Dinner's in the works. Tonight we'll have black and blue bacon burgers, potato salad, and corn on the cob. Yummeh.
I was looking for a few new journals to add to my favorites, and I came up empty. I found a few interesting entries but not enough to click add.
Oh well, off to the grocery store with me.
So my friend says "I just want to meet a man who's rich, sane, and hung".
Toss in single and honest and, yeah honey, you give me a call when you actually find such a creature.
I think they rank with dragons and unicorns on the existance scale.
My favorite past time used to be laughing, banter, and having fun...
What the fuck happened to all of that?
The problem with showing even the smallest iota of artistic ability in the workplace? I get 'volunteered' for shit on my days off. Wth? Oh yeah.. and by the way, we'll need that completed by the end of your shift the first night you're back to work.. because it's for that next day. Gee thanks. =l
Seems like the more you try to do right the more you end up screwed over in some jobs. :(
It's alright, they're subliminally inappropriate, though I imagine none of them will even see it. Just my special way of adding a one finger wave to a forced project. Heh volunteer that.
You don't have to be psychic to sense the future. Empathy helps, so does paying attention.
I know where things are headed, and where they'll end up.
I've known for years.
Some things we start and never finish, so we find ourselves returning to them years later.
My back is hurting again. At least it was worth it this time, as I got a bit of cleaning done. I'm pretty sure what did me in was cleaning all of the snake cages. I need to get some more stuff done today, plus I'll need to nap before work tonight. I'll have to save the rest of the feeding for wc who comes home today, I think I'm shot when it comes to bending and lifting now. At least we get to visit with his aunt this afternoon and go to a prescreening of Prince of Persia tonight. Ok. Back to work with me. Boo work!
My cat just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
So he waits until I get to the opposite end of the hallway to be an asshole. I tell him to knock it off, and he continues. Then I yell at him, (fucking ignore me huh cat?)... and he goes from standing up, to on his side. O.o. he just flopped the fuck over and played dead. I'm floored. I've never seen a cat play dead before. I've seen him flop on his side, but its usually because he wants attention.
Damn my cats end up being weird.
I've been itching to read some classic literature again.
Maybe I'll pick one out to read after the stephen king book I'm working on and the lincoln book.
I got a birthday card in the mail today. Hooray!
Thanks guys!
hehe your welcome sorry it was late but I was looking for a new magnet for you and have not found one yet =}~
happy belated birthday (if I'm late)!!
I think I'm a bit off... what do you think?
well damn if your just a lil bit off I must be totally off and the oleman well he is well.... do i really need to continue this sentence ? hehe
Thundercat loves me... he hasn't stopped purring since I came home. :)
haha ...well yes, i threatened to shave off the olemans beard, he says if I even attempt it I will wake up bald lol
Fuck shaving it all in 1/2 like the front half works better.....
no giving him any ideas lol
I would bother...
as soon as i find out how to upload video to youtube from my camera, im posting video of rachy sleeping....oh you havent seen snoring untill you have seen da mean ole rachy orchestra at night lol
Lol I beg to differ ayw, my parents and sister saw some logs when they sleep! She may be bad, but I've probably experience about the same hahaha
pfft he snores sooo damn loud I had to get earplugs because that man of mine could wake the dead !
Probably not a very 'PC' thing to say to my employees huh?
Oh well... at least the fuckers can't stop me from thinking it.
let that be a lesson to ya living up there in co.
Noooooooo.... snow is good. :)
After about 35 hours of pain related hell, I'm kind of glad the pain has subsided to that which I've been feeling for the last 6 months. It now feels like the lesser of 2 evils. Don't get me wrong, I'm sick of pain in general by this point (I guess my sciatic nerve just isn't going to cooperate), as my body can't seem to get used to this specific pain. But its nowhere near the nightmare I was living yesterday.
Oh for the love of christ. I hate using the internet on this fucking crapberry.
Heh, I know the feeling... Sort of! ;)
Have a safe trip back, hopefully the pain in your back will ease up some for you.
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21:30 May 31 2010
And for anyone who hasn't had WildChild's potato salad, it's a MUST HAVE. Mmmmm he's using our homemade spicy pickles to make it too. *drool*
12:29 Jun 01 2010
must be nice, i wish i had a bish like wildchild to cook for me lol