Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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13 entries this month


00:15 Aug 28 2008
Times Read: 1,001

Just got in a few minutes ago and I'm really whipped. The drive was uneventful save it rained the whole way there and the mist was down pretty heavy at first. Made it through the confusing bridge with no problems and off at the right exit only to discover the rest of the directions were buggered up something awful. So I wandered around a bit downtown looking for a street that connected with the one I was looking for and finally found it and follwed it to where I needed to be. There was a lot of walking involved but it felt good to stretch our legs after the drive.

My sister and I both liked the specialist, she was calm and seemed to know her job but was still human seeming too. She wouldn't put a name on what is wrong with Adam yet since he needs to have a couple tests and see a threapist before she'll try and say for sure. She did acknowledge there is definately something wrong but it could be genetic, austism or another type of developmental disorder that had like 15 initials instead of a name. lol

We're happy with that since rushing to name what his problem is doesn't do us any good if it turns out to be wrong. She did change his medicine saying it wasn't doing a thing for him and she perscribed a anti anxiety medicine since that seems to be one of his biggest problems.

*why not, the rest of his family are that way*

Okay I'm the exception but I think it's cause I'm just too slow witted to have a panic attack o-0

But I'm really tired now and figure I've got about 15 mintues before I go take some Advil and turn in to sleep it off. lol



01:31 Aug 28 2008

Sleep sis... he is getting the help he needs now.

03:20 Aug 28 2008

Glad to hear that you got there and back safely. Keep us posted on his diagnosis...*hugs*


Long Day ahead

01:36 Aug 27 2008
Times Read: 1,022

Going to be pulling out between 6-7 AM talking my nephew to the Cincinnati Childrens Hospital for evaulation. I really hope they can determine his status fully and recommend the right way to handle it. He's been diagnosed as high functioning autistic with speech problems. He's been in speech therapy about 1 year now and it's helping a lot but he does still have lots of problems speaking clearly. Either way it'll be nice to find out from experts in the field his true status. My sister swears if they say he's fine she's going to whip his butt all the way home, for all the stuff he's done. lol

The drive isn't really a bad one about 3-4 hours but looks like it'll be through rain storms the whole way since the rest of hurricane Fay is passing through this area now. So I'm adding an extra hour just for that reason, if we're early no problem. The only part of the trip I'm really dreading is the bridge crossing from Ky into OH going across the river since you need to be in certain lanes to get to different exits really quick and no one will ever let you move around if you're in the wrong way. Oh well I can always pretend I'm in a demolation derby and see what happens (just kidding Rat)

Does mean I won't be online any tomorrow and that'll be a bummer but needs must win out.

ya'll be good all right :)



02:45 Aug 27 2008

I really want to know what they say as well. Luck!!

03:10 Aug 27 2008

I hated that bridge. It's confusing if you're driving it for the first time.

I wanted to wish you good luck on finding out what's going on with him and especially on finding ways to help him out.

07:14 Aug 27 2008

Remember you can always turn around and go back... always. :)

My favorite Dom not online?

*Runs to start trouble in the forums*




01:32 Aug 24 2008
Times Read: 1,045

I posted a response to a thread about creatures cursed to hell having dreams. In it the person that posted it acknowledged that many VR members do not believe in "hell" but was asking for opinons on it.

I personally do not think dreams would be allowed since they engineer hope and an existance without hope would truly be hell.

But another post then stated that no one could actually know anything about it.

This got me to thinking of the ideal of faith and how that is what allows people to believe in things that we cannot prove (at this point). Made me think about the past and the future for 1000 years ago much of what we know to be fact today had to be accepted on faith alone then and I wonder what things we take on faith today may be proven as fact hundereds of years in the future?

Then what will be questioned? Interesting things to ponder I believe.



