OccultRanger's Journal

OccultRanger's Journal


Honor: 925    [ Give / Take ]


28 entries this month

V.R. Today [Video Key]

02:44 Jul 30 2024
Times Read: 212

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Video Key]

02:50 Jul 29 2024
Times Read: 253

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Video Key]

04:37 Jul 28 2024
Times Read: 314

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V.R. Today [Public Entry]

04:44 Jul 27 2024
Times Read: 399

So got my profile updated today. Going to have to work on my other one now too.

Also beginning my artwork for coven crest, representation and my mark. I'm old school and do it by sketch draft and florescent paint.



06:23 Jul 27 2024

Do you honestly think anyone on this website cares about you or what you do? Fact no one cares or gives a flying fuck about you..

Also another fact I talk with Nikki on the daily also the admin here and and here is some home truths for you they all dislike and hate all of what you do and how to treat people and manipulate women on this site and you are straight up a slimy piece of skum who should just disappear..

Isn't clear to you already no one on this site likes you? You have no friends even Annette dislikes you yes I talk with her also..

You are very much hated no one likes a abuser and manipulater and you are the worst kind..

You lie constantly and attempt to use females on this site even go as far as trying to threaten them and blackmail them into things...

Get the hint and go away forever you aren't liked or wanted here...

I have gathered so much evidence on you from so many females that I have enough to put you away for a very long time on top of your prier activity...

07:25 Jul 27 2024

You seem to care enough to comment on this journal. Not caring tends create apathy not inspire a need to express one's opinion. As I expressed before I prefer hearing people's opinions for themselves not from a F**ktard who creates a profile then deletes it nor gossipmongers that thrive on drama they fabricate in their own delusional mind and pretend others share it. It carries no weight no matter how many people's real names you put on it to misdirect people that you are more important than you are. You are a shining example of what not to be on this site in my opinion. Probably why you are allowed to continue. I am a vampire and merely use this service on the internet to express my opinion. I try to keep it PG-13 even when others try to escalate.

Oh, you have gathered evidence on me. lol Well the big brother I've come to know would have inexpensive bots keeping track of...problems where watchlists from paid federal and international law-enforcement personnel who have proper credentials and training to build cases against individuals would come into play. But go ahead I'm sure they'll be eager to add your literal two cents to their stack of evidence.

23:33 Jul 28 2024

@NobodyCaresAnoutU We know who you have better watched your six, that's Ranger talk to mean we have a scope on you. Now grow up and act like the man you wish you were.


V.R. Today [Public Entry]

15:58 Jul 26 2024
Times Read: 482

Awww look I'm back in the negatives with honor. Tsk, tsk, tsk. What the fuck you want? have me quit the rave and go somewhere else. That isn't happening. I got plans like showing others what a vampire like me does. So where to do my hunting? I figure I'll hit some goth clubs as we got quite a few just a couple blocks from where I live see what I can I pick up and maybe bring to this site.

My elemental companion sure has been active of late; And the energy phew. Got to force myself to sleep now.

So still thinking about creating a coven. Got some pretty good ideas on what I want because if I bring people here hand picked then I want them for myself just want to show others how you pick up fresh meat. But let me show you what I mean in the near future rather than just lip service. ;)-_



23:12 Jul 26 2024

Are you not surprised? With how much of a low life cunt you are threatening woman and gaslighting and psychological abusing people as well as other things.. your the pile of crap I have ever seen on this site and that's saying something. Your a full on liar and narcissistic even Nikki can't stand you or the admin here. Your not liked very much hated.

Your not powerful or anything special your very pathetic and a waste of air and your mother should have swallowed you.

23:36 Jul 26 2024

Well then guess were not friends lol

23:51 Jul 26 2024

Oh my, the peanut gallery and cheap seats are sharing their opinions. I can take the criticism and rotten fruit tossed my way. So, you speak for the admins and Nikki now. I'd rather hear it straight from them rather than slander from your ilk. But even so real vampires tend to not win any congeniality contests in my opinion unless they are masterful liars especially to themselves. I'm very honest.


