Honor: 12 [ Give / Take ]
37 entries this month
03:41 Mar 31 2011
Times Read: 1,103
I'm making him boston green pie.
Yeah. I dunno.
I'm just glad I don't have to eat it.
12:10 Mar 29 2011
Times Read: 1,118
I must be a bitch to work for.
I like to make my new peeps read their training manual out loud to me so I'm sure they retain the information. Hahahah!
If they mutter or throw in their own commentary I make them reread it.
I'm here, I'm not, I'm here, I'm not....
01:29 Mar 29 2011
Times Read: 1,133
PD is not promising to be around much over the next few months.
I'm currently studying for a test I'm taking next week.
I also have more things in the works as far as life goes, but I won't be divulging any of that until the wheels are in a forward motion.
Peace, love, and happiness to muh peeps.
(and special Boulder Hippy love for G ;) heheheh)
02:43 Mar 28 2011
Times Read: 1,147
Today has been a shit day.
I have no clue wtf all I can salvage anymore.
Maybe the future will be better.
06:03 Mar 27 2011
Times Read: 1,153
02:52 Mar 26 2011
Times Read: 1,171
Is funny, beautiful, smart, and has a great laugh.
Even more so in person, than on cam.
She's definitely an awesome lady.
I saw a news story..
01:59 Mar 26 2011
Times Read: 1,179
that talked of a study which showed social networking online is good for the self esteem. The reasoning was because of the profiles being online it allows people to display the best of themselves. To put their best foot forward so to speak.
Their best?
Sometimes I look around this site and think, 'if this is their best... their generation is fucked.'
00:09 Mar 23 2011
Times Read: 1,204
Just wondering how many of muh bizzles on here have smart phones with apps. O.o
And.. Requiem's meat fetish is corruppting the fact that I have the classical station playing in my bedroom 24/7. My brain is now inserting 'meat, meat, meat' in sync with the music. When my brain is idle it also throws in images of random meat eating or worshiping. Shakespearean play style no less. Demented birds of a feather I guess.
Ok back to reading. Hooray basic learning. (sarcasm) =/
08:23 Mar 22 2011
Times Read: 1,222
THIS is beaughetti G. It's from Beaujo's pizza. (Good stuff!) It's every atkins dieters nightmare! ♥
What's worse than getting 6 hours of sleep?
04:44 Mar 22 2011
Times Read: 1,228
Waking up early.
Tonight is going to be a long night.
18:03 Mar 20 2011
Times Read: 1,235
He ordered me beaughetti!
He knows what I like.
17:01 Mar 20 2011
Times Read: 1,237
It's a beautiful 59 degrees in the mile high this late morning.
holy heffer batman
02:05 Mar 20 2011
Times Read: 1,247
I thought there was a horse outside.
It turns out it was my neighbor, clip clopping down the stairs in heels. O_o
depression is a filthy whore
02:03 Mar 20 2011
Times Read: 1,248
It makes you want to crawl in bed for a couple of years and not come out. (Not that I can afford to do that ever.)
It makes you draw blanks when you attempt to come up with a single redeeming quality you have.
It sneaks up on you, at any time, anywhere.
Its difficult for you to understand, and nearly impossible for those who don't experience it to comprehend.
It overflows ones self with self doubt, and drains you of esteem all at the same time.
What a joy.
so to speak
01:36 Mar 20 2011
Times Read: 1,250
I'm failing to see the difference between the lesser, and the greater evil today.
An evil is just an evil.
22:12 Mar 18 2011
Times Read: 1,257
time to go back to sleep
In my dream earlier I was conversing with the dead.
I wonder what this one will bring.
09:30 Mar 18 2011
Times Read: 1,278
Why are smokers so inconsiderate to those of us who aren't?
It would be like me eating taco bell, and busting ass right next to your head... all of the time.
You don't want to breathe my shit, and I don't want to breathe yours.
Just sayin'.
02:17 Mar 18 2011
Times Read: 1,280
00:42 Mar 18 2011
Times Read: 1,283
I just stuffed myself with corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes.
Well done WC. Excellent meal! =)
Time to nap before work, I woke up way too early today.
23:57 Mar 16 2011
Times Read: 1,299
It feels strangely odd to be commiting to changes in my future for myself, and not for the sake of someone else.
It feels, right.
#2 is on it's way back
23:54 Mar 16 2011
Times Read: 1,300
Now I wait. Hoping for a phone call. If it comes I'll be buying a plane ticket for an interview. That will be a first.
In the meantime. I need to focus on fixing things on the car, and tying up some loose ends that have been left for far too long.
Would it be too presumptuous to start packing? Yes, at this point I think so. We'll wait until the call comes, and the flight is booked for that. At that point, it should be in my pocket.
Step #2 in the process has been overnighted to me.
18:10 Mar 16 2011
Times Read: 1,309
Hopefully this is a good sign.
19:50 Mar 15 2011
Times Read: 1,330
I'm totally taking a leap, and shooting for something out of my normal comfort zone. Not that I'm not capable. I really am.
I hope everything pulls through for the better. I really do. I just need some good luck, and confidence.
Here goes nothin'!
OMG I almost forgot!!
