NyklDormir1's Journal

NyklDormir1's Journal


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3 entries this month

"Is there another Shadow on the Path?"

00:40 Oct 23 2008
Times Read: 674

Dear Die-ary,

It has been some time since I last saw a fellow traveler along the Path I have chosen to follow, but now there seems to be another. My last Traveler friend has taken a side road, following it toward their own destination in the hopes that our respective paths might cross in the future, but neither of us knew at the time. But now.....Now, I sense the prescence of antoher. One whose thoughts and mind are similar to my own. I cannot say who it is, much less if it is a male or female, but it feels........familiar.

I cannot say that I have met this Traveler before, but it feels as if they are walking down a path alongside my own, separated by a tall hedge, and yet the two paths are paralell to each other. This....person, I can tell, lives far from me, and yet follows a trail not unlike my own. I know it is not likely that we may meet, but I find myself imagining the improbable likeliehood that we may find ourselves staring at one another from across the widths of our paths, as if seeing each other through a gap in the wall of forest.

What should I do about this? Do I seek out this new individual with a mind similar and yet different than my own? The Raven stole my heart and cast back at me, and despite our actions, I feel as if we are less substantial in our feelings toward one another. She claimed no other would take her hand, but it happened, and she herself was cast aside by that person as I was by her, surprisingly just after I had locked myself away from the hurt my heart had endured.

And now I find my thoughts straying to that unseen mind that hides from my knowing it, just beyond my sight and knowledge, but still in the back of my mind like a buzzing fly, while the Raven and I cavort around with one another as if nothing had happened. But I think, nay, know that what we once felt for each other is......less.....than it once was, like a gelfruit of the icy mountains of the Rhine eaten hollow. Do you think me wicked? Am I a fool who knows not what he desires? Or am I one whose desires are beyond his reach, a slackbrained lout reaching for a star when he can barely grasp the treetops?

I fear I may not be able to slake my thirst for knowledge of this unknown entity that has captured my interest, but I know not what to do.

Fair thee well, my precious, and my we meet soon again.



02:07 Oct 23 2008

interesting o.o

08:33 Oct 25 2008

what path is that?


"A name in the World."

00:52 Oct 10 2008
Times Read: 678

Dear Die-ary,

I have just found out from my agent that there are three different publishers who like my work and want to publish it, but I don't who I should pick. Do I ask someone other than my agent, or just play eenie meenie miney mo with them as my choices?

I cannot remember a time when I felt so relieved, and yet not very happy. I guess I'm relieved that some one liked my work so much that they were willing to go out on a limb and publish my work. But shouldn't I be happy? Shouldn't I be yelling to the heavens that I will be a published author?

No.........I will not go down that road again. I will do as i always have.....Take it in stride with calm and quiet dignity and gratitude, and then celebrate with a few close friends when I recieve a few copies to share with friends and family.




"Is there a Right way along the Path?"

00:08 Oct 09 2008
Times Read: 688

Dear Die-ary,

Today, my honor has taken a mighty blow, but what hurts more...is that the strike came from myself. I did everything right, I say to myself, attempting in vain to convince myself that I am not in the wrong; I did not do this to myself or others, did I?

I DID do everything right.......The realtionship, the desire to be with the person you spend all day thinking about. I did everything right.......didn't I?

As they days grow shorter and the number of days larger, I begin to wonder, is that the truth? Am I really as infoulable as my family's Almighty God? Or is it an illusion that I put up so that I cannot see the flaws that mar the picture of myself?

I look around and see everyone I once held close and near in friendship and in family, and they cast looks of disgust my way, some going so far as to spit with that hateful glare. Who am I to deserve such treatment? What did I do to lose all that I could and have the one person that chose to walk with me side with them because of mistakes that I both know and attempt to not make..................?

What have I done?



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