Nightgame's Journal

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4 entries this month

She's gonna get me but good

00:22 Sep 25 2011
Times Read: 818

Okay I've posted a Happy Birthday thread for VW39 aka Rat which she gets mad at me for doing but she deserves it today. We had plans tonight for a special dinner to celebrate her Birthday (today) and my sister's (yesterday) with another friend they graduated high school with coming in from Louisville to cook them a special dinner. It was going to be such a fun evening for us all since I'm a few years older than the 3 of them I get to listen to the crazy stuff they did in school. With family and job responsibilities for all 3 of them it's very rare they manage to get together so it was going to be so special.

But my dear Rat is sick as a dog with a cold and feels horrible so she's stuck at home downing OJ and chicken soup trying to get well asap. Since she's not going to make the party here tonight then she's getting birthday wishes here from all her friends that can find it. lol



01:05 Sep 25 2011

Pobre Rat!

05:11 Sep 25 2011

Poor Rat!!!! Hope she feels better.

16:43 Sep 25 2011

Well.. ok... I might not get too mad. :)


Comes out of the dark

00:21 Sep 22 2011
Times Read: 835

I've not been hiding, honest it's just been a heck of a week! My nephew caught a stomach bug at school Monday and they called us to get him early and he's been home sick ever since. We ended up taking him to the doctor on tuesday, where they told us what he had as the puking waited until Tuesday night to start up.

Other than a small cold he's been remarkably healthy through his childhood which has been a major blessing since his autism makes getting him to understand what's wrong is nearly impossible. He keeps apologizing like he thinks he did something wrong to be this way. :(

So we're onto our 3rd day with little to no sleep as he's having nightmares whenever he falls asleep and cries out until he wakes us all up over and over. Then it takes about 1 hour to calm him back down and get him to fall asleep again.

In other news tried taking my niece to get her flu shot and made the mistake of trying to go across town (the direct route) only to find they've shut down most all of the side streets including the one to her doctor's office for the dang World Chicken Festival which will shut down our little town from now until Sunday.

Thousands of people will come to the downtown area for the carnival atmosphere and stupidity that rules while everyone that actually lives here tries to stay as far away from the thing as possible. lol Well except for Birdie who always ends up there with her Civil war group. My niece's high school band will be playing in the parade Sat but she's okay with us watching her on local television instead of trying to get through the crowds to catch a glimpse of her.

In good news Friday is my sister's birthday one whole day before Rat's birthday and another friend of theirs from school is coming down from Louisville to fix them a special dinner on Saturday. We'll have an ice cream cake and tell wicked stories of them in their younger days while my niece in high school now gets slightly freaked out :)

So off to nuss a little boy (my turn again) and hopefully one more day of this should put him right as rain. See ya'll later



00:51 Sep 22 2011


06:06 Sep 22 2011

Hope he feels better soon. Take care of yourself hon.

09:12 Sep 22 2011

hope he does feel better soon :)

LOL! The World Chicken Festival made me giggle. Chickens freak me out a little. When I was really young my gran used to hand me chickens off the nest so she could get the eggs they were sitting on...the feel of the feathers and how large they were in comparison to me (I was probably around 3 or 4) meant that the chicken was as big as I was and I used to try and not have them look me in the eye o.O and then when I scattered the grain for them...all these chickens gathering round and pecking at my feet because I was too small to step out of the way quickly...it's a memory I never have forgotten. LOL


What a strange world

22:12 Sep 16 2011
Times Read: 855

With my niece being in the high school band I have now been made aware of a whole new and very odd world. The intensity of fund raising band supporting parents! lol We've spent 2 days selling ads for the upcoming area band concert that her school is supporting, the deadline was today and they gave us the forms 2 days ago so it's been a rush. We turned in, the 6 ads we sold, in this morning then came home and began making candy to sell at the football game tonight.

So now there's 100 baggies full of candy and cookie type treats ready to go to the game and the whole house smells like chocolate and sugar.

So I am so very happy my sinus' are giving me grief and I cannot smell diddly :)



22:14 Sep 16 2011

I could try and describe the smells to you. lol

22:55 Sep 20 2011

They put a lot of pressure on kids for fundraising. At least it isn't door to door candy drives- I think those are such a safety concern.


A little update

00:45 Sep 10 2011
Times Read: 877

Following up on my last entry, the bully problem appears to be solved. My niece moved lockers into one with her girlfriend and away from the aggressive girl and no further problems have shown up. Eventually Mandy's girlfriend told us that it didn't hurt that when they grabbed her hair Mandy wheeled on them and cut loose in her "mean" voice. Now I've heard this only once or twice from my niece as she's hard to push over the edge but they seem to be afraid of messing with her now. lol

Adam has had a great week since we changed his meds after a visit to his specialists at Cinn Children's hosp. After checking the records we saw his meds hadn't changed since he was 3 and he's nearly 7 and twice the height he was then though only 3 lbs more in weight. Not surprising really, kids in my family stay really skinny until teen years at least.

I'm fighting off some real sinus problems myself or else I've managed to catch a head cold, I sure hope not as I hate them. I did get my flu shot 2 weeks ago and it was easy this year, no pain or swelling afterwards at all. Even if it did it'd be worth it to avoid catching the full flu anyway. Not sure what I'll be doing this weekend but one thing is for sure I've got the new Christine Feehan Carpathian Novel to enjoy:; Dark Predator I'm so going to enjoy this book. *Birdy you'll get it right after my sister I promise* lol



03:16 Sep 10 2011

I thpught that is the book I bought for you?? And where is the OTHER book she is supposed to be reading? HMMMMM

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