Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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12 entries this month

Off the drugs and real confused

03:41 Jan 29 2008
Times Read: 947

Okay been off the drugs for 24 hours now and my head is clear but very confused about what's going on on VR.

I saw the post for the experiment and that it was the 4th one so I went back and read through them all and it flat blew my little mind.

I know it didn't take me but a minute to figure out that it was a fun ideal and wouldn't harm anyone save for a bit lower rating for 1 week. Who the heck cares for 1 week? In return you send a nice or funny message to them asking for a re-rate and you get a 10. That's it no matter how piss poor a profile you have they give you a 10. Anyway you look at it that's a gift.

But people were acting like the experiment was to set their underpants on fire and see how fast they could escape them. Well if that was the case there were some real winners but they shit the things before they got out of them.

Poorly veiled threats and name calling along with declaring that if any of their coven members got a 1 they would demand their membership rate the whole coven membership with 1's. What an idiot. I don't know the fellows that made that statement and honestly I don't want to now.

I asked for my one and was graciously given it by Liebe and have since messaged her with my thanks and a cyber razzberry if she doesn't change it in a week. Well that's the only threat that matters on a website in my mind.

Childish name calling was thrown about by a member that I had thought above that sort of thing who even though others told her she was wrong in her interpertation continued to make nasty comments about ImagesInWords. This was completely uncalled for though the lady doesn't need me to defend her being more than capable herself.

I want to know what got into these folks to get them so het up over a 1 week rating of 1 that most of them hadn't or wouldn't get? Has VR been too quiet lately? In a world filled with stress and real life dramas everyday they want to get crazy about a rating of 1 for 1 week. Well hell then maybe I should go cyber nuts over the 1's I have got that never get changed? Wonder if the squirrels in UO would let me get away with it?



04:30 Jan 29 2008

Well put my dear. Glad you are filling better.

17:57 Jan 29 2008

Here Here.....claps loudly

20:49 Jan 29 2008

I'm glad your feeling better.

Did you try on those dancing shoes yet?

01:06 Jan 30 2008

Cat is up and around? Cool :) Great to hear you voice on the phone today sis.

03:14 Jan 30 2008

I am certain Twitch would hunt any nuts down for breakfast.


Well poot!

04:25 Jan 27 2008
Times Read: 968

First time I've been online in 3 days now. Can't stay awake since I'm having to actually use the pain meds as the doctor perscribed which keeps me doopey and sleepy all the time. But apparently having to do what she did to the bone made it swell more than I expected and it needs ice on it most of the day still.

So if I've missed anything important, please let me know with a message or comment. I'm not sure when this will ease up as I've still got a weeks worth of dope to take (gah I hope not)

Be good my friends and stay out of trouble ya'll



04:38 Jan 27 2008

Welcome back dearest. You have been missed. *hugs*

14:11 Jan 27 2008

I sure hope you are up being cat like on those paws soon.

18:15 Jan 27 2008

Ohhh we would never start any trouble.

*reachs up and pulls the birdy's feathers*

18:39 Jan 27 2008

I miss you, Sweetness. :(

Rest, relax, and heal. I wish your speedy and complete recovery.

19:56 Jan 27 2008

Frankly the natives are restless and your better off staying in your lair until the fur stops flying!

Get mended up soon!

23:50 Jan 28 2008

Birdy's needs her feathers smoothed, poor Birdy, stay in bed and get well soon babe xx


Lucky! Yipee :)

22:40 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 1,002

I'm home again and in just a little bit of pain but all in all I got lucky. Instead of putting stitches and plugs in my knee the meniscal that was damaged had to be clipped out as it had already started to break apart. She cleaned out the loose pieces and shaved and smoothed off the end of the bone and stitched me back up.

I've got a compression and cold cast that automatically keeps ice water running through it on it for 48 hrs then I can walk normally. Won't even need to use the crutches but can use a cane if helpful.

The weather was horrible, when we started out a light freezing rain was falling, then we hit a mix of sleet and snow before finally arriving in Lexington to snow on top of their slick roads and wrecks everywhere.

