Lesson learned numero uno . You know how late at night you might on occasion wish to cuddle with your man and share thoughts and feelings? Well a lil' word of advice. Don't let your man stay up late at night playing the Xbox 360 before bedtime. His brain capacity will be all used up and spent on important things like which bullets to use and weapons. Heh.
That's too bad. Cuz I was feeling frisky ;)
Why not add feeling dirty and disgusting to my feelings of undesirability. I've never felt this way before. I no likey.
Perhaps the reality of me isn't quite up to the fantasy of me. At any rate my self esteem is not in a happy place.
Two times, then once and now nada for days. How many more will there be and how many more until I just really don't care.
Be rational? There really is no rationality when it comes to matters of the heart and/or matters such as this. The beginning strangely resembles the end.
Sometimes you have to lose yourself before you can find yourself again.
Not exactly what I am referring to but rather someone elses perception of me..but yes that's true :)
I'm sorry to see so many people unhappy about the holiday but I am on cloud nine! Pinja is 15 minutes away and this will be the best Valentines day of my life. I'm so in love.
Now, won't be on much for the next few days hehehe ;)
=^_^= very happy for you two..
a man likes a well thought out dinner, whatcha got planned?
I am thinking whip cream on top of her nude body? ;)
See you in a week.
I'm starting to get a bit nervous. My knight in shining armor(Pinja) and his white steed(u-haul) will be here in the morning. O...M...G it is really happening! I can't get this silly grin off my face, I'm sooooo happy :D
im happy for ya both :)
Eeee, good luck!
If I were you, I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight!
Thanks you guys and I was already up all last night ugggh...
lol High Ho Silver Away hehehehe Someone is back in the saddle again.
Aww have a good time ;) xxx
I feel........guilty. Like I am taking you away from everything and everyone you love. In exchange for a girlfriend that can be extremely difficult. I know that I am a lot to handle. You are moving to a town a quarter of the size of where you live now, where I am the only person you will know....I pray that I am enough. I will do my best to try and be all that you need me to be, but in the end I am who I am.
that sounds like a disclaimer :)
You catch on quick :P
So Monday is the big day. Heh.
In exactly one week Pinja and his u-haul will be at my doorstep. I'm kinda freaking out. This is a big step, I just hope it's the right one. I know that I can't do the long distance thing anymore that's for sure and it's taken it's toll on us. It's also taken the joy out of some very important aspects that normally occur in a new relationship, ones where you actually see each other on a day to day basis. I hope that not all of the magic is gone before it's ever truly had a chance to begin...
I'm probably just over-analyzing.
Well doll, me and the other ACM's will hold it down for you as you build your Love Nest and begin a new Journey!
That is wonderful ! Yes, long distance relationships can be very difficult. I wish you the best in this new adventure.
I have another one for you. What if their friends are disrespectful of your relationship. Like they encourage your sweetie to cheat on you even though some of them have wives or girlfriends of their own. This just screams to me that they are themselves cheating on their significant others. That they have no respect for women in general. That their moral character is flawed and honestly I don't want that around my guy, EVER! Some of you will say that it is about trust and yes that is true to some degree but where do you draw the line? When do you say "I don't like the position your friend(s) are putting you or us in".
I agree 100% there. If so called friends are encouraging cheating then they aint the sort you'd want to have around. I'd draw the line as soon as I had figured that out about them.
Birds of a feather flock together
I happen to agree with you girls *sighs*.
Birds of a feather.
I tell my guy who I'd rather him be around or not but I won't tell him flat out not to hang out with them. I give him a choice. If he chooses to hang out with them, I'm a complete bitch to that person. If he gets rid of them, hey, he just went up a rung on my ladder.
Ahh I had that problem recently.
My fiance's friend was encouraging him to cheat on me with a girl he works with-
I gave him the ultimatum:
Cheat and your out on your ass.
I also told him that if the guy was really your friend, he would respect his relationship with me and if not, he really isn't a friend.
I have to say, if I had a friend (male of female) approach me with saying I should cheat on my guy, I would tell them that they needed to stop and if they didn't, then they should rethink their friendship with me seeing as that is not something I want a friend to say or do to me in the first place.
I need your opinions on a relationship issue. It is concerning your "significant others" exes and how you deal with certain situations. And keep in mind this is for serious relationships and/or married couples, Girls and guys alike. Such as:
Do you think it is ok for them to still have past lovers pictures?