15:56 Aug 24 2008

See? You gotten brave now that you are a forum watch dog. lol ;)

21:01 Aug 24 2008

I am sure with the evolution of science and thought progressions we will still have many unanswered questions. More knowledge does not necessarily hinder faith or even begin to answer the questions of monumental substance.

05:14 Aug 25 2008

Very interesting indeed, dear Lady. I have posted a rambling response to the thread on Science vs witchcraft started by Lifeblood. I think we are thinking alike on magick and religion. :) Let me know as I must get sleep.




You know why!

02:17 Aug 22 2008
Times Read: 1,066

This one is for Stabb who will get it :)

For those that wonder why I didn't use Timberlake, Cocker was just so much more righteous! lol




Such fun

18:14 Aug 21 2008
Times Read: 1,078

Went to the phone company office and threw a fit about my screwed up internet service since I upgraded. Honestly I've run more on my nephews wireless hub from next door than my own, since I upgraded. I've spent many many hours on the phone with their technical service (half of which cannot speak English well enough to understand me or me them) I've also been hung up one, put on hold for hours, had them refuse to transfer me to a supervisor. I could go on but I took the hub back to the office and said we can fix it or ya'll can have it back and I'll get my service elsewhere. They gave me a phone number for the Technical supervisors line direct and I came home and rebooted both the hub and my computer and it's still not working so I called and got a fellow that while I had a little trouble understanding him he was able to understand my English. He checked immediately and saw that it wasn't working and tried some simple fixes right then but when they failed to fix it he said he would get with a technican personally and get it fixed. Said he would call me back within 4 hours to let me know about it.

All I can say is We'll see...

Add to that misery that the tower site for my Sprint cellphone went down yesterday and took 15 hours to get back up and I'm a technology ticked off person this week.



18:56 Aug 21 2008

Technology, "Challenged! Person!!" this week I think . So much for, "upgrades" chickabee!

21:41 Aug 21 2008

I have two tin cans and some string, you are welcome to them but I don't think they get the internet!

05:22 Aug 22 2008

I'm almost willing to place money that you didn't get a call within 4 hours from the tech. Maybe I'm a cynic or I've spent too much time speaking with Dell's help line.

12:01 Aug 22 2008

You win the prize Meeper :( 16 hours later and still no word or fix. I shall be calling back though and if they thought I was a bitch yesterday... oops


Feeling Nostalgic

18:44 Aug 19 2008
Times Read: 1,093

I was reading through the forums this morning and something made me remember an old favorite movie from the 80's of mine. Heavy Metal was strange to many but I just loved the thing. I still catch it when I can and should buy a copy but I don't keep many movies around since I hate clutter. Dumb I know. But this one song is still fun just because it can be.

Of course having had family that worked in the mines for generations it just works for me too. :)



20:25 Aug 19 2008

This will be with me for the rest of the day and I'll be bouncing around the office 'workin in a coal mine'...

Thanks NG! lol

*I KNEW I shouldn't have checked it out..lol*


Flubbed up big time

00:23 Aug 16 2008
Times Read: 1,108

Sorry Birdie, I really truly am for I would never have stood you up if I'd been in my right mind. Woke up sick in the night and man I hate astomach virus. I couldn't even babysit my nephew and ended up taking phenegran all day to prevent the vomiting but slept pretty much all day with chills and pain. I completely lost a day somewhere for I would have sworn all day it was just Thrusday and I had til tomorrow to get over it to meet Birdie for dinner.

MY sister came in about 6pm to check on me and remind me that my brother was coming in to visit for the weekend tonight. I said not until Friday night and she just looked at me and said it is Friday stupid! I argued for a minute with her before I realized she was right and I looked at the clock and it was 6:09 I tried to grab my phone to call Birdie when it rang. Where are you?

Believe me I grovelled but nothing can really make up for doing a friend that way. I was feeling awful and now I'm on to terrible for being such an ass too. She's a good friend though and I know she'll forgive me but it'll be a while before I can forgive myself. I don't like taking my friends for granted and this feels way too much like I did.

