Honor: 12 [ Give / Take ]
21 entries this month
05:30 Nov 30 2011
Times Read: 1,237
I miss being around people who are supportive.
20:14 Nov 29 2011
Times Read: 1,244
Some people just don't get the humor in things.
16:25 Nov 28 2011
Times Read: 1,253
I've had a humming in my ear for 4 or 5 days now. It's getting progressively worse, and I'm going to the doc today before I stab my brain or someone else.
07:49 Nov 26 2011
Times Read: 1,277
Every now and then you read one of those news stories where someone gave birth, and they had no damn clue that they were even pregnant. I know you people know what I'm talking about. Stories from the sticks like 'Woman thinks she takes a massive crap, and has a baby instead.'
I totally don't see how that's even possible. Even if I was ill educated and had no idea what caused my getting knocked up, I would have suspected by now that I was either possessed or harboring an alien in my belly. Your insides just don't move like that on their own, no matter how big of a turd your cooking.
19:18 Nov 25 2011
Times Read: 1,290
I think they're either trying to kill me or get me to quit.
I managed about 5 hours of broken up naps before my shift yesterday. My shift was only 10 hours, but damn it was a long day. I have another 10-12 hours tonight. I get off at midnight (hopefully, and not 2 am) and have to be back on the clock at 7 am for another 10-12 hour shift.
I'm too tired, too fat, and too waddley for this shit.
I wonder if they just don't care that I'm 7 months pregnant (and it's exhausting) or if they want me to quit so they don't have to pay my maternity leave. Either way I feel like I'm being tortured.
thou shalt not judge
08:51 Nov 25 2011
Times Read: 1,302
But I'll be damned if the words 'fucking loser' don't pop in to my mind every time I see your ass floating around this website.
But on a more positive note I discovered something absolutely heavenly today.
Lobster Macaroni and Cheese.
SO tasty!
I think I have aggression issues
16:43 Nov 22 2011
Times Read: 1,310
Last night I dreamed I was at something that was a cross between an indoor bazaar and a department store. I was looking at animal statues that I think were also dish sets when this foreign guy came in and was looking for something specific. He was pointing at a particular horse statue on the counter, and the person at the counter couldn't understand what he wanted and was trying to send him away. I just happened to be standing by what he was looking for, so I grabbed it and took it to him. He thanked me, bought his horse and left the store. I then proceeded to go ogle belly dancing costumes.
Somehow in my dream I ended up somewhere where I became a fighter. O.o I don't know why, but I was not concerned about being hit in my pregnant belly. When I say fighter, we were bare knuckle boxing with fewer rules. I'm not sure why, but I beat the crap out of the first three people they matched me up with. I jumped on them and just punched them in the face repeatedly until they were done. I then asked for someone who was more of a challenge. The first 3 were guys. They then matched me with a mean looking girl, and I started wondering if I had asked for too much. When the fight started I fishhooked the bitch then boxed her opposite ear... then I proceeded to punch her in the face over and over.
At this point I woke up. I'm kind of glad, I'm not sure I wanted to know where the rest of that dream was going. I did wake up with a sore back. I wonder if dreaming of fighting made me tense.
09:41 Nov 18 2011
Times Read: 1,333
It will be interesting to see how this weekend pans out. It would have been nice to say goodbye to grandpa before he was gone.
I don't do well at funerals, I hope I don't freak out. I have very little control over my emotions these days. I packed my waterproof makeup just in case.
I was really hoping he would have wanted to meet his great grandbaby when she comes, considering she's the only one (blood related anyway). My uncle never had any of his own kids, just his step children. My sister hasn't had any kids. It's looking like mine will be the only ones to carry on the bloodline. For now anyway.
It's a really amazing feeling to feel the little munchkin moving around inside me. She responds by moving when I talk to her sometimes, and she always moves when I rub her through my belly. She is still daddy's little sadist though. She likes to take shots at my nerves that make me wince from the pain.
As much as the thought of labor scares the absolute hell out of me, I can't wait to hold my little munchkin.
12:33 Nov 15 2011
Times Read: 1,368
You know something is wrong when you get a text in the middle of the night to call because someone needs to talk to you.
