Honor: 12 [ Give / Take ]
38 entries this month
hahaha... sorry?
20:26 Mar 30 2009
Times Read: 1,149
Uh.. yes. I really am going to be 29 in less than 2 weeks. o.0 It's not my fault I don't look that old. ;P
03:10 Mar 28 2009
Times Read: 1,161
I put a couple of pics of myself in my port.. I'm not so sure about them being there. I'm an asshole about people seeing what I actually look like some times. So I guess check them out while you can. *shrugs* Maybe I'll put a couple more in there this weekend before I get a bug up my butt and take them away.
22:51 Mar 27 2009
Times Read: 1,164
Ok.. so now I actually FEEL like I live in Colorado. I had to put snow boots on to take the trash out and get the mail.
For the most part the snow stayed at about boot line (just below my knees). Until of course my lazy ass decided to take the short cut back from the mailbox. I sunk down to about 3" above my knees doing that. Yay wet jeans.
I did good though. I didn't slip and bust my ass, and I didn't flat out fall over. Yay me!
I got snowed in02:43 Mar 27 2009
Times Read: 1,185
Blizzard warning.. 24 hours worth of one. Work called shortly after I got home. They wanted me to come back to work and sleep there. I had to tell them sorry.. I took sleep meds and I'm not going anywhere. What I was really thinking though was "are you smoking crack???". I was then told that they weren't taking call offs tonight. o_O WTF??
I went to bed, woke up and white hell had been dropping ALL day. I called work and asked what they expected of me since my car is buried halfway up the driver side door. They said they expect me to call off and they have it covered. Needless to say, I'm burning a sick day. I now have a 5 day weekend instead of a 4 day weekend. w00t! For once, I actually like snow. haha
I thought I'd share a couple of pics I took of the snow with my peeps. =)
About 18" of snow pressed up against my sliding glass door.

fuck this shit.. Im going to bed...
15:45 Mar 24 2009
Times Read: 1,204
As I write this... one of my best friends from back home is having her body cut open to have a gigantic tumor removed from it.
I'm so worried it's making me ill..
I'm scatter brained and cant think or type this morning.
I'm going to pop some sleep meds and go pass out.
07:29 Mar 23 2009
Times Read: 1,213
It's the simple things that amuse me.
You are on 69
Friend Lists
06:38 Mar 21 2009
Times Read: 1,225
blah FUCKIN' blah...
that's all I have to say.
And the winner is..
20:32 Mar 20 2009
Times Read: 1,238
It's going to be the maroon dress, which is more formal than I hoped, but that's fine. The deciding factor was the white sweater I normally wear with the other one is dirty. o.0 I think it's lifes way of saying.... 'you really shouldn't be wearing 4 or 5 inch heels in front of the people you work with anyway'. Everything happens for a reason... *shrugs*
On a good note, I just unpacked two whole boxes of shoes!!!! It's like fucking xmas for PD! =D
Ugh.. fuck formal dress..
20:05 Mar 20 2009
Times Read: 1,242
It's shaping up to be a hell of a day for PD.
I wanted to take a walk to the local farmers market, but couldn't find my wallet. Luckily I found my wallet, just as I was entering 'destroy the entire place looking for it' mode.
Word to the wise. When it's dry and there's a lot of static electricity in the air. Don't bend over near a metal bed post. I did, and it ZAPPED MY ASS! Without even touching the pole! Fookin thing!
Anyway.. I have a party to go to tonight, and I have to get all dolled up. It's either black and white pokadot dress, or maroon dress. I can't decide. Right now I'm leaning towards maroon, because it has a wrap to cover up with, and I've already located one shoe to wear with it.
o.0 I still have to shower, shave, finish painting nails, put on warpaint (where the hell is homer simpson's makeup shotgun when I need it), find jewelry to wear, and figure out what the fuck to do with my hair that wont do anything!
And people wonder why Im a brush your hair and go, no makeup wearing, T shirt and jeans kind of girl. Being a girly-girl is waaaaay too much effort.
16:00 Mar 20 2009
Times Read: 1,253
I'm considering getting back into belly dancing.