V.R. Today [Video Key]

02:14 Jul 26 2024
Times Read: 529

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STVMeEJjTGFMK2 FPeWtMam9 wclM0MlRweWhtTmw3 OTc0NVZ3 MUx1 dkVkUFpuSmovNDNCcTM0aWVrQTRKa2 5 CUHoyMjZId




V.R. Today [Video Key]

12:23 Jul 25 2024
Times Read: 587

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Video Key]

04:37 Jul 24 2024
Times Read: 633

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Video Key]

19:09 Jul 22 2024
Times Read: 697

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Fiding the anonymous users. [Public Entry]

23:01 Jul 21 2024
Times Read: 784

I just had a brilliant idea. Systematically temporarily block everyone in the 80's starting with 89's because someone is taking 8 points. It's only 19 there now then check my honor and see if I get the "left by a blocked user" message on my honor page. Then narrow it down by process of elimination. Then move down to the 88's etc. Just think of all the page views I'll get from such an endeavor that would put rating the database to power level to shame or earn favor points. Might get a couple levels. Even if they hide behind a traded profile from another or create a fake identity it doesn't dismiss the will behind it using the profile. Such cowardly people on a site like this open to youth are pretty much using the anonymity like a criminal using a child hostage. Despicable worms they are but to each their own. Nah f**k that they aren't even worth my time and energy which I'll be focusing on something that matters on this site. But if anyone is curious give this method a try. It will only work for level 80 and above. ;)



04:54 Jul 22 2024

The problem of overblockin penalty could come into play. Not a good idea for many reasons.

05:06 Jul 23 2024

Most aren't even active, but it is only temporary to find a culprit. As soon as each level or row on each level is cleared then the blocks can be removed. Hell, you can even write each active member telling them something afterward like: "This was a test and only a test and we are sorry for the inconvenience"... As soon as it is over hit the update status to remove all the unwanted penalties like overblock you mentioned. Probably best to not warn others ahead of time so they can't post in stream or manipulate their scores making detection harder.

I'm really just tempted to see if it works as I have a curious nature.


V.R. Today [Video Key]

01:49 Jul 21 2024
Times Read: 815

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Video Key]

18:50 Jul 19 2024
Times Read: 883

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

15:57 Jul 18 2024
Times Read: 938

I scrapped my mentorship today. It was getting to be too much like work with little returns. It was more like playing with myself and I don't need a mentorship for that. I can achieve everything I wanted there in my own journal with encryption keys for people that learn the keys or setting up a real time private chat to those that can't. I've always been a guy that streamlines things for efficiency. The thing of most prestige to me is real referrals as I've mentioned countless times. Only have a couple of those and they didn't stick around to level them up to create points. I'll be working on that with banner and referral links to other sites I use and beyond that just set up a QR code on articles of clothing with my art. Seems the best way to do it to me. Besides I want to focus on my shadow work so I can project to those that...earn my attention. ;)_-



18:00 Jul 18 2024

If more people were joining I would say keep the mentorship. But it's not worth it lack of peeps. Sorry to see this

06:38 Jul 19 2024

Maybe I'll do one again in the future after I get some resources with my name on them. I'm going to focus on doing video content and share my experiences. Showing somebody the vampire world is much better than writing about it.


V.R. Today [Public Entry]

06:38 Jul 18 2024
Times Read: 965

Just love this instramental piece as well the title. This is the only band that took the time to thank me in an email for supporting them on Bandcamp which allows one to choose what you pay for an artists' work. I can be a generous tipper at times.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

A kindred spirit showed me her fangs recently. I'm a bit ashamed of mine so couldn't return the gesture. I use costume jewelry for mine but like most things in this life, I don't like purchased things as I tend know exactly what I want knowing myself as well as I do. I like custom jobs and if you want it done right you got to do it yourself. So went out today and dropped a c-note on a new tool from my local hardware store for just such a project.

