PhoenicianDream's Journal

PhoenicianDream's Journal


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13 entries this month

07:53 Apr 27 2022
Times Read: 293

I'm watching a show, where a family is putting a relative's cremains in the ocean. It makes me wonder how many human ashes we come in contact with over a lifetime. It seems like we can dump them anywhere. Odd that there's no regulations on that. I guess there's no biohazard threat once we're reduced to ash, so probably no need.



08:19 Apr 27 2022

You absolutely CANNOT scatter a person's cremains anywhere you'd like, in the US, for example, each state does have its own regulations. I know that if you scatter a person's ashes in the ocean, it needs to be done at least three nautical miles offshore, you cannot do it on the beach, due to the federal Clean Water Act. So, there are regulations. People do it, in California I've heard a lot about people trying to scatter ashes at Disneyland, but it's totally illegal.

10:34 Sep 25 2022

Lol what people are legally allowed to do, and the bullshit they actually do are two very different things. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My brain can cut the bizarre shit already.

11:24 Apr 26 2022
Times Read: 311

Laying here, trying to fall asleep. I'm almost, ALMOST to the point of nodding off and my mind starts playing snippets of a tv show I'm certain that I've never even seen.

What the hell brain. What the hell! I don't even have time to fathom how that's possible. 🤦🏼‍♀️



10:02 Apr 27 2022

Omg right? Like where's the damn shut off button? LOL! I do the shopping lists at that same "sleep" point and yea, totally with ya there lol.


The best thing about summer, the produce is abundant.

10:50 Apr 26 2022
Times Read: 314

We scored a hell of a deal on strawberries today. I spent the evening with my mom and kid making strawberry pies and dipping some of the others in chocolate. I'll be dipping some more tomorrow evening so I can share with coworkers. It'll have to do since my oven needs to be repaired. I'm not able to bake at the moment.

I did make broccoli cheddar soup from scratch for lunch. It was so much easier than I imagined. I'll have to make it more often.



10:04 Apr 27 2022

Nice! I need to go get some at Fry's soon:)


Every parents worst fucking nightmare.

03:36 Apr 23 2022
Times Read: 336

This one is hard to watch.





I know you're reading this. Gvgeyuhi

04:34 Apr 22 2022
Times Read: 372

Because it's nice to remind you, and I'd hate to think you're silly enough to ever forget it. 😉




03:05 Apr 22 2022
Times Read: 377

If you know how to summon weather 🙋🏼‍♀️ we could use some help over here.

We're at like 20 years of drought here in the Southwest now. It's miserable. The monsoon is the only thing to look forward to in this god forsaken dirt bowl, and it's been virtually non-existent for years now.

If we could just you know... Send Mexico a few tropical storms and have them push further north this year that would be great. 😐 I miss the rain. Especially in the summer.



05:02 Apr 22 2022

To late isn't it now with the fires running across Arizona

18:51 Apr 22 2022

Nah I'm not concerned with the fires. That part always happens. I am way more concerned with the water supply depleting.

20:21 Apr 22 2022


Kinda like that.


Fucking peasants... jk, kind of. 😐

09:56 Apr 21 2022
Times Read: 394

When you wear the rubies and no one even notices. I need to surround myself with dragons. I'm sure only they share the same love for gems.

Though, I'm not sure if he appreciates them too, or if he just likes to shower me with them because they make me happy.





06:25 Apr 20 2022
Times Read: 419

I just realized I have to be in the office tomorrow and I have black nail polish on. 🙄 One more thing to do before bed. I don't think my new boss seems like the type who wouldn't mind. I'd better switch it up.

I'm actually tired enough to go to sleep for once but I have chores and dogs to take care of. Coffee and lunch to prep for tomorrow. I need a shower and now a quick manicure. I bet I'm going to work up a second wind and properly fuck myself out of more than 4 hours of sleep. We'll see.

I'm teetering somewhere between aggression and depression lately. It's an awkwardly shitty place to be. I'm going to need to find an outlet soon.




Friday night fun with the kid

04:01 Apr 16 2022
Times Read: 452

When my girl says she wants to color, we color.

I'm surprised she's asking about some advanced techniques. We'll see how well she takes direction. I love art time with my girl. ❤️




Because escapism is a thing

13:57 Apr 10 2022
Times Read: 487

Instead of actually sleeping off this god awful migraine, I'm awake watching movies I normally wouldn't watch.

What the hell is wrong with me.




when a complete stranger asks if you're into BDSM

05:59 Apr 08 2022
Times Read: 539

Hahahaha go sit down little buddy before you hurt yourself.

Plus not only am I totally unavailable, I'm not into stranger danger action either.

I'm happy with who I already have.




09:28 Apr 07 2022
Times Read: 558

I see lady Gaga covered Love for Sale. I'm a a pretty big fan of Cole Porter's music.

Her cover is interesting. It's not necessarily bad, but I definitely prefer Ella Fitzgerald singing the song.




08:26 Apr 07 2022
Times Read: 573

Most normal people are sleeping during the witching hour. But me? No, I'm in a state of unrest.

I considered drinking the tea that would put me to sleep, but that stuff gives me a killer headache for a few days. Normal people are resting for their morning jobs. I'm outside tearing through soil with my bare hands. I'm sure the neighbors who actually catch a glance at my midnight gardening (in my pajamas) probably think I'm crazy. Do I care? Not even a little.

I needed to get my plants in their containers before the heat gets worse. It's already damn near 100 here during the day. When it's consistently over 100 I'm not adding any additional outside plants. I may start my indoor plants again. We'll see how motivated I can make myself. I'm still pretty bitter about losing all of my indoor plants last summer.

Last summer I was without air conditioning for 2 1/2 months, and as a result all of my indoor plants died. In a climate where the average high temp is about 109-110 in summer months, they just didn't survive. Honestly I didn't put effort into trying harder to save them. My priorities were the child, the dogs, and myself, and there were days that was a significant effort (especially the super hot days). The plants not so much.

Tonight I planted a blueberry plant, a blackberry plant, and what I thought were 3 sweet potato slips. It actually ended up being more than a dozen sweet potato slips. I've got more sweet potato plants I'm about to start, I'm also hoping to pot some beans, plant some corn, get a decent amount of sunflowers in the ground, and sprout a handful of trees from seeds. Now that I'm typing it all out it sounds ambitious, yet not enough. I guess I should look into more containers for my sweet potato plants and also get more potting soil. I damn near emptied my last bag tonight. Maybe I can motivate myself to not be a lazy shit this weekend and get some stuff done. We'll see. 🤷🏼‍♀️



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