And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked,
following the course of this world, following the prince of the power
of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of
disobedience-among whom we all once lived in the passions of our
flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by
nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.
Ephesians 2:1-3
If you ever want to see a visual picture of what it means for you and
me to be dead in our sins, try this simple exercise: Take a glove and
a Bible, and place them on a table next to each other. Then yell as
loud as you can, "Glove, pick up this Bible!"
That glove would be helpless, hopelessly unable to pick up that Bible.
That's a perfect picture of the spiritual reality described in
today's passage. I can stand up and preach for hours, but the
undeniable truth is that every person is just like that glove and
can't reach out to God on his or her own.
But if you were to put your hand in that glove, then the strength of
your hand would become the strength of that glove. And anything your
hand could do, that glove could do. As a Christian, because the Holy
Spirit draws us first to Christ, we're able-enabled, that
is-to come before God.
This world is still full of men and women who are utterly lost and
dead in their sins. They can never come to Christ on their own. But
for many, God supernaturally draws them to Himself. So thank God today
for His work in you. And as you share Christ with others, pray that
God would open their eyes to His eternal truth!
The next part is for Thegreatestnews. Sir. until you understand this basic concept of harvest. all your preaching and spreading of the word..will be in vain.
The question I am often asked is "why Christianity?" why not one of the other religions out there..or "Have you ever heard of this or that belief?"
I have heard of other beliefs out there, and none of them strike a cord in me the way Christianity does...none of least I haven't found in my studies...have the passion that my Lord shows toward me. He bleed for me..he died for me..he put me ahead of himself. And being a warrior, that goes a long way in my book. In no other religion does the god do that for their worshipers.
It just blows me away that my God would do that for me. Hell, I don't even have friends that would take a fall on my behalf..and yet..A a God..THE GOD..took the biggest fall. Just so I could live. That's passion my friend.
Now, I'm not like other Christians who will insist that all other religions are false..or just flat out wrong. That if you aren't follow Jesus...your following a false God. Even if I may believe it myself. A person must follow their own path to enlightenment.
The Templar's order was founded during the crusades as protectors of the pilgrims coming to and from the Holy Land to pray. I see myself in much the same way. protecting your right to pray to any god you wish. So I won't be pushing or shoving my belief down your throat however If you any questions about my beliefs, I would be happy to answer them.
However, I do have one request. please keep comments respectful. I am fully aware that the rave is not a church..which is fine..because I am by no means a preacher. and I have never knocked anybody me the same consideration.
I will be following up in the next few days with observations and sermons..even a devotional or two. Feel free to stop whenever you want. Or not..the choice is yours.
I have two points that I would like to add. Firstly, it is "Children of God," not christians. Secondly, Jesus was never a God. Jesus is and was a human.
Well Gordon..I really disagree with you on those points.
OK, anybody that has really looked at my profile knows that I am a christian, And although I don't preach all that much. I do feel like I need to witness to is the calling of all Christians to spread the word. So what better place then to do it you want to hear the good news..then read all on..It you don't..then you don't have to.
In the next few weeks..I'll be posting sermons I came up with or hear from other places. If you would like to know more about our Lord and savior, or have any questions..feel free post them or message me.