What happend when yo left?
Did you know that we cryed?
cryed for hour, day, months...
Did you feel hurt?
Sad, angry, depressed...
why did you leave?
To find peace, to get away...
What were you thinking?
Did you plan it all out?
did it hurt?
you left us so quickly and i don't understand why you had to leave. You took your own life and you looked happy. But did you know we all loved you? Still love you? Did you see how meny people came to say there last goodbye. There last look at who you where before they lowered you into the earth and hide your soul forever?
Why did you leave to soon?
did you know i cry everynight?
do you know i wish you peace?
do you know i miss you?
These are just some of the meny questions that you never answered, and now you never will.