Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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8 entries this month

You ever want to just hide away?

23:24 Jun 30 2010
Times Read: 921

Yesterday was a lot of fun, I went uptown to pick up my sister from work and when I tried to start the car it was dead. Hotter than hades and standing on a city street sucks. Luckily a friend of my sister's came by and gave us a jump. In the meantime another friend gave me a ride home because the kids where here alone. My sister made me leave since the heat was doing a real number on me.

The car started from the jump but as she was trying to drive it to the shop the thing died again right in the middle of the road. Oh great fun, she had standing there while folks drove by and stared, waiting for a wrecker to come take her 1/2 mile to the shop.

I needed to get my stitches out today so my aunt gave me a lift to the doctor. She's a wonderful woman my Mom's little sister actually so it's nice to be around her. But she didn't learn to drive until she was in her 30's so she drives like most of the older women around here that did that and all I can say is omg! I've ridden in police cars over 120 mph slamming on breaks and weaving lanes and wasn't made this nervous! lol

The shop fixed the car today, apparently the battery was shorting out before completely frying so together with the tow bill cost just shy of 200 bucks. I'm happy since I was afraid it would be even higher as I was worried it might be the alternator but they check it and was fine.

It hurt at this point in the month since it's mid-pay time but at least I had it. What also hurt was taking the stitches out since the very last one stuck and when pulled loose tore open my thumb again. I refused anymore stitches and am holding it together with a bandage now. My luck is holding good so far. lol Hope you're week is so much better than mine.



23:35 Jun 30 2010

:( And I couldn't help.

03:36 Jul 01 2010

Them's the breaks, my dear Rat :) Hey we did watch Ratatouille again for fun.

04:06 Jul 01 2010

Nor could I help......sorry Sis.


Forced Induction

17:06 Jun 27 2010
Times Read: 953

I'm not sure why there are questions about forced induction here but I have once again tried in my own poor way to explain it. Since I don't want to type it out again I'm adding it here so I can be lazy in the future and copy/paste it again and again...

Think of forced induction in this way:

A person walking down a street is grabbed into a dark alley and changed against their will into a vampire. They have a few days or weeks to adjust themselves to their new surroundings and how to behave to survive and flourish and once they have either done this or failed and died (left), a more powerful vampire comes along and adds them to their kiss (group) they don't ask if you want to join them, they simply are older and more powerful and add you to their group. You will now serve them unless you can persuade them to trade you to another vampire kiss you prefer. You do not do this with threats or tantrums but by using polite and correct words or they will bury you to the bottom of their group and ignore your existence or else send you to another group that will hate you as you hate them.

That is the vampire way and as this is a vampire site, does it not make sense it works that way?



17:37 Jun 27 2010

suck it up, lol

18:10 Jun 27 2010

Lol Exactly!

18:23 Jun 27 2010

Some people think they are better then the rules that Cancer made . I hate to say it but it starts with the Covens that give out them promise stamps.

18:38 Jun 27 2010

I am so stealing this. I've said similar things to people but this is much easier to understand. :)

20:21 Jun 27 2010

That's a cool way of explaing it, maybe it should go into the FAQ ?

02:25 Jun 28 2010

I don't know how some people have such a problem with the concept of forced inductions.

Maybe we should draw them little pictures and schematics.

04:27 Jun 28 2010

*shaking head*

I tried to tell him, darlin'- he wanted to pitch fits instead.

06:25 Jun 28 2010

I always quote Cancer:

"If you do not understand the underlying concepts behind forced induction you should not be a member of Vampire Rave." ~ Cancer, V.R. Manual

00:31 Jul 01 2010

The vampire way? Nah, it is not the vampire way! The vampire is a monster who does such terrible things to young victims in such a gentlemanly manner. He is always polite and deferential. The violence and forceful behavior in vampire movies is committed by the good people, via their horrifyingly, brutal destruction of the vampire.

The vampire does not rip bodies apart or hack people to pieces, or stake them through the heart. He has to be invited in, and often has to persuade his victim to remove her cross before he makes a small, neat bite - a love bite, or the kiss of death, on her neck, so that he can get the blood he needs to live.

The vampire way would be to invite someone into your coven.

00:34 Jul 01 2010

Vampire Rave's forced induction is all about sex. Nothing to do with vampires.

01:18 Jul 01 2010

Sex? Dammit, I missed it!! *cries pitifully*

09:13 Jul 15 2010

Hmmm interesting, just like being press ganged I suppose!