Now I'm going to dope up some more and go back to sleep. I left the door unlocked for my brother to come in without me having to get up. Yea I know leaving your door open is asking for trouble but hey I'm in a small town city street with people on it constantly. I refuse to live in fear of the worst happening. Dummy is my middle name.



00:58 Aug 16 2008

It was roast beef night too....YUM. I almost licked the plate. :) Just get better....and you can buy me dinner next time to finish sucking up......lol :)


Games People Play

02:15 Aug 15 2008
Times Read: 1,122

My nephew got me hooked on this online game Diablo II lords of chaos and I'm spending way too much time playing it. It's very addictive and I've spent the last couple of weekends staying up very late to play it with him online at the same time. Since his work schedule has him working until 1 or 2 AM I'm always asleep by the time he gets in to play a bit. Only on the weekend do we get to do it together and the game actually changes when 2 or more get together everything much harder to kill.

We killed Diablo our last game and now have his big brother Baal to battle in the normal level then the game starts over in Nightmare mode where things are much much harder to fight/kill. If one manages to defeat the Nightmare level then Hell level is the last stop though there is a side game called Cow level available where you portal to a land where cows walk upright use ray guns and will fry your butt if you don't watch it. lol Of course they Moo the whole time.

No vampires in the game but it's such a joy to kill everything you see! Ah delicious violence :)



02:21 Aug 15 2008

Sounds like a fun game. Enjoy, my dear friend.

Hugs from the shadows. :)


02:52 Aug 15 2008

Got hooked on that game as well!



22:25 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 1,146

So yep I changed my avatar picture, I just got tired of seeing my own mug there. lol This cool little cat is just temporary until I find a better picture but for now I do like the message.



01:32 Aug 12 2008

I think the cat is cute. I can search for something if you have any thoughts on what you are looking for if you wish.

01:47 Aug 12 2008

Oh what cute kitty witch!

13:00 Aug 13 2008



Cool viewing

21:06 Aug 10 2008
Times Read: 1,165

I don't know why exactly but I've been hooked on watching the olympic competitions since I was a kid. No one else in my family were ever interested since back then basketball and football were not part of the games. But I always enjoyed the skating and swimming and diving competitions and the gymnastics are just awesome.

Of course after the US/USSR Hockey game in 80, they became much more popular with everyone else around here but these days they almost never show some of the older less popular competitions such as the shooting matches. It's a real artform to be accurate at such distances. When I was younger watching them the networks at least taped and played the games all night long with the lesser popular ones on then at least. yes I was odd enough to get up at 4 in the morning to watch some of them. lol Good thing they were during the school break.

There are some big differences in the games of today compared to those of my youth, commericalism most especially but they are still a fine example of sportsmanship that sometimes shows up.

BTW, Michael Phelps is awesome :)



21:55 Aug 10 2008

I'm hooked on it too.

It just is sad to me that they only have 1 of the NBC owned outlets showing stuff at a time. If they "mulitplexed" I would be able to watch the shooting, archery, fencing, equestrian and other less "popular" events, instead of them being televised at 3:00AM.

I am kind of partial to the beach vollyball matches though!

23:10 Aug 10 2008

*looks at KCRC's comment*

I've got 2 HD channels running different events and on occasion USA jumps in with some programming.

01:10 Aug 11 2008

I must admit the "mens" beach volleyball is one delicious sport :) As many networks as NBC owns they could provide a whole lot more coverage than we're getting that's for sure.

03:40 Aug 11 2008

We have been watching alot too...men/women who cares...perfect bodies are amazing to watch; the stuff those people can do is astounding. We watched the mens gymnastics semi-finals...jaw-dropping control those men have of their bodies. Synchronized diving is killer too. And yeah, Phelps...we are rooting for that kid, what a great story.


Won't this make you afraid to go in the forums?

