I'm probably just being selfish but there's a bunch of folks that I got to know here on VR that haven't been around in a while and I just plain miss them and the contributions they made.
I miss KCRC for the words of wisdom he always could impart with a sense of humor.
I miss Artemka for his youthful enthusiasm tempered with a wisdom well beyond his years.
I miss Stabb for some of the most thinking discussions I ever got to enjoy.
I miss Jason and Sebastian for the simple discussions we enjoyed. Jason was a blast to talk weapons with and Sab is an artist with metalworking. They were both very approachable and easy to talk to for me.
I miss Ishta for that woman has one of the most unique senses of humor and openness about her it's always fun to talk with her. I hope she comes back when life allows it. But then I hope they all make it back in here sometime soon. There is so many more that I could spend hours sitting here listing them but I know many of you know whom I'd name anyway.
Life is to be lived and yes the real world takes most of our time and attention but some people are so cool that friends in the virtual world miss them too. I wish you all the very best and success in all you do.
Lost another member of my extended family, Dorothy "Vern" passed suddenly and it was a bit of a shock. While she was up in years she was actually very healthy seeming. Turns out she had a couple of bad infections in her body but no outward signs like fever and such. She was my mom's "double" first cousin and was like an aunt to me my whole life. Her husband Vern Johnson passed just a couple of years ago so the kids are all pretty shook up. Don't matter how old you are if you're a close family loosing your parents hurts a lot. :(
We always called her Dorothy Vern, even to her face since the family names are used frequently it was the best way to distinguish her from the other Dorothy. She was a wonderful friendly woman, who was fiercely Christian and lived it by being generous and loving. No one went hungry if she knew they needed food. She will leave a big hole in all our lives.
We were supposed to go to Cincinnati tomorrow but have had to reschedule as my back is killing me. Got an apt with the doctor to see just what is going on with it. It's not the usual spinal trouble, instead it's in the area where 3 big drainage tubes were run, when I had surgery about 18 months ago. I thought it just needed time to heal but it keeps getting worse and I can't put it off any longer. Oh well maybe I'll get lucky and it'll be something simple that physical therapy can fix up. *crossing my fingers on that one* lol
School lets out in about 1 month and we've already got a heavy schedule of apts for the kids and trying to squeeze in some fun too. My nephew is begging to go to Disneyworld but we can't make him understand that trip takes time and savings to make happen. When we try telling him that he goes hunts up his piggy bank and asks to go right away. lol We are planning another trip there next year for my niece's 16th birthday so maybe he'll ease off onto something else soon.
In order to do that trip we've got to keep this summer simple and cheap so we've decided to take a few days 3 weeks after school lets out and go stay with a friend in Louisville for a couple of nights then on up to the Air Force Museum at Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio for some fun. Might even try to make the Cinn Ohio Childrens museum if they want to go for it. With gas prices so high (as well as everything else) we're keeping trips short and mostly in state. But I refuse to go to Mammoth Cave, if they want to play in a dirt hole they can dig one in the back yard! lol
Rat and I have plans for more miniature works for the summer too and we've got to tackle Birdie and have some type of fun with her too. Summer is coming and we're going to have fun one way or another. If I have to whip some folks to make it happen. lol
I'm so sorry for your loss
You know you're getting old when "christian mingles" stops messaging you wanting you to use them to find good men and a seniors hookup site starts sending you unasked for messages for the same thing! Obviously they still got things way wrong since their add says it's good men looking to take care of a woman! Gimme a break any senior man looking for a woman online, is looking for a nurse or sugar mama! lol I ain't either.
And I thought christian mingles was messed up!
Lots of doctor's apts this last week so not much time for fun. Yesterday was 3 apts in Lexington so all day up there then followed by a trip to UK Med center for blood work at 6pm!!!! Every tried to talk a hosp into blood work that's not inpatient related after hours? Stinks! but we live over 100 miles away and gas is too high to run back just for a little blood work. *Nope couldn't be done at home -for those asking* lol I tried that argument first thing.
Back home last night we're exhausted but Adam gets the big eye and cannot go to sleep so going on 3 am we're still up with him and trying not to fall over ourselves. Amanda is asleep as she's got a band concert out of town and has to leave at 7am. Sometime after 3 he finally fell asleep and I crashed only for lights to waken me a couple of hours later as Amanda got ready and left for the bus, catching a ride with her best friend (thank goodness)
I'd so like to stay in bed all day but I just don't want to, we've got plans for a movie night and some fun later and I refuse to miss out on it. I also wanted to spend some time here on VR this morning but that just got smashed. Amanda called from the town her concert is in about 30 miles away and her concert is over but since they shared a bus with another local school that isn't playing until 2pm and it's just 10am now and the bus was packed she wants to come home now only the band director will not allow her to ride back home with her best friend & her mom who transports them 99% of the time. Her band director is being a prick because he's pissed at the kids over something! Anyway off to get dressed and go get sis and give that jerk a piece of my mind if I see him! and before you ask I have a few pieces of mind to spare yet.
I finally got my laptop working it went down on me Tuesday and I've been going nuts without it. lol It was minor but just another pain in the neck problem in a week full of them.
I really hate this hp laptop and will never have another. It types stinky and does some stupid things that I cannot even describe. It's weird my first laptop was an hp and it was great but that was quite a few years ago and they're just not the same now.
It's spring break here but Adam my 7 year old nephew who was fighting off a "bug" last week.... it returned and we ended up at the doctor Monday and at his age he has a UTI. Big antibiotics for several days now and he's starting to feel better and is back on his autism meds so life around here is getting back to normal at least.
It did make their vacation a bust but they get out of school the 1st week of May so we're going to go up to a friends in Louisville and spend a couple of days there then on up to the Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. It's a great place to take the kids and I'm looking forward to another visit there too.
Rat and I did get to do a bit more work on our cabin and it's looking really awesome :) Got more planned for it and now we're trying to decide which one to work on next.
I hope maybe this weekend I can get together with Rat and Birdie for some girl time... hint... hint...
VW and I got to work yesterday on our project after nearly 2 weeks of not getting to do anything on it at all. Work and sickness kept us from it. So we spent several hours working especially on the decorations and food stuffs. I think it's looking good but we do still have plenty of work to do to make it look sharp. lol
Holy crap the house looks good. What? No photo of the tree? lol I really like that wreath.
Looks like it is coming together. :)
All the little details you two put in the house look amazing.
Now we only have to sweat out one more game this year :p
:D Ok- now it is time for aspirins at your house, spray for the sore throats. lol
My throat freakin hurts too :(
I sincerely hope Rat is not having to ask strangers for the score this year, since I'm not there to help yell and distract...lol
Watching the UK-Louisville basketball game and enjoying the yelling and stifled curse words as we battle this one out. I just wish Davis would be a bit more careful he's scaring me into an angina attack! just kidding but goodness....
02:50 May 06 2012
How dare you not mention Seven... I'm telling on you lol
Actually your list is very similar to mine. We always want to know what happened to them and learn more of their journeys. There are some people here that cross the line of virtual friend even if you've never met. The connection is there and just as a real life friend going astray gives us pause... so does the disappearance of individuals we've known for years.