Honor: 12 [ Give / Take ]
14 entries this month
Oh good gawd21:45 May 27 2009
Times Read: 1,178
I love this!
It's so pretty! Why do I always like expensive stuff?
20:12 May 24 2009
Times Read: 1,192
01:48 May 23 2009
Times Read: 1,201
I'm making pulled BBQ pork sandwiches, and baked potatoes for dinner tonight. I really do enjoy cooking sometimes, just not all of the time. A salad would probably be good with it, but I've had salads for lunch every day at work since I've been back this week.
My arm is still hurting. I'm done munching pain meds over it. It's fucking with my stomach now.
I'm still having issues with eating.
I'm not rested, and probably wont be for a couple of weeks.
Time to check on dinner. Later peeps.
16:50 May 20 2009
Times Read: 1,212
We made it home safely.. it's been a very draining and sleep deprived couple of days. We're back to work today, so we're only taking care of the animals and resting. Catch up with my peeps later.
See ya..23:59 May 18 2009
Times Read: 1,219
I will be unavailable online until sometime on Wednesday.
For those who have it.. you may get a hold of my on my cellphone.
Mama wants...23:12 May 18 2009
Times Read: 1,229
Isn't he beeeeaaaaautiful? I love this little bugger so much! I wish I had the money to get him.
22:02 May 17 2009
Times Read: 1,237
I have the overwhelming urge to go play and romp around outside, take a nap under a tree, and go for a midnight swim. lol
Axolotls progress I
04:26 May 17 2009
Times Read: 1,247
We'll as I suspected the little buggers seem to be damn near blind when it comes to seeing things close up. The seem to recognize me when I'm hovering over them, so I think they can at least make out shapes.
They're eating salmon pellets. Today we made a stop at an aquatic store and I also managed to pick up frozen blood worms, and warth worms. They're still babies and can't eat whole warth worms, so WC is being nice and ripping up the earthworms for me. (THANK YOU!!) He even helped me feed them tonight. Eventually he'll come around and see how cool they are and stop calling them uglies.
They all have nicknames now. I haven't named any but one of them since we're unable to determine their gender at this time. When I talk about them in general I call them 'she'. We all start out as she's.. until some of us Mutate and develop those Y chromosomes. HAHA :P
Wolvie - Is my only 'normal' one. She's grey. I named her wolvie after wolverine because I'm fascinated with their abilities to regenerate. Wolvie is quite huge and a healthy eater.
Baby - Is my runt. She's very small, but at the same time has the largest most beautiful gills of them all.
Nudge - Is called so, because she is the one that I have successfully taught to bottom feed when I want her to.
Impatience - I nicknamed her this because if she sees you and gets tired of waiting for you to feed her, she'll jump up and nip at your finger. I took her to work to show her off and she tried to bite my boss' finger.
Bump - Is funny when she eats. She does this thing where she spins and turns when she eats and bumps into everything around her. Bump is also working on bottom feeding.
Hopper - Finally we have hopper. Aptly named because this little bugger taught me that these guys can hop. If they wanted to it seems they could all escape their buckets at any point in time, but they love the water.
As I mentioned, wolvie is my only normal. The other five are referred to as leucistic. They're that pink color with the black beadie eyes. I'll get a couple of pictures of wolvie up soon, so everyone can see the difference.
They reallly like the salmon pellets, and the earth worms. I thawed the blood worms and was feeding them those with a crab fork, but the friggin things scatter when they hit the water. I think I'm going to get them semi-frozen before I try to feed those again.
They survived their first water exchange, and although they were a little excited over the ordeal they survived. I'm going to have to switch out their water twice a week. Those little bastids can get their water pretty skunky. I blame the salmon pellets. Those things smell pretty rank before they go in, I don't want to imagine how bad they are after they come out.
I was hesitant to buy them, and WC didn't want them in the house. I'm glad we have them though. They're great. =)
We now have 36 animals.. soon to be 38 Bwwaaahahahahahaha18:08 May 11 2009
Times Read: 1,308
This is my newest animal.. it's called an axolotl. I have six of them. They're very cute. =D

I'll put better pics taken with a digi cam up soon.
16:15 May 11 2009
Times Read: 1,310
Douchebags annoy me...
Just sayin'.
I'm not down with the sickness..
23:19 May 07 2009
Times Read: 1,325
I'm sick. It's something viral, but I doubt it's N1H1. I found it funny that when I went to the doctor she tested me for strep rather than N1H1. I told her nurse it wasn't strep, but she insisted on swabbing my throat anyway. "Whatever.. waste your time lady."
I'm pretty miserable right now. I'm constantly hot, but my temp is my normal 97.7, so who knows. The best part about it is, my shift is short staffed, Which means despite my efforts of calling in sick the last 2 nights, I've had to go in anyway. Not only have I been making people in my office sick (heh that's what happens when I'm forced to come in), but I've been in contact with several people headed to the airport and gawd knows where.
Gotta love modern travel and the way it assists with the spread of illness. =)
I'm having one of those days...
06:51 May 02 2009
Times Read: 1,341
...where I just want to beat every person anywhere near me with a stick.
I would say you should stay out of arms reach.. but you'd better stay outside of sticks reach. o.- *twitch*
00:43 May 02 2009
Times Read: 1,351
I can text and drive at the same time..
I can text and cry at the same time..
I can drive and cry at the same time..
but I can not text, drive, and cry at the same time.. that third thing is apparently asking TOO MUCH!
23:09 May 27 2009
Umm, good taste? Oh and you did not do it right. it is suppose to be like this:
O-M-GAWD, this is like sooo ~gushy, gushy~ freaking awesome and I like want it so freaking bad ~little squeal~
~dies~ Well, that is what all the girlie girls do when they see these things...err, or anything they like for that matter. Hmmm :/
04:25 May 28 2009
o.0 Hahaha is that how it's supposed to go? Well I'm not a very girlie girl then. I'm more like a dude with huge boobs and an innie. I lack the chromosome mutation that you have, so I'll just have to settle for being an overly crude girl I guess. ;P
But it is pretty... and I ~gush~ want it so much!
06:00 May 29 2009
Like Oh My Gawd !!!!!!!! I luvs it too PD thats its lets have a car wash we shall raise money for the expensive pussy cat we wants and for the pretty collar one for you one for me and one for the pussy cat lol *looks at da ole man* ah huh what was your idea on us getting our kitty cat ?