I really do miss it. =/
One hit, one miss
02:30 Mar 20 2009
Times Read: 1,261
So I managed to fuck up corned beef hash last night. It wasn't bad, I just didn't get the potatoes as crispy as I should have. So that was a miss. At least I learned that I need to cook the potatoes a lot longer than the rest of the ingredients next time.
On the other hand, I made burritos and quesodillas tonight. That was my hit. In my opinion it's really hard to fuck up burritos. I did cheat and have WC dice the tomatoes, because every time I attempt to dice tomatoes it's an epic fail. =/ I do like (raw) spinach in my burritos instead of lettuce. Lettuce wilts and gets soggy when it gets too warm, but spinach does just fine.
I wonder what I'll attempt tomorrow night.
23:03 Mar 18 2009
Times Read: 1,274
I'm torturing myself *sigh*
I'd really like to be as good of a cook as WC is. Watching the food network I'm getting lots of ideas. I think I'll start spending more time in the kitchen.
Watch for journal entries from WC talking about the crap I'm forcing him to eat.
why the PD is blah...
17:27 Mar 17 2009
Times Read: 1,282
So.. I'm not sure that I'll be visiting with family this summer. That's a big downer. I miss my family and friends back home a lot.
My only friend (aside from a couple of people from VR.. I mean my only friend I've made here on my own) is packing up and moving across the country. Most likely sometime in the next month.
My best friend just found out what a fucking loser her boyfriend really is. Rather than getting laid off like he told her he was, he deceived her and just quit going to work. Leaving 3 paychecks just sitting there waiting to be picked up. He defaulted on his school loans which she cosigned on for him, jacking the interest rate through the roof. He's been sitting on his ASS not working for fucking months letting her work 2 jobs and still not make enough money to make ends meet. 3 thousand dollars in back rent later, he's still sitting on his loser ass playing video games and not working. FUCKING LOSER.
Another of my friends back home who is very close to my heart is going under the knife next week. She's going to have a grapefruit sized tumor removed from her uterus. Hopefully everything will go ok, and she wont need a full hysterectomy shortly thereafter.
I have an online friend who is being harassed by a well known douchebag online. Apparently said douchebag thinks that he and I got her yahoo banned. Funny thing about that is, we didn't. So once again the dumb twat is completely wrong about who she pissed off. This seems to happen to her a lot. So now the douchebag is threatening to ruin his marriage and pretty much his entire life. Seriously.. some people are so fucking pathetic they really have nothing better to do. It must be great to be that much of an oblivious loser.
So yeah... I'm in a bit of a phunk. Worrying about a couple of friends lives and well beings... missing family and friends... trying to comfort a friend who is being messed with. To top it off my subconscious is working against me in my sleep. So yeah... forgive me of I'm grumpy.. I'll get over it soon enough I guess.
03:31 Mar 15 2009
Times Read: 1,295
I had fucked up dreams today. Not that it's anything out of the ordinary.
Even still, I'm blaming you bizzles and your damned Furries! Thanks! >:P
*jumps up and down*
15:44 Mar 14 2009
Times Read: 1,303
I changed my background image again. =D
14:39 Mar 14 2009
Times Read: 1,309
So I'm told that the pain I feel in my gut are adhesions where my gallbladder was removed from.
Apparently packing moving just over a month after I had the surgery was a very bad thing. I had lots of help, and somehow I still over did it.
I'm also told that this is something that will not only 'not just go away' but that it's also something that I have to live with.
Hooray from random pain. =/
I love poetry...
16:11 Mar 12 2009
Times Read: 1,347
It's been a long time since I've sat down to write anything, especially poetry. I love poetry. One of my friends is inspiring me to write again. I think perhaps I will. I miss it so. I'm putting an example of one of my poems in here. I don't usually do this, but since this particular work is one of my published ones I don't mind. I have the book with the print date in my possession and I'll be happy to kick someone in the dick if they try to claim it as theirs. ;) Teehee..
This is the original works, I had to chop the 'refrain' out of it in the first two spots in order to get it published.. it has the appearance of a song feel when you see the whole thing. Let me know what you think.