20:12 Jul 15 2010

Exactly right TheBan, just how it works and see historically accurate too :)


Just so you know

14:05 Jun 21 2010
Times Read: 980

I'm headed off to see the doctor in a few minutes and I am not sure I'll be back online today. Going to have to have my right thumb cut on, right smack dab in the middle of it. lol I am not looking forward to this, not so much the knife as the stupid shots they stick in at the most painful points in a small area. Yep still got that needle phobia whenever someone else is sticking it into me. *that just sounded wrong*

Anyway between the cutting and stitching I doubt my right hand will be up to playing much with a keyboard or mouse. Ya'll have fun and stay out of trouble.

I may call Rat to bring over the rum when the numbness wears off, she can make a stop at sonic for a slushee on the way and fix me right up.



14:22 Jun 21 2010

Feel better!

14:46 Jun 21 2010

hope you,ll be ok hon, Tell rat to get ya a extra big one and add lots of rum . soon you 'll be feeling not much of anything.

10:54 Jun 23 2010

*Ouch* Good luck with the thumb and the Rum!

18:59 Jun 23 2010

I thought it was the rum that made everything numb ? *hugs*.

00:48 Jun 25 2010

I say HELL YEAH! on the drinks. :)

Hope you are not in to much pain sissy.

23:25 Jun 28 2010

Thumbs up for little pain!



21:30 Jun 18 2010
Times Read: 992

Made it to the end of a very long week, my niece was in GT camp so lots of back and forth for me, dragging my nephew with me who was mad because he wanted to sleep in this first week out of school. But today's the last day of camp and Mandy is in a school play, Shakespeare's Midsummer Nights Dream, she's playing Helena the nerdy girl who gets chased by 2 men. LOL She had her lines learned and the intonation down pat as of last night and had us rolling with her nerdy act. she even taped up her glasses and tried out a "Urkle" nasal tone. It ought to be fun and oddly enough when she's doing her lines she never even tries to stutter.

Both kids were going to vacation bible school this week so back and forth each evening though my sister helped with that once she was off work. They had a blast but I'm glad it ended last night.

Now off to dinner with Rat and Birdie and to relax and laugh for a while.

Next week is a special autistic camp for my nephew so I'm going to make tonight count!




Onto something entirely different....

17:49 Jun 16 2010
Times Read: 1,033

There are some wicked cool artists around here with photoshop too since I've seen some very inspired "protection stamps" around the site. These seem to come and go in popularity here but there's always a few to be found. Yes I have some they are in my journal where I can enjoy them and the fun memories of the folks that gave them to me.

I however do not have a protection stamp and for a very simple reason *or two*

1. It's a virtual world if someone bugs you block them or ignore them, I have no problem deleting a message without reading it from someone I don't care for or to talk to here or in my other emails.

2. Now for the reason that hits me the most, I ain't giving no warning shots.

Maybe it's being from the hills and raised in an old fashioned way but I have no problem with the thought of sitting in a prison cell for taking out anyone who harms my loved ones. That's about the worst thing they'll do to me and that's if I'm dumb enough to get caught. Wow that sounds like a death threat but honestly I've seen first hand the justice system and a life sentence for murder that gets out in 7 years for "good behavior" is stupid. How the hell can you have "good behavior" if your in there for murder, talk about an oxymoron!

Funny thing is I'd have a hard time beating other family members to the task, I wasn't the only one raised this way you see. lol



20:16 Jun 16 2010

Nor the only person here from the hills....we take of our own here.....and too many places to hide bodies that will never be found. :)

So why make the threat in a stamp....when the reality is so much more.... Justified?

23:15 Jun 16 2010

All those years of going to Cell phone sites up on top of hills.... lots of places to put a body. And the animals will take care of it before anyone would find it... way down at the bottom of that cliff.

And don't even get me started on the caves down in Somerset.


05:45 Jun 17 2010

Remind me not to tick off the Kentucky girls... :)

09:42 Jun 17 2010

And here I thought Kentucky was famous for their jelly. ;P

Not their hiding places.

13:27 Jun 17 2010

Well Nightgame you can spank me anytime for being naughty ; )


Just my thoughts *brings out soapbox*

23:47 Jun 15 2010
Times Read: 1,065

You know I really tried to respect the "promised to" stamps but no more. It's gotten ridiculous, I could respect one just put up after a member reaches level 15-19 since they've had the time to figure out a bit about the place.