This is actually a priority over some other projects I got having a few irons in the fire. Being Nosferatu (Term from The Sanguinomicon) I can feed from multiple sources. I'm of the mind that being a vampire involves some blood play at the very least or it tends to lose its definition. Psychic vampires tend to be ones that draw on other lives in reincarnation where blood covenants of a sort are drawn from and not cancelled out in the waxing waning cycles during this manifestation of eternity. Just how I see things in my understanding.

Anyway I'll be working on this along with my shadow work. I prefer that term for what others call Path working. Like a proper ranger I may use paths and roads at times for easy travel through the wilderness but mostly like going my own way without cutting one through virgin woods. Don't want anyone tracking me at times to get some alone time with my favorite M.I.L.F. i.e. Mother Nature. She wants me all to herself. ;)



08:16 Jul 18 2024

i cant wait to see

14:44 Jul 18 2024

Just see?


V.R. Today [Public Entry]

19:46 Jul 16 2024
Times Read: 1,009

My friend circle got smaller today. I feel like it's a lot like losing your humanity in VTM game. Being hypersensitive which makes a person feel things with more potency than others leading more often to shyness in most while inflating ego in conceit to others pending one's experiences that shape their life was a major source of torment in my life. Like power weightlifting in some ways, it makes you stronger and able to handle more but you also lose something with more muscle mass like speed and agility. It's the same when dealing with others socially. I keep having new awakenings that empower me and yet I also lose something with each one. In this new state I don't feel the emotional turmoil I once did being overshadowed from spiritual vampiric things that can embolden me where I was inhibited before. I don't want it to make me irresponsible just because I don't feel the impact of it. Just have to respect others boundaries that they set but I think they are also losing something important when I do that. I am a very honest person to my own detriment but that honesty is a powerful thing when surrounded by those who lie to themselves as well as others to fit in socially.



04:18 Jul 17 2024

Best advice...go for a walk in the bluffs

05:38 Jul 17 2024

Hey Squid by any chance will you be there?


V.R. Today [Video Key]

20:49 Jul 15 2024
Times Read: 1,062

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V.R. Today [Video Key]

10:49 Jul 14 2024
Times Read: 1,144

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V.R. Today [Public Entry]

08:40 Jul 13 2024
Times Read: 1,213

Going to have to buy an "In This Moment" T-shirt. I know quality in a name when I see it. For now, just got GODMODE album on Amazon.

I feel pretty good. Think I'll draw down some fire from...somewhere and purge my surroundings like in this video.



00:19 Jul 15 2024

Great band.

21:00 Jul 15 2024

Yes, they are and Maria Brink is hot.


V.R. Today [Public Entry]

01:47 Jul 12 2024
Times Read: 1,382

Well got some stuff done this morning that was holding me up there. Then spent some time with my girlfriend...shopping at Target. What the hell is up with this locking just about everything up in cabinets. It's bad enough whoever manages the place has the organization skills of creating a labyrinth in finding products in the first place now you have to find an attendant to unlock the cabinet. I don't really see the security measures in doing this cause if you wanted to shoplift the items you can do so after it been gotten. Well thankfully I was with my girl so she could do all that asking for help. It's no wonder Amazon is so popular. I don't really think I'll be making shopping locally into a habit after this escapade. I'll find another activity to do with her.

I see Reaper was busy making a video about me. I'm honored and come from a circle of friends that constantly joke and tease each other for fun. So, thanks for that. Good character-building exercise that some should build on this site that are too bound in their insecurities.


My mistake I see now it wasn't done in the right spirit by the way she's carrying on about it. That is why so many hate this girl's antics. Not unlike another group on this site who consider themselves an it crowd that twisted the spirit of something fun into strife. Difference being if you are in a position of authority then I judge them by higher standards. It wasn't a special needs case of mental illness but rather an inflated ego left unchallenged by surrounding themselves with liars that appeal to their vanity. But honestly, I'm not affected by it. Allows me to perceive things with clarity while they are being...moved by the emotional rollercoaster ride that warps their perception. Yes, I do attribute this state of mind to my identity as a vampire. You can't fake it. You either got it or not and if not then you will suffer by swimming in waters you have no business in. My purpose is clear to hunt. I wonder if people's tunes will change when they see more of my work.

