I wonder what the data is on guys who complain about a dead bedroom in correlation with the guys who haven't scrubbed their piss splatters off of walls next to the toilet. Are these men aware that if they pee standing up their piss splatters around outside of the toilet bowl?
I know, I know, they'd resist and get defensive and say that their aim is good, but shine a black light around their toilet and get ready to be amazed. It splatters on the wall, on the floor, and even often down the side of the toilet bowl.
Ah, the cost of masculine pissing.
Anyway, if they're blessed to have a clean bathroom in spite of their habits I wonder if they understand what that means? It means your partner, week after week, scrubs up the remains of your bladder movements. They relieve themselves and walk away without a thought and that I think is the heart of the issue; their natural state of doing without a thought.
Sure their partners could say something, but what are these same dudes going to do in response to being asked to think about something they've never had to spare a thought for? In my experience folks aren't always the best at receiving information that is new to them especially when that news is colored with a theme of "This is obvious and is something you've been doing your whole life."
Still, from now on every time a dude whines about his partner not putting out I am going to ask when he last wiped up his piss. I think it's a good curve ball question.