14:26 Aug 09 2008
Times Read: 1,201

Got one of the most pleasant surprises yesterday evening when I logged onto VR. I had a message from Ishta (a coding Goddess) about re-doing the UO Timeline and since I'd just been looking at it earlier and thinking the same thing it was like so strange. lol But we bounced it around a little and a testing is underway to see how it looks. We're trying to simplify it a bit more and make it look even more awesome!

Of course that means I'll need to get myself back to working on it too. But that's a good thing since I've got notes scattered all over the computer about things I wanted to see added to it. Ishta even came up with a new categorie that will fit in really well with this site. I'll keep that a secret for now though while we work it up.

I responded to her message and went onto my next one and it was from the boss man himself, with an invitation to become a Dominar! I thought about it for about 30 seconds (while I waited for the shock to pass) then I happily accepted. I'm thrilled with the ideal of being able to help make this site more fun for all of us.

Rat and Birdie are already teasing me but other folks have been very nice with the congrats and encouragement. I just want to be honest and do a good job.



14:35 Aug 09 2008

I have full confidence that you will bring an excellent standard to the forum.

14:36 Aug 09 2008

We might tease but we KNOW you will do a GREAT job - at bossing folks around - er um... policing--um.

Well hell.....A GREAT JOB!! (huggles)

15:22 Aug 09 2008

Congrats, I'll be sure to share that news with the Devonshire Ullicks...lol

18:45 Aug 09 2008

congrats on the promotion!

14:25 Aug 10 2008

Push da button!! Push it!!! :P

In all seriousness you will be more than fair you will also bring a level of tolerance that I have not seen in the forums to date.

17:40 Aug 10 2008

If I see my post count drop I'm blaming you :P

J/k You'll do a great job and welcome to the team.

18:30 Aug 10 2008

Congratulations, a dazzling ray of intelligence and sense has entered the forum. :)


Snitched from Rat who grabbed it from the Bunny

16:21 Aug 07 2008
Times Read: 1,216

Find out Which Movie Hero Are You at LiquidGeneration.com!

I'm not sure who Neo is so I guess it's good not to be him but this is sure a weird result.



18:18 Aug 07 2008

....at least you didnt' get Shrek :P

20:48 Aug 07 2008

Neo, Keanu Reeves character in the MATRIX movies lol

and yeah .. at least you're not Shrek ...

OR DONKEY ! hahah


Don't it figure

13:50 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 1,237

Just when I was so happy with my new higher speed dsl wireless hub, Windstream did something and now it doesn't work. I've spent most of the weekend and 5 solid hours either off line or on the phone trying to find someone there who (A) could speak friggin English and (B) knew what they were talking about.

Since I'm at my sister's using her computer I guess it's obvious that I had no such luck!

They have filled out another trouble ticket for me though and promised it would be fixed by 10pm tonight. Of course that was after the first trouble ticket was supposed to be fixed by 11 am yesterday.

Funny thing is they keep saying it's my lines unable to handle the upgrade but they don't need to do anything to the lines at my house just a technician at the office. Sounds to me like they can't do their damn paperwork right and someone keeps turning it on and off. I'll be contacting the business office today to file a complaint for the 2 hangups from their "outsourced" service department yesterday while I sat waiting on hold and demand a pro-rate on my bill for the 5 days (so far) that it's not worked that I'm going to get to pay for on my bill.

I wonder if I should remind them that they are no longer the only high speed internet provider in this area and I can move my phone and everything else to another company? Do you think it'd help?

Somehow I doubt it...



14:12 Aug 05 2008

I feel ya on computer problems....I Feel ya!

15:44 Aug 05 2008

I imagine call centers based out of the developing world don't really care one way or the other. Just keep on asking to speak to their boss as far up the chain as possible.

17:38 Aug 05 2008

Was wondering what happen to you dear.

17:10 Aug 06 2008

Unfortuantely...it probably won't help you get anywhere with them. BUT, it just may make you feel better to give em the boot.

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