16:32 Mar 14 2011
Times Read: 1,346
Heheh I must go shopping, there is no steak in the house.
14:48 Mar 14 2011
Times Read: 1,349
I'm thinking about getting on the cam today or tonight with the WC.
But first I need to convince him to make pancakes or waffles with whipped cream, while I finish updating my resume.
07:50 Mar 13 2011
Times Read: 1,370
I do not understand..
I could not be any less enthused about some of the crap people talk about. Yet they insist on continuing to attempt to talk to me about it.
Oh joy.
I'm watching a documentary called 'Fetishes'
07:42 Mar 12 2011
Times Read: 1,394
Cause let's face it, my kinky side is no secret here. Hell even my mom knows about parts of it.
I found it fun and interesting. If I had been introduced to BDSM when I was younger (say 19ish) and I hadn't wasted so many years on my douchebag ex, I think I could have moonlighted as a Dominatrix. Now that I'm a little older, I find myself wanting different things.
I didn't have a problem with anything they talked about doing in the documentary... well up until dog boy was forced to clean the public shitter with his tongue. I was dry heaving watching that scene. Anything potty related is not kinky to me. Other than that, it was pretty good. =)
17:02 Mar 11 2011
Times Read: 1,401
My body has a way of surprising me.
Just when I think maybe things are getting better. It throws me a curve ball. I have things to do today. I don't want to spend most of my days off laying down. =/
On a positive note, the weather is gorgeous today, and. The rest of this week. Highs in the 60's and lows in the 40's. The heater has been turned off and the house opened up. I loooooove it.
wow... look at that
21:10 Mar 10 2011
Times Read: 1,409
scary must be the new sexy
16:56 Mar 10 2011
Times Read: 1,414
Is it a reminder you're alive..
..or a sign that you're in hell?
18:16 Mar 08 2011
Times Read: 1,426
Robin Williams is doing a broadway show. Damnit I want to go! I want to see Robin Williams on broadway, and while in NY sneak in an Opera at The Met. If only to get whisked off my feet.
In my happy place I don't work anymore. I raise children, and tend to a small happy farm. I spend my free time creating things that make me happy.
Back to reality....
I'm really an overworked, underpaid corporate drone. I make the customers happy, because I'm told to. Even when they don't deserve it. I refrain from calling douchebags, douchebags in order to keep my check. Because it puts the roof over my head, and gas in my car. I smile at the customers, even when my job is killing my brain cells, and my will. I am a corporate Kunta fucking Kinte.
A slave to the almighty dollar.
damnit thundercat
20:30 Mar 07 2011
Times Read: 1,448
you fat furry little bastard
I don't want to play fetch
I want to go to sleep. =/
sad day
14:28 Mar 04 2011
Times Read: 1,463
I watched a cute movie. It depressed me.
Not the effect intended by the creators I'm sure. It's not their fault I have so much inner turmoil going on.
Rarely do I write entirely what's on my mind anymore. Several people often read too far in to the vague comments as well and get offended. It happens. I don't like it so I'm tring to stop. Writing alltogether I guess.
I equate it to putting a cap on a soda bottle.
Just don't shake me.
That might be bad.
02:08 Mar 04 2011
Times Read: 1,483
I love when those who rank higher than me at work talk shit about others not getting things done, yet when they drop the ball they won't even own up to it.
At least I have the balls to admit when I've fucked something up. Own up, apologize, and move on. Don't act like it's not your fault.
=o minor panic attack today
19:54 Mar 02 2011
Times Read: 1,496
We ran to the store this morning to get a couple of things. I got pulled over on the way home.
I didn't have current proof of insurance on me.
My windshield is cracked all to hell.
I don't have a license plate on the front of my car.
My registration wasn't signed.
And, my license has the wrong address on it.
All warnings and no ticket.
I don't know if wc is impressed, or bent that I actually got away with all of that. Hahaha
=p wc
04:08 Mar 02 2011
Times Read: 1,503
He doesn't like the colossal banana split I made for breakfast.
Hooray comfort food.
day off
15:50 Mar 01 2011
Times Read: 1,520
Not sure what to do today. My neck and head still hurts from the swollen lymphnodes. I'm nauseous now too.
I'm going to eat something and see if it helps.
Right after I scoop cat shit boxes, start more laundry, and clean kitten shit off of the bathroom floor. Bastards seem to have snuck in there sometime in the last 24 hours and left WildChild a present. Guess I should make it disappear. He doesn't typically like the offerings they leave him.
A pedicure would be fantastic. I like to get one while I'm on vacation, but I haven't had one my last two vacations. I have to pay bills today also. We'll see how much money is left when I'm done. I'm not going to hold my breath. We will see.
Hope all you working suckers like me have a good day too! ♥
03:44 Mar 31 2011
I fucking
03:47 Mar 31 2011
That's the plan anyway.
You get baked goods.
I get dicked good.
Ha! ;p
03:49 Mar 31 2011
03:53 Mar 31 2011
You can always put the '♥ you' back in there too
Girls like seeing that stuff. ;)
05:50 Mar 31 2011
I'll help him eat it! ;P
17:15 Mar 31 2011
Hmmm does that mean you have to put out too?
04:53 Apr 01 2011
Nope. You can just beat me! ;P