My nephew did the driving as I am pert near useless on icy roads. I know in my head what to do when the car starts sliding but my emotional reaction is what I end up with since I ended up sliding backwards out of control down a huge hill with sheer dropoffs on both sides when I first learned to drive. Just never really got past it. I can drive through it if I'm alone as I just won't risk anyone else to my driving now.

Doing a lot of sleeping since I got home, and have finally been able to keep some crackers down. Ansthesia is great but the aftermath isn't for me. But at least I have plenty of warning to grab a can. lol

Just took another pain pill, only the second one since the surgery so the pain level's pretty bearable, the stuff really makes me sleep though so don't be surprised if I don't reply or am seen here for a day or so.

Thanks to all my friends for their concern, well wishes, prayers and healing energy sent my way. I love you folks.

I've watched people turn to their "church" or "club" families for years for support and help but I am luckier as I can turn to my online family that doesn't make me be of any one faith or belief to belong to them. I'm a very lucky woman.



23:03 Jan 22 2008

Glad it wasn't any worse Con..HUGS... :)

01:03 Jan 23 2008

Glad to hear it all went well.

Now heal up quick so you can put on your dancing shoes!

02:16 Jan 23 2008


*curls up at foot of bed in case cat needs anything*

I'm glad you are through the bad operation love- we love you and if you need anything, or just someone to talk to, you know where we are...

18:57 Jan 23 2008

*hugs the Cat and then gets her some munchies and a nice warm blanket.*Put your feet up dearest....and relax. I am glad to hear you are doing ok and not in much pain. Love you sis. *hugs*

22:09 Jan 23 2008

Ooh err hope you keep on mending

You eat crackers !

01:07 Jan 24 2008

Thanks folks, much appreciated

yep Art, I like crackers -saltine crackers at least. lol

20:22 Jan 25 2008

Wishing you a speedy recovery! :)


Oh What a Night! :)

18:41 Jan 20 2008
Times Read: 1,023

Had a wonderful birthday with my friends, nice meal, good movie and plenty of laughter. I even got to smack the Rat on the ass! Top that I dare you... *okay maybe not* lol

Spent much of Saturday visiting and being visited by family in person and on the phone. Now today trying to finish up a bunch of last mintute jobs to clear up before Tuesday.

Monday I've got to take Mom to two doctors for her routine checkups so it'll take up the whole day pretty much and by the time I get done with that I'll be lucky to be walking so falling down is about it for Monday night.

Have to be at the hospital at 8am for surgery at 9am which wouldn't be so bad but the hospital is about 1 1/2 hours away and they're predicting snow and freezing rain for Tuesday, I hate driving in bad weather. I just flat suck at it though I can usually manage to keep from screaming. (barely)

They called and went over all my meds and such with me and I verified they have all the paperwork though for some reason the EKG didn't come through to them but I've got a copy and will carry it up with me, which was okay with them. The surgery should last about 1 hour then recovery for 30-60 minutes before I'm headed back home. They said I'll sleep a lot from the meds and stuff which suits me just fine since I'll be in the back seat and don't even want to know about the drive home. (can we say control freak) Yea I know Rat, but I trust your driving, Birdie too for that matter!

The doctor insists I bring my inhaler with me though I do not have asthma just allergies but she said she hears wheezing in my lungs so it's going too.

I've told my Mom, enough I can't live with her and the cigarettes anymore. I've been allergic to them for years but it's grown worse and worse so that now just being around one causes me trouble breathing. She's agreed to try and quit again.

She'll have to or find someone else to care for her I refuse to stop breathing.

I'm still not very nervous about the surgery but the weather is making it hard to stay completely calm. Maybe we'll get missed by it, I hope so!



19:05 Jan 20 2008

I Wanna Smack The Rat On The ASS!! GRRRRRRRRR IM Jeleous..Well I Can Call Her And Make Growl Noises At Her..:D

19:05 Jan 20 2008

And Oh Be Safe And Stuff And Gets Better SOON!!!

I Forgot That Part...

21:41 Jan 20 2008


What she said on both parts!

Good luck!

01:26 Jan 21 2008

My thoughts are always with you and I will be thinking more about you on Tuesday. I'm glad that Rat is going with you, I know that she will get you giggling as soon as you are functioning again.

