PhoenixNightengale's Journal


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18:19 Nov 23 2007
Times Read: 526

My whole life has basically been based around helping my friends. But what happens when you find out that your whole life has been nothing but a lie? My best friend ever since middle school, Kenneth Reilly, has always come to me for help. I always thought it was because he thought I was the only one he felt comfortable with coming to for help, but I recently found out it was because I was the only one he could cont on to be gullible enough to believe him each and every time. For years I have helped my friends out through tough times, sacrificing my time and money, putting my life and job on the line, just to be able to do so, Kenneth especially. For about a year now Kenneth has been suffering from heart problems, and they've been getting increasingly worse. The doctors told him that he will not have much longer to live, that while they can operate on him and postpone his death, they can't cure him. The stress from this has made him extremely aggressive, to the point that just the slightest inconvenience sends him on a destructive rampage. This always seems to happen when he fails to take his medication, a mood altering drug that is supposed to calm him down. He tends to take more than the prescribed dosage leaving him sort each month and his father has been stealing his pills for himself since they are both on the same medication and he too takes more than prescribed. Just a few weeks ago he was diagnosed with heart cancer rather than a virus attacking the heart like the doctors originally believed after taking an MRI. This past weekend I spoke with an aquaintence of ours, a pain in the neck but not one to lie. A tattle tale more than anything else since he just can't seem to keep his mouth shut. One day he went to Kenneth's house to wait for him to get home from work and spoke to Kenneth's step-mother. She had no idea what he was talking about when he started asking how she felt about her step-son's condition. Turns out that the MRI results are his father's and the medication he's been taking is also his father's. Nobody seemed to catch on when Kenneth showed everybody the MRI scans and the pill bottles that his name didn't carry the connotative Jr. or II after his name. Nobody thinks twice about the fact that he shares the same name as his father. Most people forget about that little fact or at least don't stop to think about it. Turns out Kenneth is healthy as a horse and he's going around telling every one he knows about his "heart problem". All these years....all the things I've done for him never asking for anything in return, and how much of it has been a lie? How many times have I lent him money or took him places when he had his own money to spend and had alternative reasons for going where he was having me take him? He owes well over $300 in loans that I've accounted for and he has all my books that I had bought to study witchcraft. About another $300 worth. Don't forget all the milage and gas for my car that resulted in my running to his side when he calls for help and the damage done when I am in no condition to make to trip to him and back, sideswiping guardrails falling asleep behind the wheel. He was the only friend I had left, and now I find out he's never been a friend to me at all. I want to expose him for the fraud he is to everyone I know who knows him, but then how will I ever get my books and my money from him? That and if I break off the friendship with him, that agressive behavior which is obviously not caused by stress but is rather him showing his true colors will make him fight me, and likely to the death, knowing him. What can I do now? Ever single person I know down here I met through him. And they likewise have used me though nowhere near as thoroughly, and now that I think of it probably at his suggestion. My whole world, hell, virtually my whole life has fallen apart and has come crashing down on my head.



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