boyfriend crap doesn't work out for me. Everytime I get a boyfriend the good looking guys come out from hiding damn it! Not saying my boyfriend is ugly, he's just younger then me I can't help but to like them older guys hehe! ;)

So besides from that goodness I have yet even more good things to talk about! My sister yesterday tells me some of the greatest news ever. She was talking to this guy I've liked for a litte while now, and he was talking to my sister about me. He said if I was single he would totally leave his current gf to be with me, yes this is how much he likes me. I also like him this much to leave my current bf to go after him too. I want him he wants me come on now let's do the math here, him and Ms. Pinky need to subtract our gf/bf and get together! We're going to hang out this week hopefully today, and I'm going to let everything play out the way I know it will. I will have him I've got my eyes on him, and this one's not going to get away! ;)





01:41 Feb 18 2008
Times Read: 729

Well everything has been going pretty good lately, minus one small thing. I keep getting sad randomly out of nowhere and most of the time I don't even have a reason to be. It's really fucking bugging me thought it makes no sense to me. Deep down inside though somewhere I'm still crying. No person, drug, amount of money, or sex can take it away. It's hard to figure out what to do about it though, when I have no idea what's causing this issue within myself. Really I am happy but for some reason I find myself slipping into a depressed like state here and there. I don't understand it I don't understand me right now, I have not been confuesed like this in a long time. I really don't know what to do now...




Gem of the day

16:22 Feb 15 2008
Times Read: 737

She actually thought rating me back the same would make me give her a 10, what a stupid girl. Pinky doesn't play that childish game. Hahah


| Block |

Date: 15:27:57 - Feb 14 2008

Rating: 8

Comment: 8 in return





16:12 Feb 15 2008
Times Read: 738

Ok so this day didn't start off as good as yesterday did. I'm not going to let that ruin my day even though I'm a bit cranky this morning. I'm starting to feel like everyday is the same day repeating eachother, only I'm in a different mood every time. The only day that really sticks out in the week is Thrusday, but that's because Bleach's newest episode gets posted. Something needs to change before I blow out my brains! -_- To make things worse for like the next day and some of tomarrow I can't have sex!!!!! Sex is like payday at the end of everyday well the days I see my boyfriend that is haha, but seriously I feel like crying. I need my payday damn it it's only been like 2 days but knowing I can't have it, is what drives me up the fucking wall. Chocolate is my only salvation and I am fresh out of that too! *tear* I'd just like to warn y'all that I am not in an approachable mood today, if you approach me and I snap I'm terribly sorry. However you were warned...




15:32 Feb 14 2008
Times Read: 742

Ok so even though I woke up a little too early today, it was still the best wake up I've had. Waking up next to the person you love on the morning of Valentine's day is the best present ever. It felt really good not to wake up alone this morning. :) For once I am not cursing this day I am going to enjoy it to the fullest. I don't know what to make for dinner though I have way too many ideas!

What is good Valentine's day food for dinner? o.0




16:38 Feb 13 2008
Times Read: 745

What a slow sad and depressing day...




Everyone get on bored

14:04 Feb 06 2008
Times Read: 752

Ok so yesterday was not all bad, just the begining of it was. I took time to get out of the house which did me a lot of good I'm glad I left I needed to. I had a great time minus a few minor arguements. So for once I actually have not once thought to myself omg what am I doing with this person or what am I thinking. I know that I am happy being with this person and when I'm not, I think about him a whole lot. *blushes* I'm happy and I know he is really happy now if I could just get my sister to understand and be happy for me too, everything would be perfect and I would be very happy. She always thinks I'm too good for the person and I usually do as well, however even if it might be true or not, I am very sure I want to be together with him and I'm not letting anyone change that. I don't want anyone saying negative things and try making me feel uncomfortable about being with this person or stupid. I just simply will not let that fly this time, because I actually don't feel that way this time around, I have no doubts in my mind. So if everyone dear to me could just be on bored with me here, it would really make my week and mean a lot to me. I have a way with words so I'm really hoping I will be able to do so, if not then that's too bad for them...




bad start

16:01 Feb 05 2008
Times Read: 758

I woke up early this morning again for some odd reason. I wish I hadn't though because it started out my day on the wrong foot. I was getting bitched at again for things that aren't my problem and have nothing to do with me, I'm just the easiest person to blame and vent on I guess. Anyhoo my temper is short and there is one thing you can do that will absolutly set me off, and that is hitting me anywhere especially my face! Normally I'd hit the person back and knock their lights out, but in this case I forbid myself from doing so. I just charged back into my room and hit my door not once, but twice infact hard enough to make me bruise and bleed. I might look small and I probably don't look strong at all, but let me tell you it is exactly the opposite of that! I am incredibly strong for being so small, I didn't take 3 years of gymnastics and gain nothing from it damn it!

Anyhoo I'm done talking about the bad crap that was way earlier this morning. I'm getting myself out of the house today and going anywhere. I'm going to walk which is something I don't normally, or like to do at all I HATE walking! However I think it'd do me some good today to walk off my anger and frustration. I may have started this day out badly, but I'm going to finish it with a big bang!




Used to be

18:16 Feb 04 2008
Times Read: 763

This month used to be my least favorite month in the whole entire year. Why you ask? Simple one day and one day only, yep you guessed it Valentine's day! I've always hated that day with a dieing passion in my heart for one reason and only one. I've been single for that wretched holiday every single god damn year since I started dating people. However this year haha this year is going to be different, because omfg I'm finally not a single pringle anymore yay for me! This is the first year out of like 7 I'm not going to be all alone with no one beside me, and that makes me so happy. On a different note me being unsingle means all you desperate, pathetic, retarded, perverted idiots need to leave me the hell alone. Starting today if you send me a hey sexy messege I'm straight up blocking your punk ass! I'm just simply not going to even partially associate with you mongrels and click that little friend of mine called the block button. Don't get me wrong though I have no problem with my friends being perverted or goofy with me, so don't think I'm talking about you guys ok. Anyhoo that's all I had to say Pinky is over and out!

P.S make sure to check in the for shits and giggles section for my funny pic of the month! ^_^





04:24 Feb 01 2008
Times Read: 711

Yay I got a new keyboard I'm so happy!!! ^_^ I can finally continue writing my new story some more, without having to worry about the s w or x keys not working. Omg it is just the greatest thing ever not having to do ctrl v to paste the letters now. I avoided using words with any of those letters so therefore I wasn't able tot talk like my normal self, I even misspelled things if I absolutly had to. No more though I can finally type and say all the things I'd like to say thank goodness! With that being said and all, I will begin writing more of my story again. Like before I'm going to post it or any of the good parts in here, so all you story readers can read my stuff again woo hoo!



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