Here you go:
Tortured Soul
It's not the hand that hit me, its not the things you said
You really fucked me up, you did it through my head
You beat me with your actions
You scar me with your thoughts
I wasn't what you wanted, but I was what you got.
Neglected, Rejected, by you I've been infected
Poisoned by triviality
Raped by your expressions
And beaten into reality.
I hate you, I'll break you
I wish that I could waste you
Drowning in my sadness
I loathe you through and through
to satisfy my madness.
I feel so insignificant, your words molest my soul
I'd love to live without it, but without it I'm not whole
I laugh out loud, I cry inside
and because of you I have to hide.
Neglected, Rejected, by you I've been infected
Poisoned by triviality
Raped by your expressions
And beaten into reality.
I hate you, I'll break you
I wish that I could waste you
Drowning in my sadness
I loathe you through and through
to satisfy my madness.
I feel so deserted, you fill my life with shit
I knew from the beginning in this "family" I don't fit
At your funeral I'll be smiling, I know I will not cry
I can't cry when I'm happy, I'll be happy when you die
Neglected, Rejected, by you I've been infected
Poisoned by triviality
Raped by your expressions
And beaten into reality.
I hate you, I'll break you
I wish that I could waste you
Drowning in my sadness
I loathe you through and through
to satisfy my madness.
ugh almost time for work again..01:58 Mar 09 2009
Times Read: 1,383
I put some pics of the snakes up in my port. I'll add captions later.
I'm the only one that had tequila last night.. I bought the bottle yesterday and this is what it looks like now. o.0
When I drink.. I fucking drink. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
13:47 Mar 08 2009
Times Read: 1,390
Yesterday was fun.
I woke up this morning.. and as far as I can tell, no hangover.
I'm going to go start breakfast. Hopefully the man and kid will stay in bed until it's ready for them. =)
32oz at a time
23:15 Mar 07 2009
Times Read: 1,408
I'm packing down the margaritas. Mmmmmmm mas tequila! How to make a PD margarita:
12oz of Tequila
10oz of Margarita Mix
3 slices of lemon
2 slices of lime
3oz of ice
Hells yeah.. I'm getting my buzz on tonight! 32oz isn't bad, but I do miss my 80oz party buckets of long islands. MMMmmmm
o.0 This could compile with another problem I'm having though. When PD drinks, PD gets frisky. Oh hell.
Oh well. ;)
I had another one of those fucked up dreams..
16:07 Mar 07 2009
Times Read: 1,415
It's carrying over into my mood and my personality this morning.
I need to shake this off.
*shudders*22:45 Mar 06 2009
Times Read: 1,438
Don't ask me how, but not only did I agree to this. I actually ENCOURAGED it. Just looking at the picture makes me want to gag. I opened the lid, and they scurried everywhere. I freaked and had to shut it. It doesn't look like it, because you can't see all the hiding ones. There's about 700 roaches in that bucket. And yes.... it IS in my home.
-Staring Contest-21:35 Mar 06 2009
Times Read: 1,461
LOL If PD wins Big Mama here Bites your face!

How about THAT KK? heheheh
20:01 Mar 06 2009
Times Read: 1,471
I think I can actually feel brain cells dying.
I'm getting the hell away from this place for a bit. I need something artistic.
Later peeps.
16:37 Mar 06 2009
Times Read: 1,484
I'm going to begin kink education in my coven. I don't think that some of these fuckers know what they've gotten themselves into.
dirtay dirtay dirtay
19:08 Mar 05 2009
Times Read: 1,501
. . . . . . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . .
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So yeah.. mating season is in full gear. I'd like to say that it'll be over soon, but something is telling me that this is going to continue on and off at least until Beltane. In the meantime I'll do my best to not claw my way up the walls like some possessed cat in heat.
18:32 Mar 05 2009
Times Read: 1,504
I love how my complex decided to allow dogs now.
