Honor: 12 [ Give / Take ]
18 entries this month
10:01 Sep 29 2012
Times Read: 986
So tired... trying not to head desk.
Time to stream pandora to stay awake.
I still have 5 more hours before I can go home.
My eyes are already bloodshot.
I'll be hitting the cappuccino in the next 30 minutes.
I'm not looking forward to my 12 hour shifts on Saturday & Sunday.
15:11 Sep 27 2012
Times Read: 997
I uploaded over 300 pics on facebook, and I need to add more from the camera from yesterday. Busy, busy. I'm not looking forward to going home today. I'm really enjoying myself here. I hope I can come back next year. Maybe take a different route hopefully through Canyon De Chelly. We'll see.
After I get back home I get to work my ass off for about a month before I have to make an appearance in Las Vegas for a wedding. I'm not really a Las Vegas fan, so we'll see how it goes.
14:00 Sep 25 2012
Times Read: 1,020
There is something on the Navajo reservation that doesn't sit well with me. I opened the car door when we stopped for gas and my sinuses instantly swelled up. The air was thick like there was dirt or sand hanging in it, and now I have a lymph node in my neck that is so swollen it feels like I've had a marble implanted under the skin. It hurts like a mofo too.
8 hours in a car with a baby wasn't as bad as it could have been. She was pretty well behaved for most of it. I probably would have been pissy for a while too if I had been strapped into a car seat for that long. We took breaks to stretch our limbs, but boy did she get angry when it was time to get in the carseat and back on the road.
I took a fair amount of pictures, but I don't know how they came out. I'll be posting them on FB for those of you who are my FB friends as well. Alright time to finish my cappuccino and get this day started.
customer fuckin' service
12:43 Sep 24 2012
Times Read: 1,031
Oh boy...
When this asshole comes back from getting his starbucks I get to tell him in the nicest way I can that he's not going to get what he wants. Let's hope he dosn't push my buttons.
I hope he's not a bitch about it.
I watched the Cabin in the Woods.
23:12 Sep 21 2012
Times Read: 1,042
THAT. Was so fucking bizarre. O_O
11:46 Sep 20 2012
Times Read: 1,052
Why do I have an insatiable appetite for dystopian post apocalyptic literature?
half assed superstition
08:53 Sep 19 2012
Times Read: 1,072
My hotel doesn't have a 13th floor, but it has a room 666. Wtf?
I do love putting people in that room though. Especially when you can tell by the look on their face that the thought of sleeping in that room makes their asshole pucker.
19:42 Sep 17 2012
Times Read: 1,083
I spent my entire pregnancy worrying about losing the baby. It's happened so many times to friends of mine that I knew it was a possibility. What no one tells you is that the worry continues after the baby comes. It's SIDS this and SIDS that. Very nervewrecking. A distant family member of mine (we're talking a parents, cousins, grandkid) had a baby about a month before my daughter was born. Her baby died of SIDS at 6 weeks old. I can't even imagine how horrific that must be. To have the baby there in your arms one day, and gone the next. I feel so bad for them. I was thinking about it, and if something ever happened to my munchkin my family would be burying two of us. I'm very well aware of what my strengths and weaknesses are, and I know I'd never recover from that heart ache.
I do hope we both have long happy lives ahead of us though. I love this little booger so.
12:19 Sep 17 2012
Times Read: 1,101
I got in to see the doc.
He says that the lump on my neck is a cyst and I'll just have to live with it because it's in a location where it shouldn't really be removed. How he knows this by just touching it once I'll never know.
Cyst... for some reason that word makes me feel friggin old. I guess if it doesn't cause problems it can stay. =l
Now if only I could do something about these dislocating ribs. That would be nice. =) Maybe I can duct tape, or super glue them back where they belong.
I've always loved horses
09:55 Sep 17 2012
Times Read: 1,102
My new avatar makes me smile. =)
I prefer it over my hideous face any day.
Paradise City by Guns and Roses
09:24 Sep 17 2012
Times Read: 1,105
Popped up on my Pandora... and thanks to the movie Can't Hardly Wait, I can't hear this song without seeing nerd boy rock out to it. Heh.
lawdy lawdy
09:36 Sep 14 2012
Times Read: 1,121
O.o I saw an avatar and I swore I thought it was a close up of a vagina....
On second glance... it was someones face.
damn, my mistake
Carry on.
02:33 Sep 14 2012
Times Read: 1,125
of all of the things everyone has ever done for you... I can't figure out if you lack the ability to reciprocate, or just lack the desire to.
What is with people tonight?
12:20 Sep 13 2012
Times Read: 1,135
Mo - rons...
I'm surrounded by fucking mo-rons.
Yeah... I have no clue why I'm pronouncing it like I'm from the south.
I've got some health concerns
10:45 Sep 11 2012
Times Read: 1,145
I have to wait a month to get in to see a doctor. How annoying.
03:35 Sep 10 2012
Times Read: 1,161
Isis lied! :p
There are several priests everywhere at my work for some religious convention. All wearing their religious robes... and not a damn one of them is hot like some of the pics she posts.
What a set up!
Most of them are ancient. Lol
Thanks woman for getting my hopes up for a little eye candy. ;p
I don't know why, but I can't stand drug addicts...
13:32 Sep 09 2012
Times Read: 1,193
Maybe it's because of how selfish they typically are. Maybe it's because of how disgusting I find their habits. Whenever I come into contact with tweakers especially, I want to kick them out the door and into the gutter where they belong. Nasty fucks.
09:38 Sep 04 2012
Times Read: 1,211
Daydreaming of curling up in a 40 degree room with a bunch of soft blankets, a fireplace, and my loved ones... snuggling and watching movies.
Boo work.
At least it's only 100 degrees out tomorrow. Bring on winter.. I can't wait!