
Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

Status:  Caitiff (17.62)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  April 1, 1988
Age:  36

Racine, WI


Bite NyklDormir1

Stalk NyklDormir1


"Only those who follow their path can truly know that they are on the right path."

"Through me the way into the suffering city,
Through me the way to the eternal pain,
Through me the way that runs among the lost.
Justice urged on my high artificer;
My maker was divine authority,
The highest wisdom, and the primal love.
Before me nothing but eternal things were made,
And I endure eternally.
Abandon every hope, ye who enter here."


All men die, not every man really lives.


Features: Dark scarlet hair, long braid, short bangs; black-brown eyes; dream catcher and red cardinal feather earings, real name: Angel.
A wise man once said,"Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."


Personality: Intuitive, introverted, believe in ultimate self-control, inquisitive, can be a bit of an asshole sometimes. If you've ever met me in person, you know exactly how my humor is...kind of offensive, mostly funny in an 'off-color' way, and I'm dedicated to getting a laugh out of people. I'm not always cheery though, and I have been found in dark moods sitting alone with my computer and a cup of coffee, unresponsive to anyone trying to talk to me. I've got a self-image in my head, and despite what I'm told, and I have been...with explicit detail...., I refuse to believe the image others see. I guess you could say I'm a scholar and one of the dark and brooding type. I honestly think I just spend too much time in my head.

Some will tell you that your gods do not exist, that they are merely made up entities created for the sole purpose of comforting you in a world where you will always feel alone. But I believe that I found one truth that may comfort all of us, those who believe in The Powers That Be, and those who believe it solely us. The name of God...is.....Me. I guess we all have a little piece of God in us.
You may end up wondering what my thoughts and beliefs are. Well, as it turns out, I'm actually an Atheist. I really tried with religion, originally born in a Roman Catholic family, tried Buddhism, read the Tao, talked to Jewish and Muslim friends. It all sounded like different takes on the same story. I don't intentionally mean offense, but honestly, it all sounded like bullshit to me. SO....I chose to have no beliefs at all. I'm not the Explicit Atheist that asserts a higher power doesn't exist...I just think it's a crock of shit and too big a leap of "faith".

Most people who know me, such as LadyLyssa, Vampiradracul, and Athos, know that I have an "interesting" personality. Personally, I say, "Whatever you hear about me, half of it is true, and the other half.....well, let's just say they're being modest."

Have you ever felt tied up? Ever have those moments where it feels like the world has thrown heavy chains around you to keep you from breaking away from 'normality' and being free? So many times have I felt that way. Too many times. Sometimes, I sit there...waiting...a beaten dog crouching...waiting...contemplating my next move...waiting.........and then you strike back with a move no one thought you could do.

An angel of the night, loosed into day, revenge on mind, hatred in your veins, and a pair of daggers for eyes. Don't release your anger and dwell in vengeance. Why not? Because once your revenge is at hand, what happens next? Will you be content with simply an eye for an eye? Will you go further, find another to place your hatred on, living in an everburning pit in your stomach that no amount of revenge can sate?

Welcome to my profile. My name is Angel, some of my friends in the past have called me Angelus (not sure why to this day), Cross, Switch (as in my handle, killswitchoverride), or, as on VR, Nykl/Nyk. This body has seen 25 years but my Soul and Spirit Guardian have seen many more seasons. I have many friends here and in the world, but I do not seek them out, they find me and.....as my partner has described.....leave a piece of themselves behind with me. As she has put it, for she is able to see their auras, I seem to be much like a black hole; people who later become my friends seem to gravitate towards me, and, in short time, a piece of their auras seem to stick behind and become a piece of my own. She has said that mine can only fleetingly be seen from time to time, and that in those few short moments that she CAN see it, it looks like a strange, metaphysical jigsaw puzzle. And the pieces to this jigsaw seem to match the 'empty' places where I seem to take a piece with me. If you're friends with me, you'll see me pick up a few things from you and this could be the metaphysical equivalent. But still, that is merely a piece of Who I Am. For more, make your own conclusions unless I gift you with my personal insight. Thank you for your visit.


Remember that thing about my humor? Well....here's proof.



Judging from my tribal name, Wolf who sings alone, I probably should confirm any ideas you may have of me. I love wolves. Have seen all but one wolf/werewolf related movie released in the US. And I even have a friend on the reservation that breeds wolf/Huskie mix pups. I just wanted to upload some wolf pictures that I have come across since I love them so much.




I may be coming off as a little too stiff or maybe I am just trying to be a little minimalist in my presentation of myself. In truth, I don't find it easy to just throw myself out there fully. I like to keep enough of myself hidden for my own comfort. I run into this problem when I meet people for the first time. Unlike what many people do, I like to be honest, but I have a hard time telling the whole truth. I'm used to being an enigma to people, but that's mostly because I feel most comfortable being a mystery in parts of my life that I rarely like to think about, but above all, I prefer to be the fun guy who's an asshole as well. I'm not a racist, or anyone who discriminates for entertainment. I use jokes and pranks to fill awkward silences and lighten others moods and quite often, I get everyone to laugh by picking on a detail of them, without putting them down or out of their comfort zones. When I'm with friends, I like to be the guy who doesn't seem boring, but I never try to make myself look better than I really am. Well...I don't think I do. In all honesty, I like being the guy in the corner half hidden in shadow but still easy to talk to and have a great time talking.

I may not be a master computer wiz, but I do enjoy a little virtual gaming. While some people may label some of my skills as "hacking" and mean it in a negative way, I define myself with the same word but with a different meaning. I believe that a true hacker is a tinkerer who builds, improves and essentially tinkers around with items and electronic devices to either figure out how the item works or to gather knowledge. In some cases, these kinds of people end up creating cutting edge programs and even the operating systems that computers run on. But every once in a while, we need a little destruction just to keep us sane. If anyone agrees with this, join in on the fun.

For those of you who say that my being a victim of technolust is just a bag of Lā shǐ, or that I'm just a wannabe elite, take into consideration my three years of formal training and the decade of no-assistance-learn-on-your-own-and-risk-getting-screwed experience in learning a programming language on my own from ebooks, writing small .exe, .py, and batch files that have the potential of destroying files detrimental to my computer running, and my learn-as-you-go attitude when downloading and using software that can be questionable at best and destructive, infective, or, at worst, have lines of code that forwards your life and information to someone else. I might say that I have some amount of intelligence and even wisdom on what I'm doing. So those of you who think you're outing me by saying that I'm just a n00b and want to try to pwn me, then don't click this.

Member Since: Feb 22, 2008
Last Login: Jul 16, 2020
Times Viewed: 9,461

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