As for your mother, gee....there's a thought. You moving out to have your own life and be able to breath. In more ways than one. I love you sis. Take care of yourself. Blessed be.

02:46 Jan 22 2008

Ohh baby... smack me some more. lol

Ok- just for YOU ..... I will not ask for snow..or ice....or rain tonight or any for Tuesday.

*Rat crosses her heart* I swear... I wish for a nice warm day for you sis.


Thoughts running round my brain

00:58 Jan 17 2008
Times Read: 1,051

Got to get this crap to slow down for a bit as I'm not sleeping well - too much activity going on to rest.

Mom was going on about how nervous she was about my surgery. As I explained to her, I like the surgeon and trust her, the place doing the surgery is up to date, spotless, has nice nurses and aides and hell it's outpatient surgery. I'm not worried about it, this time. I've had orthoscopic surgery on my other knee so I know a bit of what to expect. My biggest concerns are the weather since it's 100 miles from home and they are now predicting snow for Tuesday and how long I'll be stuck on crutches. I got the approval yesterday from the cardiologist & my regular physician and then got the blood work done today.

My cousin had a bad scare in the hospital and went into a coma for a bit the other day after surgery and now his heart rythm is messed up so they have to do another surgery tomorrow to try and fix it. I'm worried about him as he's one of my favorites and a good guy too.

My sister's life is so screwed up right now there's no way to explain it but since I love her & the kids it's dragging me down horribly.

Some friends are having serious issues and that is adding to the pain as I love them and don't quite know what to do about it. *knocking heads won't work here*

My elder brother is about to get the full effect of my anger if he doesn't stop the crap he's pulling. I do not tell him how to live his life and he can just go fuck off instead of trying to run mine. I'm about done biting my tongue on this so cross your fingers he gets the message finally.

Bills are wicked right now and with more medical stuff to handle I need a shovel to dig through it all. But I'll work it out just hate the dang math!

Okay enough moaning and crying time to get going again. Yipee!



22:34 Jan 17 2008

*hugs the Cat close* I'm here for you hon. Do me a favor and for once, think of yourself and stop biting your tongue. Hell half the stress you have is that you are. There is no reason that you can't say what you want at your age. lol *ducks the swipe*

Everyone has problems but you need to prioritize and you better be in those priorities. Everything will work out. *hugs*

07:31 Jan 18 2008


If I hadn't bit MY tongue so many times, I would have been a LOT better off....

16:22 Jan 18 2008

*rat jumps up and down* Let me tell him. :)


Thanks Birdie

17:02 Jan 16 2008
Times Read: 1,070

If you have ever owned a cat you will appreciate this very much.

Birdie found a funny that explains my attitude so very well, I had to put it here to keep too.



18:07 Jan 16 2008

LMAO! Too funny!

18:13 Jan 16 2008

Thats what happens when my cat wants to go outside and play..LOL

23:31 Jan 16 2008

rofl that is exactly like my cats i had to steal it to show my mom rofl


Comment on this, if you wish.

19:47 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 1,092

The new comment on Journals ability, ought to be an interesting thing to see. It should show sides of people that we may not have seen before.

Now many many folks here know that I have never needed the feature since I've always been free with messaging them about journal entries I have found interesting or moved emotionally by. Keeping my mouth shut has never been my strong suit especially when I want to support or say Yea to someone.

I confess to not being worried myself as I am just not that interesting to read nor do folks other than my friends usually read my stuff. They know they can say whatever they want to me and message me all the time to do so. :)

There are some that are justifiably worried about attacks in the comments left on their works and I truly hope this is not the case but we all know there are some people that don't think before they speak or type. As far as I can see there is no way to delete your comment after you make it so I'd suggest we all be very sure of our facts and intentions before posting those comments to a journal that most of us here have been comfortable spilling our guts and emotions into for some time now.



04:07 Jan 13 2008

*nods yes* Couldn't of said it better myself. I can see it effecting what people put down in the journals too.

*jumps the cat and pulls her tail*

05:06 Jan 13 2008

*hugs both the rat and the cat* Well said dearest.

09:19 Jan 13 2008


Ain't gonna bother me none- I'll do more shit just so I CAN get stupid fucks to comment...LMAO

ya'll know me better...shiiiiiitttt......