But I'm running into them on level 3 and 4's who absolutely cannot have had the time to make an educated choice on the society they want to join here.

That alone has ticked me off enough to make me target those members specifically even though I don't use forced induction much, it doesn't really work well with our house but in this case I'd make an exception.

I'm also not really wild about the ideal of using a mentorship as a form of recruitment though I know it's being done right and left. My mentor ship was up before I became the master of UO but at no time have I used it to steer a member into the house and I won't do it.

If a member were to ask about the house I'll tell them to go through the same procedure as anyone else wanting to be in UO.

I felt then and still do that the mentorships were to be a teaching/ mentoring system for new members to get the most enjoyment from the site. I choose to also use mine to encourage those that wish to take the acolyte test, I think it's a very worthwhile thing to do.

Okay off my soap box now.



00:08 Jun 16 2010

*hands you a cookie*

00:13 Jun 16 2010

Damn.. it must be the heat or the storm coming in that has us both fired up.

Where is Tim? I feel like hitting something....

*gets her bat*

00:18 Jun 16 2010

Be the vamp....better still....be the MASTER VAMP!

01:39 Jun 16 2010

I think most of the Mentorships are a joke.

03:22 Jun 16 2010

HA HA HA>,,, Birdy said MASTER VAMP this time. :P And I expect you to hit her with a linen napkin at dinner Friday night like you did me when I said it.


And no- we are not going someplace with paper napkins either. :)

10:11 Jun 16 2010

I lump those people who have the "promised to" stamps the same as I did the ones who headed off their profile with "Do not induct me because....." stamps. They're full of shit, and deserve whatever they get- play the game, or get the hell out.

13:23 Jun 17 2010

Ah Master...so that's what I missed lol

Your in charge of UO! Wow well done you!

I am unable to bow....I have wind ^^



Funny how things happen

21:08 Jun 11 2010
Times Read: 1,089

The hub bub over the April reset has settled down and most if not all are back at their levels from before it happened. So all's good.

I lost something in my mentor ship forum that I do wish hadn't been lost though. About the 2nd week of April there was a new thread posted in my quiet little mentor ship from Cancer. It said there was some good information available there and it was too bad the mentor ship wasn't more active. That was lost :(

I'm just like everyone else it's a good feeling to know you did something right and for me that's what that was, a confirmation that I set up Quest for Knowledge along the lines of what the intention for the mentorships was to start with.

I wanted a place where finding the articles and threads that would help a young member work on their status and/or profile are clearly and easily found using links so it's easy to navigate.

I also wanted to touch on the needed skills to become an acolyte which I enjoyed the heck out of and still love to answer those questions. But in my attempts to pass the test and listening to friends that also took it there were some tips we discovered. Those I've posted for all to read.

Most of the pages of my mentor ship are open to the public I'm not big on hoarding knowledge.

It may be a childish wish but I would have enjoyed that thread hanging around a wee bit longer. lol

Oddly enough since losing that post I've added 3 new members to the mentorship and they seem to be the active sort so I'm making sure to check in several times a day so I don't miss out. It's exciting to help folks and the mentorship is just another way to do that for me.



13:19 Jun 17 2010

I got rid of mine because I didn't really know what the hell I was doing. And I do miss having it sometimes.


Got Alastriona in the house!

00:54 Jun 06 2010
Times Read: 1,118

Yipee, just inducted a new member, we've tried for a couple of hours to get online together for her to update to level 20. Tried twice before she finally hit it but I was waiting and inducted her right then.

I think she'll be a great fit in the house and even if we loose a little status it's so worth it to get new members.

The bad part is that there at too many CM's out there right now that are not actually after good members but instead are grabbing everyone as they hit level 20 then ransoming them to the society they wanted to belong to in the first place.

It's defiantly a vampire thing to do, so don't start yelling to change things it just makes us work harder to get the folks we want after all.



02:47 Jun 06 2010

yeah , thats true , Congratulations We tried to convince her to join ours.

18:54 Jun 07 2010

ATTA girl, Mistress....lol

20:19 Jun 11 2010

I am glad that we have her in the house.... You are so right about the Cm thing too.

19:45 Jun 15 2010

It also makes you determine if you really did want them. Some of these bounty hunters charge an arm, leg, and 7 pints of blood just for someone who may or may not turn out to be a valuable asset.

13:16 Jun 17 2010

Ooo sounds a little scary

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