I dislike advertising very much. It is advertising everywhere. Tv is impossible to watch so i only streaming. Facebook is also very frustrating i get theese game advertising on different mobilegames. I uselly just ignore them but one thing that really make me angry is the companyes that create theese games almost always use sex in their game advertisings. Why use sex in a advertising for a game that for example is all about kill zombies? Their game really must be weak and bad so they hope to get players by use sex in the advertising. If i want to watch sex i visit a sexsite problem solved. Then we have newspapers for example here in sweden we have a newspaper called Expressen. They kinda often write about addictions for example gameaddictions and what help there is for they who game away all their money on online casinos. But they in the same way have zero problem to use casino advertising in their newspaper. Hypocrites is what they are.
I gonna recommend a Netflix serie named Black mirror. It is 6 seasons but it is like 4 episodes every season. It is a very interesting serie that take different topics for example what if dating was controlled by a system, And what if you can put a human inside the head of someone else so he or she can feel everything to. I find the serie very interessting.
I am about half way done, and loving the shows. Very good, original storylines.