Poetry written for exes?
Cards or gifts still in their possession?
Basically mementos of any kind.......how does it make you feel to see them? Sad, jealous, indifferent? Do you think the rules are different for married couples?
Please be honest, pride aside.
Honestly, I would just like to start a bonfire and toss it all in :D
hmmm...it really depends on how secure I was in the relationship. Maybe a little jealous or hurt about some ex's but then I have had great relationships with ex's of my man and although that took a little work getting to that stage, I could see why both times (different guys and their respective ex-partners) these particular females had once been girlfriends.
Now, thats not for everyone and I dont speak to one of these women nowadays but it did work for a while to be honest with one of the ex's and I am still great friends with another ex although me and her ex guy are no longer partners but good friends. LOL I think I have a complicated life though!
I think it's ok to get along with them but reminders all over the place? Not so much.
Personally, to me it is entirely depenedent upon whether or not the mementos are kept in a place of prominence, such as out in the open on the mantle or in the significant other's wallet or purse, etc.
The fact is we all have great memories involving our exes that we reflect on from time to time. Some people keep mementos of those occasions and are still able to have closure and move on when the relationship ends.
I always take into account the reasons my significant other gives for keeping the mementos. If they are unable to discuss it or they get really defensive and overreact, then that's a red flag. If they can talk about it logically and openly discuss the sentimental reason for keeping it, then I have no issues with them remebering those times however they see fit.
Then again, I personally don't get jealous or possessive. I don't own anyone or have the right to occupy all of their mind, heart or soul. It doesn't mean I won't accept it should they offer those things, or offer mine in return, but unless those vows are made and expressed explicitly, I don't feel like I have the right to assume they are totally and completely mine.
On the flip side of that, if the person makes those claims and then behaves in a way that contradicts them I will call bullshit in a heartbeat and expect them to explain why they were unable to keep their word before kicking their ass to the curb :)
In the end, it has to be up to the couple. They have to discuss what each of them is comfortable with and try to find a compromise that works. If they can;t compromise or find common ground ont hat issue, then maybe they shouldn't be together. You can't have a future if you won't deal with the past.
Reminders are kept in some way yet out of mind and out of sight for the new journey can not be achieved with pot holes in the road.
I only care if she is prettier than me. :p
No, joking aside, it wouldn't bother me at all. I just don't even dwell on those things because it's simply not worth my time. I think that if he is with me it's because that is exactly where he wants to be. We have a very clear understand about it too -- the moment one of us feels unhappy about the status of our relationship to an irreparable point, it's over.
This takes the pressure off and lowers expectations, for the most part.
It actually doesn't bother me in any way at all either.
We all love before we meet the Great love of our Life.
Lord knows I still mentally walk down Memory Lane sometimes when I hear a certain Country Song or see a Sunset; and I am sure J does the same, but we love each other NOW and that's what matters.
It's all perspective; a yellowing, fading Card does not, a Relationship "make".
It really depends on the type of person you are and what type of characture/nature you have. I personally believe that EVERYTHING in my past, both good and bad, made me who I am today. So in regards to these questions above, I'd be quite indifferent to the way they would affect me. Mainly, because I'm secure within myself to know that what I feel is true. But then again, if the other person doesn't then that can become a real problem.
If someone can't let go of their past, then they really don't have any chance of a future. Not with anyone, and really not even with themselves.
As long as the 'momentos' aren't jammed down the throat of the new person, then everything should be ok. But... if they're all over the place then that person that has them, is still obsessing over their ex.
Husband, lover, b/f - whatever - a new journey with someone is just that. A NEW JOURNEY...
I have a box of crap! I still don't know what to do with it. Maybe a bbq at my house
Okay, what I do with Memorabilia is to pack it all away and store it in a trunk in the attic. It will be good to remember those good times when I can't remember them so well anymore. It also allows me to move on, but I know I have the pleasure of reliving those times when I am in confused dot com (my nursing home) x
Wow, everyones comments are just great, thanks, gives some perspective :)
Well, momentos are part of their lives, so it should be cool. The stuff should be kept stored away somewhere though...not out on display (which would show that they haven't gotten over the ex's)
20:50 Feb 28 2011
haha I learned that a long time ago. =}