Reminds me of this encounter walking back from the store today. My girlfriend has all kinds of friends as she has a beautiful personality. So, this guy comes up and greets her with a hug and smiles obviously overjoyed in her attention. Talking about how nice his new place was. After the light turned and crossed the street, she informed me she was responsible for getting him kicked out of her hotel for being a belligerent drunk. Made me think of a few people on this site who are equally talented at lying with great personalities' while secretly being responsible for some underhanded shit. The only thing I would do is inform others of it and let them decide for themselves.



21:44 Jul 12 2024

Oh, Occultranger, you're such a delicate little flower, aren't you? Shocked, SHOCKED, that someone would dare to make a video about you! It's almost as if you're a public figure, and that's what happens when you're in the public eye. But you're so fragile, so easily bruised, that even a lighthearted jab at your inflated ego sends you spiraling into a fit of self-pity.

And your "circle of friends" that constantly joke and tease each other for fun? It's a bit of a stretch to call that circle "friends" when it sounds more like a pack of wolves circling their prey, waiting to pounce on the next victim. Maybe you should spend less time worrying about what others think and more time reflecting on why those "jokes" and "teases" always seem to target women.

Oh, and you're a vampire? Is that why you're so obsessed with draining the life out of conversations and relationships? You're so good at it, you've managed to turn even a simple Target trip into a self-serving drama. And let's not forget your "hunt," which seems to consist of stalking and harassing women online.

It's clear you're a master manipulator, weaving tales of your own victimhood while simultaneously attacking others. But don't worry, Occultranger, the truth has a way of coming out. And when it does, the only one who will be left standing will be the one who's not afraid to face their own flaws and insecurities. You might want to start working on that, because your "hunt" for attention is only going to lead to isolation and loneliness.

23:08 Jul 12 2024

Look at this. One of those haters that uses a free profile that get deleted to spread their propaganda. How very noble of you. Right up there with my secret hater that takes honor points that has decided to make a reappearance. You do know master vampire and above admins can see who gives and takes honor anonymously. Not to worry you are well within the terms of service. Just wonder if it's all the same person venting their frustration. You probably have way too much time on your idle hands. What would I do if you were face to face physically in my presence when you disrespect me like that? If you were a sane man I'd be tempted to beat the fuck out of you to teach you a lesson. But chances are you are mentally challenged in which case I'd endure it. No, I don't hit females unless it's a sexual kink for them to heighten the pleasure. The same for any sub.

Yes, I'm a human living vampire. Can take another's chi but prefer it be a partnership of willing donors who find it a pleasure to do so. They know who they are. There are exceptions to all rules and in a crisis, I may take it from others without consent or on a subconscious level. Not necessary if I had adequate donors.

23:33 Jul 12 2024

Oh, honey, you're so dramatic! I'm positively *thrilled* to be the subject of such a passionate, eloquent, and *totally* not-creepy rant.

First, let's address the elephant in the room: your "secret hater" who's apparently a master of both stealth and stealing honor points. It's a real shame you can't tell the difference between a true villain and someone who just wants to see you use your "vampire powers" for good, not evil. And, honey, *everyone* knows that "taking honor points" is just a fancy way of saying "getting your feelings hurt."

Now, about your "mental challenges." You're right, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Imagine the emotional turmoil of needing to be a "living vampire" just to get your jollies. I'm sure your "donors" are just thrilled to be part of your "partnership." Just imagine the awkward conversations: "Hey, can I borrow some of your chi? I'm feeling a little drained, and I don't want to hurt anyone."

And, darling, your "no hitting females" rule is *so* brave. It's almost as if you're trying to convince yourself you're not a total monster. But don't worry, I'm sure your "donors" are perfectly comfortable with your *unique* brand of "partnership."