13:58 Jan 15 2008

Well I am never, ever, going to leave a journal comment

.... oh

18:14 Jan 16 2008

I used to care, I don't so much anymore. It actually feels pretty good.


I concur

01:05 Jan 10 2008
Times Read: 1,113

KCRC has said it better than I ever could. I agree with you completely and add my gratitude to all those who work so hard to make VR fun for the rest of us.





It's official :(

22:22 Jan 07 2008
Times Read: 1,129

This entry is for my friends who know what's going on and so I don't have to re type it much. :) I'm feeling sorry for my self right now so there. lol

Saw the specialist and went through 2 exams to verify it along with the MRI results and then got to see the little model of a knee so they could show me what's wrong with mine. Seems the Meniscus is not only torn but a piece of it has folded over and is caught between 2 bones which is the reason I cannot fully straighten out my leg and why it hurts so bad when I try to do it. There is also damage to my ACL which is a tendon running down the center of my knee. Not sure if it can be helped or not.

I go Jan 22 for arthrosopic surgery to try and repair it, they may be able to put stitches in it and fix it or they might have to remove it. She also informed me that she'd need to smooth off then end of the bone around it as that is probably what did it. She also said she was pretty sure she'd need to put a plug or two in the bone, where she'll drill out holes and fill them in to help enourage cartalige to grow and make it stronger. (sounds scary to me)

In the next 2 week sI have to go see the cardiologist and get cardiac clearance & a EKG for the surgery and then to my regular doctor for a medical clearance and bloodwork. Yipee!

The best part is she can't tell me until after the surgery if I'll be off my feet only 1 day or anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks. Lucky I already have a set of crutches, cause I'm not using a wheelchair. lol

Now I'm home sitting with my leg propped up since the exams consisted of doing everything they could to make it hurt like hell. They were very good at it and found several. It's really painful right now and starting to swell a bit. Guess I'd better get some ice on it, soon.

But the alternative was not fixing it and going on with it continuing to give way and requiring more and more time off of it. I'm not ready to spend 1/2 my waking hours laid up off my feet.




Nerves of plastic!

01:59 Jan 07 2008
Times Read: 1,135

Tomorrow morning I'm driving into the city to see the orthopedic specialist about my right knee. My local doctor has already confirmed by MRI that it's a meniscal tear that will need surgery to fix but I'm still praying that the specialist says therapy can do it.

I know it's wishful thinking but for the sake of my sleep I have to hope for it. Wish me luck folks as I really do not want to have to go under the knife just 6 months after the last time.





20:34 Jan 01 2008
Times Read: 1,152

Oh she's a sneaky one all right, I have no doubt she's making deals with the elementals and promising all kinds of things for this to happen.

Snow is coming down like crazy, heavy wet stuff that is sticking to everything and with the freezing temps and high winds, she will finally get her wish for a winter's snow.

Darn Rat! I just know you had something to do with this as yesterday it was nearly 60 and sunny.




This stinks

02:02 Jan 01 2008
Times Read: 966

Back from the doctor and hearing his take on the results of my MRI. He's referring me to an orthopedic specialist in Lexington to set up arthroscopic surgery to fix it.

He did say that in his opinion the damage was caused because my right leg has had to take on so much since the injury to my left and subsequent surgery to it. Given that I am not an athlete nor runner there just wasn't that many other reasons for my type of injury.

I really hate this right now since I'm still making payments on the 1000 dollar deductible from my thyroid removal surgery last July. With the new year that means another deductible to get to pay. I hate the crappy governor we had that slipped that little hidden deductible into our plan when it had never existed before. Jerk! I know I should be very happy that I even have health insurance since so many do not. But I worked 20+ years in a very stressful job that I had to follow a strict contract and allow them to tell me where I could go and what I could do and even be transferred anywhere in the state with just 3 days notice. I met my responsibilities and theirs was my retirement included my health insurance. Funny how it's gotten worse and worse every year since I retired. Jerks! Okay I'll figure out something after I see the specialist. Yipee...

Add that I've caught a cold and have a sinus infection plus need to change my insulin and it's just a hunky dorey day.



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