Damn it people piss me off!
Do NOT ask me a question if you dont want to hear an honest answer. Because i cant lie and just tell you what you want to hear. Nope, i dont work like that.
Some chick got pissed because she said she was fat, and then looked at me like she wanted my to disagree with her. So i said, "You're fat but if you're that damn worried about it just go join a gym." And she lost it. Over THAT. I dont see what i said wrong. I didnt call her fat. I mean, its just...i dont want to hear someone complain about stuff like that. If you're not happy with your body, go to the gym. It's a simple fix, no big deal. But she just started going off about how i was one to talk because i'm always eating and blah blah blah!
That wont work on me, nor does it have anything to do with how you see yourself. I eat a lot because i'm hungry all the time. I eat and eat and it doesnt make me gain weight. (This will come back to bite me when i'm older, i'm sure.) But still! I dont have a problem with the way i look. I dont like everything about myself, but my weight is not an issue. I calmly explained this to her, and she got even madder. Saying i was acting high-and-mighty or some such shit...i dont really care, but it seemed really stupid of her to act that way.
I mean...she was the one who asked the damn question, why did i get in trouble for answering honestly?
*Sighs* People sometimes....i swear...
Anyway, on a lighter note!
I got an A on my exam and have decided i dislike banana cake!
Why am i telling you all of this useless crap?
It is the source of much useless crap in the world today and will eventually lead to the destruction of mankind, but for now! I leave you with this...
Be careful whilst answering questions stupid people ask even if they seem small because stupid people have stupid brains that stupidly get pissed and are stupid enough to take it all out on you!
I bid (bid is a word, right? Or did i spell it wrong? This i will investigate!) farewell and a good morrow! (Haha, i love that word. And that cellphone ad that uses it!)
"Here's to the bee that stung the bull and started the bull a-bucken. Here's to the cow that got stuck under the bull and started the world a-fucken" That's some messed up cheers right there. My friend said it to me the other night. It was funny the first time but annoying the fifth time around haha. Anyway...nothing else to say so...
See ya! ^-^
Ok, first personal journal entry. I dont really have anything important to say, but i guess a personal journal entry isn't for important discussions.
Lets see....
Oh, I freaked a girl out today in my 1360 class. That's always fun.
She was talking to me but for some reason I couldn't focus on what she was saying. Her words just kind of melted together into one sound and I zoned out a bit. When I came to she was thanking me and I asked her what for. She said I'd offered to help her study, and had even given her my address. It really bothered her when I said I didn't remember saying anything.
I also realized I mumble to myself too much. I was talking to myself in the store, and some guy replied to a question I'd asked, haha. Kind of awkward.
Lamest journal entry ever, i'm sure. But I cant think of anything else to say so...
Yeah. See ya.
16:03 Nov 15 2010
Pffft -_- People like that are usually just looking for a compliment. Then when you don't tell them what they want to hear they blow up all over you. Really annoying. They should be pelted unmercifully with giant, puffy marshmallows.
The power of boredom! *puts fist into the air and flies away*
xD I love doing that