Five of cups reversed signifies recovering from the past and letting positive energies back into life. It is being able to see past the old and see the value through the disappointments in life; You know what you want and will work for it.
Five is the number for change and change will be found upon reflecting regrets of the past and using what you learn from the past to build your life anew again.
Queen of Swords tell me to use logic and facts to make my decision. While not devoid of compassion, this card reminds me to think with my head and not my heart. I must make choices rationally rather than emotionally and speak with honesty and concise language. This card wants me to get to the point of things.
Seven of Swords reversed suggests I need to break out of old habits and ways of doing things in order to grow and achieve what I wish. Expand your horizons.
Ace of Cups symbolizes abundance of creativity and love and recommends giving and working towards loving relationships and fulfilling creative tendencies..
Working towards helping and loving others will return positivity upon you.
Queen of wands is a card of stength and symbolizes determination and willingness to do anything it takes to get your goals and desires done. You have a high creative energy and a good sense of direction in life-these will take you far as long as you don't burn yourself out too soon.
Five of swords advises you to choose your battles wisely.
Temperance teaches moderation and balance in life; It is a card that signifies a new road in life and a higher learning between the inner and outer self. This card teaches patience and moderation and tells you that you should take your time on your path so that you can do the best possible.
There will be some confliction changing from an old to a new you..looking inward can manage any stress this may cause. Just don't fall back on old ways of managing stress.
The symbolism of this card teaches me that there is a renewal or surge in energy and spiritual meaning. It will be easy to learn and to further myself during this period in time..
Fortitude-represents inner strength and spirit. I have a determination inside to complete anything in life I wish, along with the patience to do so.
Act with compassion and resist animalistic urges and desires. This card represents higher consciousness and tames the lower urges with peace, love, and warmth.
This card all but rewards you with strength and courage to tackle your endeavors..If you're stressed out, this is an encouragement.
Seven of swords urges caution if pursuing an endeaver in secret or independently.
It also warns of betrayal or an unveiling of secrets.
I will be fine with this after Tuesday
There's always secrets lurking around the corner .
Not all the time. Unless you're talking about VR, then always.
It wasn't really a secret, but I am going after a different job and didn't really tell anyone.
Princess of Swords Reversed: advises me to keep secret about endeavors I am working towards.
What comes to mind is leaving this job for one that I've wanted for a while. I am keeping it to myself until I know the outcome.
No use leaving a job before grasping another...