Today was going to be my catch up day my nephew is with me but put in a movie and he's good for an hour or so at least and I could get a bit of housework done. Then I find out family is coming to stay since they have no electricity and won't for about 3 weeks. Ugh!
I had moved some furnature around this week so had a pretty good mess made in the bedroom that is now going to be needed.
So my quiet day went south right quick. But I'm getting it ready but I may not get my laundry all finished today. If that's the worst of it it's good.
Been a bit of a weird weekend for me and I've been much more quiet than is normal for me. lol
I went to the specialist on Friday and he added a new medicine to my daily routine. What he didn't warn me of was the adjusting I'd need to do with it. It's a 3 shot a day addition to my usual 2 shots but by the 3rd shot my head was spinning like a top. There's other side effects but this is the one bugging me the worst. It's made it difficult to do much of anything as my vision isn't even steady so not much reading or computer time for me this weekend. Other than Friday night out with my friends I've pretty much sat under a blanket and waited for the world to stop spinning.
It's not gone away yet but it's more manageable now, in other words I can drive without seeing spinning traffic lights. lol
I had plans to work on my profile and some other stuff here this weekend but they were washed out big time. Oh well, I'd probably messed it all up anyway.
Hopefully this week will see the end of it and I can get back to normal. Once the medicine takes full effect I ought to feel a lot better so it's worth it just annoying.
Time for bed now so I hope you all had a decent weekend and hopefully we'll meet up this week.
Be careful with every thing you do under the influence of the new medicine. Copy the code from your profile before making changes as a precaution.
Hope you are doing better soon.
I hope it settles down soon.
This video has become very popular around here and you can just be walking down the street when someone will make a move and yell it out and everyone laughs.
i could not stop chuckling over the Wonder Woman costume.
oh yeah...JUDI CHOP!
I have learned my lesson for the day; and can now move on in life with the knowledge that if "I gotta a fellar comin' at me awt in de trailer park" ... that I can "ninja chop" my can of Skoal at him - and not worry about Barney Fife picking me up for carrying a concealed weapon.
Just as long as you don't judi chop when you ninja kick or there goes your leg.
Hit a milestone here for me.
Time Spent:
150.00 days
I do
Wow your 19.53 days ahead of me! :P
That's like .41 Years.
wow! life? what's a life?
Wow and I thought I was bad for having 93.72 days!
I used to go through portfolios often going back to some of those I liked the most but it seems lately I just haven't taken the time. I could say I didn't have the time but I think I could have made it if I really wanted it.
There are some very talented photographers on here plus some that are just located in places I've always wanted to see myself. Their pictures of their state or country are a real treat.
I know the rating of portfolios is just part of rising in status for many but honestly there are some that are too good for it to be just for that reason. So I'm going to make sure every week to slip back and view some at random just to have some fun and expand my worldview.
honestly i fell out of practice with that too.
lately i take the time to glance at the journals and the portfolio if there is one. would you believe when i logged on today i had been rated by a woman with like 8 profiles? all different themed with nearly identical photos. i still haven't found a graphic to use as a stamp. it sure would have come in handy.
It was a very good weekend with my friends coming over Sat night and we watched dvd's and talked lots. It was a really good time and we made plans for next weekend too.
Our favorite restaurant is opening back up this week after a 3week vacation to Hawaii by the chef. lol Great holiday there! So we're going for supper Friday night if everyone can swing it. Then Sunday is my birthday so we're getting together to celebrate it. At least if I have to get another year older I can do it with friends who will take the sting out of it by making all kinds of fun of me and my old age.
There doesn't seem to be a movie out that we're interested in seeing so a role play game has been offered. Yipee that's fun for sure.
I've got a lot of housework to do this week and need to get the christmas decorations carried back out to the storage building, they're filling the back hall now. ugh! The rain's supposed to end this afternoon and stay away for a day or two so hopefully I'll get that done for sure.
O.O Count me in!! :)
Sounds like a fun weekend!
Happy early Birthday!!
I am so aggravated with my computer. For some reason it is running so slow on VR's pages and I'm not sure why. I've cleaned out the browser and made sure no virus is working on it but still cannot get the pages to load in under 30 seconds. It's really getting on my last nerve. I think I'll clean out all my picture files and music from the whole thing and see if that helps. According to the computer I still have oodles of space on it but it sure isn't running like I do.
I wonder if it's some type of IE problem since it seems to be much worse on it than Firefox but even it is running slower than usual for me.
have you tried to do a compression file let out?
you could try getting onto a problem page - right clicking one image and 'blocking images from ....', reload and see if its faster - if it isn'r, unblock that image source and try blocking a different one
some people are hosting page stuff, stamps, backgrounds and so on through photobucket - that can take an age to load - that might help narrow it down
To speed up computers generally
You can find a folder called 'prefetch' (C Drive >Windows) and empty it. It really does nothing at all, google will explain. Removing its contents can speed things up a bit
You can also go to Start > run and type in msconfig
Go to the startup tab in msconfig : you need to keep anything that looks like your antivirus and your firewall - you can untick everything else.
StartUp is all the programs that will run when you switch your cmputer on, you'll be amazed how many there are - all of the programs will work normally when you want them, you just don't need them running in the background 24/7. You can safely untick everything in startup and put them back later if you want to, whatever you do in there can be reversed. I would keep your firewall and antivirus on 24/7
You get a one time warning when your computer starts up to let you know its start up is changed
Thanks both of you I have done the compression file but most of the stuff you mentioned Art was new to me. It is running faster since I cleaned a bunch of stuff out but still not as fast as is normal for me. lol Now I have new things to use.
18:43 Jan 30 2009
Ah family. 3 Weeks? You kidding me... gosh darn that is a long time. My house- anytime you want a break- you got a key. :)
00:22 Jan 31 2009
hmmm ......BREATHE........