In short, you're a walking, talking contradiction. You're a "living vampire" who's afraid of a little online criticism. You're a "master" who needs to steal honor points. And you're a "human" who's so desperate for attention that you have to resort to making up stories about "secret haters."

But hey, at least you're consistent. You're always dramatic, always self-absorbed, and always ready to lash out at anyone who dares to disagree with you. Keep up the good work, darling. You're truly a shining example of what not to be.

23:45 Jul 12 2024

It's someone's nappy time.

23:56 Jul 12 2024

Yes yours

I'm not into baby fetish like yourself.

But your so used to that being a basement dwelling troll in your mommys basement

Also your so pathetic and defeated you have no comeback

As for your poor attempt at a feeble threat

You really should be careful who you say that to

Be seeing you around

You'll need eyes in the back of your head now


23:59 Jul 12 2024

Someone's nappy time you sound like a father again.

You claim you are being disrespected when you are in fact disrespected me every ounce you get?

shame how you see you are being disrespected when you enjoy disrespecting me such a thrill and a tease isn't it?

remember what happen to the last vampires who kept bragging they were a vampire in well let's see what century was that?

00:17 Jul 13 2024

I'm no father to your ilk. Maybe an eccentric uncle babysitting an autistic overactive child. Gives others a break whose patince wears thin and starts seeing you as demonspawn.

I've embraced death and accept my fate. I can handle the religious fanatics. I really wonder what they are doing on site like this which would be being unequally yoked with unbelievers in my understanding.

00:27 Jul 13 2024

It looks like you are not handling anything very well if you claim to be a mature grown adult and not an overactive child, you're self.
You little cunt.

At least I'm not a waste like you are replying every second you get and trying to gain respect while still disrespecting that's not how it works in the adult world in order to get respect you must give it if you truly want to talk like real adults instead of two teens arguing about a bitch fight form last season.

00:46 Jul 13 2024

I wonder why you keep referring to the vagina as a derogatory term. You should look down apologize to it.

00:50 Jul 13 2024

Back in the red with four blocks just added. :(

01:05 Jul 13 2024

Correction 5 blocks. See I can admit when I'm wrong. Guess I'll wait till your mood shifts again. At least you didn't downrate my profiles with a bunch of ones....yet.

04:34 Jul 17 2024

WOW WOW WOW that was fun to listen to. HEY HEY HEY HO HO HO. HA HA HA. LMAO.
All word salad didn't make a bit of sense. Help me find Cadwells Silver ;)))

05:44 Jul 17 2024

I think it's hidden in a cave in the starting area of Elder Scrolls Online.


V.R. Today [Video Key]

17:00 Jul 11 2024
Times Read: 1,422

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Video Key]

04:48 Jul 10 2024
Times Read: 1,464

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Video Key]

07:06 Jul 09 2024
Times Read: 1,521

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Level Up [Gaelic Key]

08:03 Jul 07 2024
Times Read: 1,531

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ZFZIaDc1 NUp5 SDlBT0VvbzBhRkJYaU1 wMWhheVNTZGJ4 UGxha2 5 DOU9 oQnBhVHlFY0VaU2 5 CZ2 5 yYjh6 R05 oV3




V.R. Today [Video Key]

23:09 Jul 06 2024
Times Read: 1,542

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V.R. Today [Video Key]

20:29 Jul 05 2024
Times Read: 1,570

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

03:14 Jul 04 2024
Times Read: 1,613

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Video Key]

06:00 Jul 03 2024
Times Read: 1,633

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V.R. Today [Public Entry]

01:07 Jul 02 2024
Times Read: 1,683

Been doing a lot of shadow work today. Need to hone my senses. I was never one to put much stock in theatrics like dressing up in a costume to appear like something. Like the vampire that many use as a part of their glamour. Dawning the fangs, contact lenses and dressing up in a historic outfit might be fun for some role playing but I've been rather partial perceiving things with psychic senses for clarity. You can tell who is more real and who is more about just getting attention. I say more because there are shades of variation of this in everyone trained by society.



17:42 Jul 02 2024

Well stated my friend :D

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