I kind of wish that new profiles were given a grace period before people could rate them. I don't like rating new members because I know they just got here and it takes time to build a profile. It would be cool if new members had some time where their profiles were visible but not released for ratings. Maybe I'm thinking too much into it lol.
This is why I prefer rating the database.
I'm going through some old family photos and I have to ask: What were we (as a society) going through to justify having couches covered with absolutely balls to the wall insane floral prints? I know times have changed and things also move in cycles but if that trend comes back I am moving to the woods and never returning.
Ha. Not as bad as the many shades or orange shag carpet.
Oooh that orange carpet. Orange in general lol
Patience, patience, patience. Learning the fine art of doing nothing but only in the right measure, for the right amount of time, this has been my personal mission. I like to take action and get out ahead of things and blah blah blah.
To be fair to myself, procrastination nearly destroyed my entire life when I was younger so I think I've been leaning hard in the opposite direction ever since. Like most things, either extreme isn't beneficial.
I'm slow, I'll admit it. I just realized I have been Bun-Bun'd
Ahaha Damn right you have! I'd do it again too. 😘
You should see Cancer's profile.
OMG I just looked xD
He's already fixed his profile, once.
Then we keep going back for it.
I think it's been (collectively) two months since we added the new stuff and he hasn't seen it yet.
I managed to get coffee in my armpit this morning. This is a first for me and I wanted to share.
Reaching over my coffee to grab some paint, the sleeve of my shirt dipped in to the fresh cup of coffee and wicked up some hot liquid so that when I grabbed what I needed I was met with the comforting heat of armpit coffee.
I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who helped me reach this peak, from those who cheered me on as I accidentally dipped a paint brush into my coffee to my husband pouring me another cup. I know that my ancestors are looking down on me with pride.
I too have had a similar experience. It didn't quite make it all the way to the arm pit, just the under bicep. I am glad to know I am not the only one to do something like this! lol. *high fives* Have you accomplished the coffee foot yet? That one is usually on the more painful side.
*shakes head* Good to have our Otter back. 😀
@CuRsEdToDaRkNeSs I like to think that coffee foot will be a collaborative effort between myself and the cat as he thinks it's a great idea to walk in front of me while I'm carrying it back to the office. XD
LOL. My cat thinks that foot tea is a good idea... I mean he thinks that steeping his foot in hot water will make me a delicious tea. No, I know that that foot has been in the litter pan. :-)
My cat loves coffee. He's a lil weirdo.
My cat better keep his beans out of my brew!
Lol Morrigon about your cat staying out of your coffee and I'm sorry that your shirt had got in the coffee
Lol mooniepie that a first. I hear a cat likes coffee
11:18 Aug 28 2023
I agree. But, everyone has been so nice and rated me highly although my profile is on the empty side…