I called mom back.
Grandpa died.
I knew he wasn't doing well, but he was recovering. It's a shame that my kid wont have known any of her great grandparents on my side. Maybe she still has a shot at meeting her dads grandma.
08:21 Nov 15 2011
Times Read: 1,377
I'm not around this website much. I just pop in and out occasionally, but I do notice some things.
Like lately there's been so much mud slinging, and poo flinging going on you'd think that vr was having an election.
Or that there are people who spend ALL DAMN DAY not only online, but also on cam. O.o Not at work either, at home. Wow.. must be nice to have an entire life to waste doing nothing meaningful at all.
Lol I have to get back to life now... excuse me.
every time you open your mouth razors come out
09:06 Nov 13 2011
Times Read: 1,395
09:04 Nov 12 2011
Times Read: 1,414
someone can say something so hurtful that it breaches your very core
09:21 Nov 10 2011
Times Read: 1,432
When I was home at the beginning of the month I talked about rehabilitating my sister. She suffers from something called MCS. It's gotten bad enough that the perfumes, scented lotions, and hand sanitizers that people wear give her anaphylactic reactions. She's been repeatedly exposed to a specific perfume that someone at her work wears for 5 years now. Despite being asked to stop wearing the perfume, the bitch still wears it every day. The school my sister works at will not make this lady stop wearing the damn perfume. It's now to the point that my sister has an epi pen, and is supposed to call 911 when she is exposed to this lady's perfume, and has to use the pen. Being exposed to this perfume causes her to black out, it also makes her lungs fill with fluid, and causes memory loss for her. She's had meetings with the school district, and yet they wont do anything for her. She hasn't been at work for 6 weeks because she can't breathe in her work environment.
I think this is bullshit and not fair. I wish she would sue the ass off that stupid fucking school and the douche that's trying to kill her.
When I say I was helping rehabilitate my sister. I was making her leave the house on a daily basis with me. I had her stay the night in the hotel with me. She was starting to get agoraphobic from being stuck at home. I can't say that I blame her. I'd be scared as shit to go anywhere too if anyone at any given time could kill me with perfume.
I hope her school wakes up and helps her.
I don't think there's a 'cure' for what she has either.
14:48 Nov 09 2011
Times Read: 1,438
I'm off to the dentist this morning.
20:12 Nov 08 2011
Times Read: 1,449
what the fuck was that shit?
16:07 Nov 06 2011
Times Read: 1,462
My existence here feels so unimportant.
(Not vr here, but where I am)
16:01 Nov 06 2011
Times Read: 1,463
19:04 Nov 04 2011
Times Read: 1,468
09:05 Nov 04 2011
Times Read: 1,476
After being awake for 16 hours, 12 of those being at work... I make it home, and sit here and pass out while I'm trying to catch up on everyone's lives online.
Reading peoples journals and fb posts is the closest I have to human contact outside of work. Unless I happpen to catch a friend online at this late hour.
It sucks.
I'm very lonely.
I don't remember the last time I saw wc. I think it was 2 or 3 weeks ago? Maybe not that long. It's odd to live in the same place and never see someone due to conflicting schedules.
I'm very tired.
My body is having a hard time keeping up with my work schedule and making a baby.
Ok.. time to pass out. I nodded off 4 times writing this.
08:18 Nov 02 2011
Times Read: 1,482
Home safe and sound.
I'm super sleepy so we'll have to catch up later.
08:17 Nov 01 2011
Times Read: 1,495
My mini vacation ends tomorrow. BOO!
I'll have to site down an write about it on my next set of days off sometime next week. I'd like to say that it's been looking relaxing, but it's been just as tiring as work. Just less stressful than work.
Most of my time has been spent with my sister trying to rehabilitate her. Yeah, more on that later.
I had a small fall down the stairs today. Luckily I was able to think at the last minute and fall in a way that just really hurt my legs, and saved me from falling down head or belly first. I thought I was ok, but as I'm laying here I'm starting to get really fucking sore. Oh well. My gremlin is ok, and that's what's important. She's in there kicking away. =)