Go Radu Darkicewolf hope i spell that right and last but not least Nocturnal Goddess For the Comment on her journal I wanted to add mine but the Rate mongered Blocked me So ill leave it here for her to look into and read .
My grammar isn't the best hell i know i cant spell ill be the first to tell you that mostly from second guessing myself on things And my dad is deathtoall so plant your crusty panties somewhere dark for all i care The fact that you even take the time to read into this and have your bitch boy do it as well tickles me pink .
If my good ole friends from the past whom are titled have taught me what is the difference from a 1 and a 10 other than a random bit of code that is activated what you click rate doesn't mean your shit just your profile in someones opinion its amazing how much you care about it i did i was ranked 11th
in men then my life changed when Radu rated me a one and yeah i got all pissy and bitched at him blocked him wrote nasty things in msgs and journal things but whoopty fucking do what did it do even now I love that one why cause it showed me that its a God Damned Number on The Internet and if you care about it that much you need to Grow up and that's about it don't go whining to everyone about it if you felt my rate was not to your liking then MSG and ask i would gladly tell you as i told you well mannered Coven Master .