I get to enjoy the fact that my neighbors are too lazy to pick up their dogs shit. Oh, and let's not forget the fact that they leave the little bastards locked alone inside all day, so I can listen to the lovely sounds of yapping and howling while I'm trying to relax.
fuckers =/
17:23 Mar 05 2009
Times Read: 1,519
You guys are fucking awesome!
Ok.. now KK needs to make a Twaffle account.
17:19 Mar 04 2009
Times Read: 1,540
Be prepared to never live this one down.
[10:16:00] GrieviousDemon : I am a good lil alter boy.. LMAO..
*cues the davinyls and sings*
Ooooooo I don't want any body else..
when I think about PRIESTS I touch myself...
ha ha ha SUCKA
I'm like some journal entry typing junkie..
11:14 Mar 04 2009
Times Read: 1,555
I honest to gawd have nothing else to fucking do. So I come back to rambling on here. We'll I could be doing my 'self assessment' but I think it's stupid bullshit anyway. Let's face it little HR monkeys.. you don't give a shit what I think of myself.. your lack of a raise, or the pisspoor pay increase you call a raise will be guided by corporate pay increase standards. Let's not even call it a cost of living increase because it sure didn't save my little cracker starfish as I was getting sodomized at the gaspump all last year. o.0 heh.. now that I've said that piece.
I went back to the employee crapeteria to get milk to wash down my scone. Mountain Dew wasn't cutting it for this one. Plus I'm tired of drinking soda. On my walk back the pool was calling to me. I love late night swims. After deciding that I really have nothing to wear I told it to STFU. The walls surrounding the pool are all windows. I'm not swimming nekkid at work. I want to keep my job... for now.
My rainbow socks were sliding off my feet into my shoes and lumping under the arch of my foot while I was walking. It pissed me off so I pulled my socks all the way up over my enormous mancalves up to my knees. o.0 Yeah I said mancalves.. PD has boy legs. :P I'll choke you bitches out with em though. You wouldn't be the first person I made tap that way... lol probably not the last. Making people pass out is fun. ♥
My friend, knowing my fondness for psychology and dysfunctions of the human mind. Sent me a link. She couldn't resist after I shared my stint of learning about serial killers with her. It's a good website, very informative. I won't be sharing the name of the site here, but anyone who reads enough of my blabbering to get this far can let me know and I'll tell you about it. The people on there piss me off. I'm not really pro-killing. But these fuckers have reserved a special place in my heart. I'd fire up the electric chair myself, pull the switch and juice them. Some people who abuse their rights as a human being, have no business inflicting their dysfunctions on the rest of the population. Some people just need to cease to be.
The randomness of a bored bizzle at work...
10:35 Mar 04 2009
Times Read: 1,558
So I'm sitting here eating something I found in the employee cafeteria. o.0 Scary I know.. the shit in there is really hit or miss on a good day. But I turned my nose up at my dinner, ate a hand full of fries and a couple of strips of bacon off of my turkey burger and discarded the rest of it.
I have no idea what the fuck this thing is, but it doesn't taste bad. It looks like a giant biscut with cherries, and has nuts in it too. Mmmmmm nuts. The A just announced that it's a scone. I think I can hang with this scone thingy.
The A is chomping at the bit to get the fuck out of dodge. I can't say that I blame her. She's also been a perpetual case of shit happens lately. I've just become indifferent to most of it these days. She says she probably wont be working long after she shacks up with the rich boy. Do I blame her? Nah, but I can sure as hell make fun of her for it. Poking fun of her sugar daddy and free ride. She says I should get one myself. Uh huh, yeah I'll put an add online right now dollface. Late 20's white female seeks rich man for free ride... skills: cleaning, baking, and uh.. shit 2 skills isn't enough.. is it? Blowjobs.. there's three. The A says I'll get thousands of hits right away.. I said sure, and she get's to screen them for verifiable income. HA.. her ass won't be working anyway.
Pfft yeah right, that's just not me. I don't like people for their wallets.. I like people for who they are. I have to admit, I have it pretty good right now. Sure we have our glitches here and there, but he's not someone I'd just cast aside like that. (Insert loads of mushyness here - Sorry.. I'm just not that in touch with my ovaries today... hopefully you know what I mean.)
o.o damnit my wireless signal faded and my brain derailed.. it must be a sign to stop rambling hah
10:06 Mar 04 2009
Times Read: 1,559
I told my mom that when I have the money and location for it I'm buying her a giraffe.
