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00:16 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was doing something Mysterious. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was in Journals. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was in Journals. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was looking at their Honor. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was doing Premium Member stuff. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was in Profiles. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was doing something Mysterious. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was giving/taking Honor. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was giving/taking Honor. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was doing something Mysterious. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was giving/taking Honor. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was in Profiles. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was doing Premium Member stuff. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was looking at their Honor. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was in Profiles. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was doing something Mysterious. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was giving/taking Honor. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was doing something Mysterious. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was giving/taking Honor. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was giving/taking Honor. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was in Profiles. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was in Profiles. 00:15 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was looking at their Honor. 00:14 Mar 28 - CernunnosGealach was in Journals.
My name is CernunnosGealach, Lord of the forest. I am at peace here and I look after the wild and all things within it. This is the other side of me that only a few will ever see, my mate WiccanMoon is the only one that is privileged to see me as this. I am sharing this profile with you as she has given it to me so I can be apart of something she is passionate about and loves.
I love nature and the Mountains where I am from and I love to walk the quiet forests below the Mountains I call home. Life is everything to me and the cycle of life is what I am one with. Pay homage to the Lord of the Forest with respect and loyalty and you will not have a problem with me or my family.
I am kind to those who are kind and loyal to me and I am kind and loyal to the people I love. If you trample things without caring in my forest home you will face me as the devil himself as Lord of the Forest I have the right to bring life and take life too. I will be not be merciful to those who do not respect life, harm others for no reason, hunt and not use it all for sport.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)