I intend on keeping that promise someday.
09:29 Mar 04 2009
Times Read: 1,562
I was browsing blackheresy's journal and found his linky for historic birthday shizzle.
I did the quick version, surprise sur.. oooh look at the kitty. o.0
Oh, yeah. Anyway, the only things I found amusing were that Hugh Hefner and I have that same birthday. Along with the fact that this made the headlines 2 days after I was born:
"Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regulates sexual harrassment"
o.0 Man, word that I was born got out fast.
haha ;P
20:03 Mar 03 2009
Times Read: 1,577
Trent you have a yummy voice..
..and listening to you sing makes me want to do naughty, NAUGHTY things.
19:27 Mar 03 2009
Times Read: 1,581
oh lordy... I'm still awake... and still cleaning. o.0 Ok.. and just a WEEEEEE bit cracked out on sugar and caffeine. -.o HAHAHAHAHA *twitch*
I saw my lysol aerosol spray.. and I was thinking of that night in January that my security guard (the one that I like, not the securityTARD) farted right by my head.. not just a *poot* a SBD creeper burning your nose hairs and taste buds off at the same time NASTY ASS FART! I was so disgusted that I grabbed the spray can of lysol and sprayed him down with it. It was kind of funny cause it caught in the fan and misted his entire body. He was laughing his ass off and coughing. When he finally caught his breath he told me that he wanted to tell me to stop cause it was getting in his mouth but he was laughing so hard he couldn't talk. HAHAHA fucker.. that'll teach him to fart on me. :P
Hindsight being 20/20.. I probably shouldn't have done that being the manager and all, but I got my point across. o.0 To this day the lysol can at work says "J's methane spray". Hahaha
ok.. back to cleaning w00 h00
When did it happen?
09:29 Mar 02 2009
Times Read: 1,597
When did everything go so wrong? When did the world change? Or am I just wrong and it was never right to begin with?
Constantly day after day people can be seen spewing forth a cespool of hate and discontent. Why not instead of being the kind of person who points out someones flaws to make yourself feel better than them, be a better version of yourself by helping educate them. Just because you know 'this' or 'that' and another person doesn't, certainly does not make you better than them.
People are so quick to voice displeasure, and spread nasty attitudes. Why not be just as quick to spread a good attitude and a smile? What's so wrong with being happy?
So you're not happy that things aren't going your way. Things aren't turining out as planned. Life isn't how you planned it to be.
Shit happens. A lot of shit happens because of the choices we've made. Some shit happens because of the choices others have made. Bitching and being nasty to others isn't going to change anything. The only thing it will do is pass on your negativity to someone else.
We can't just sit on our butts waiting for things to happen, waiting for change to come to us. Sometimes when life gets rough... you have to kick it in the balls right back. You have to change the things you're not happy with. Sometimes that means settling for something less than what we want, temporarily of course.
I just can't believe how many people sit angry at their computers, usually for more time than they really need to. Sitting angry as can be for one reason or another. So to make themselves feel better they pick on each other.
Did we all revert back to grade school mentality when I wasn't looking. Even then I don't remember bully's being a good thing. Did these people attack you? Is that why you feel the need to lash out? Or are your issues deeper rooted than this?
How about the next time, when someone says or does something you don't agree with, you make a calm intelligent stand about it. Rather than being someone who spreads more anger and hate.
Better yet, if you can't bring yourself to help someone who might need it... how about letting it go and moving on?
aaah good times =)
18:54 Mar 01 2009
Times Read: 1,601
There's a baroque concerto show on the local classical music station. ♥
Hearing a good baroque concerto can make me just as happy as having my favorite Korn, or NIN songs come on the radio.
I'm off to clean to very lovely music.
02:36 Apr 01 2009
I guess Im not the only one who was uber shocked...you naughty woman..LMAO!