MorgenxStern's Journal

MorgenxStern's Journal


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8 entries this month

Wise persons are those who think twice before speaking once.

17:54 Aug 29 2020
Times Read: 370

Perhaps the greatest quality in a leader and the most valuable skill in building relationships is the ability to think before you speak. If you have a tendency to speak hastily in anger and regret your actions at leisure, the childhood admonition to count to ten before speaking will still serve you well. When you pause — if only for a moment — to consider the consequences, you may think better of what you were about to say. And if you must speak strongly, it’s a good idea to sugarcoat the words — just in case you have to eat them later.




16:17 Aug 17 2020
Times Read: 392

That which is not good for the beehive cannot be good for the bees.
—Marcus Aurelius




00:44 Aug 17 2020
Times Read: 406

by Napoleon Hill

Most every one of us would like to get the greatest vigor and fullest use from that body of ours. We can if we make certain that we fully understand two important ideas. They are the oneness of the Creator's master­piece, the human mind-body, and its oneness with all of nature.

If you think you are sick, you are.

We cannot separate the body and the mind, for they are one. Anything that affects the health and vigor of the mind will affect the body. In turn, anything that affects the health of our body will affect the mind. This point is so essential to our understanding of health that we have termed the individual a human mind-body.

We are not only one in the sense of a mind-body, but we are also part of the environment in which we live. We are born into a world of trees and mountains and moonlit skies, peopled with all form's of living things, and subject to the same natural laws that govern all things, even the grain of wheat.

Perhaps we can gain wisdom and insight into the handling of this mind-body of ours by examining the world about us and how it functions, so that we may swim with the river of life, and not exhaust our energies fighting against it.


When we consider the waves of the ocean, the flow of the changing seasons, the wane and ebb of the moon, we find there are rhythms to life. There is even a rhythm in our own life from birth through childhood and adolescence to full maturity, old age, and finally rebirth of a new generation. Light and electro-magnetic impulses of radio are waves. The move­ment of the stars and the planets about our sun are rhythmical in nature. So also is the motion of the tiniest particle. The electrons move in a rhyth­mical pattern about the proton in the atom.

Nothing about life is static or unchanging. There seems to be a constant wave-like motion to life. It is actually a progression of rhythmical patterns. This is one of the factors in our enjoyment of music. It would seem wise that we strive to bend and sway with the rhythms of life, and not stand fixed and immobile against them. The sandy beach moves and changes with the rhythms of the waves, and stands for eternity. The break­water is soon destroyed.

Don't neglect to play and relax regularly.

Review your own life. Do you live a rhythmical life? Are you follow­ing work with play; mental effort with physical effort; eating with fasting; seriousness with humor; sex with transmutation of sex into sublime crea­tive effort? Consider for a moment one of the earlier lessons in which you learned that the subconscious mind worked best when the mind was at rest, best when we live a rhythm of work and play. The greatest research achievements are produced by the subconscious mind, after it has been loaded with the facts, and the mind is then occupied with other thoughts. That is, the mind is playing. Are you giving your subsconscious mind a chance to work by playing?

Metternich, the great statesman, often received his most brilliant in­spiration while finishing a book he was reading. It is the interference with the normal rhythmical patterns of the stomach that may produce ulcers. Is it not our failures which make our success so sweet? The calm, refreshed beauty after the storm is exquisite, when each wet leaf and blade of grass sparkles with new beauty in the first rays of the sun, and the air is clear and fresh. The magnitude of nature's beauty is enhanced because of the storm.

Do you really want continuous happiness? No, for that would lose its zest. It is really those little unhappinesses that make happiness meaningful.

In marriage counseling, one of the problems is to make couples un­derstand that there is no such thing as being constantly in love, nor would it be desirable if it could be achieved. People in love have a series of loves, like waves on the ocean. In the troughs they are quite neutral in their feelings. These troughs make the waves of love that much more poignant. Like life, not all the waves are of the same intensity; there are a few for each of us that reach great heights, and these we store to call out and use when the going becomes difficult.

Thus, this mind-body of ours, to reach great heights of successful living and smooth efficient functioning, must first learn to live a rhythmical life, in harmony with the world of living and non-living things about us, and m harmony with natural laws that govern these rhythms of life.


As we are one with the world about us, so are we one with ourselves: a mind-body. And as we are affected by the world we live in, and in turn affect that world, so our body influences our mind, and in turn our mind influences our body.

The proper perspective would suggest that the highest function of all living things is present in man, and in no other of the Creator's products. We are the only thinking animal, and with this power we have been able to modify our environment and to learn its laws. We have only to conceive the idea and believe the idea to achieve the idea.

This is the story of Edison, Marconi, the Wright brothers and of all the successful people who have changed the path of civilization. It took life fifty million years to develop through evolution to a bird that could Hy. Yet the Wright brothers, with simple childlike faith in their own idea, had man airborne in a mere twenty years. Here is the power of this mind­body of ours, prophetically revealed to us in many tongues and many ways, by Infinite Intelligence, as when the Nazarene said, all things are possible even unto the end of the world.

The proper perspective of this mind-body of ours is that the mind is the higher function of the two, and that the body is an exquisitely func­tioning machine for carrying the mind about and executing the dictates of this tremendous powerhouse. Yes, a smoothly functioning mind is neces­sary to a smoothly functioning body.

Think of those unfortunate individuals who have been bed-ridden, unable to do more than just talk or move a few fingers, who have lived full creative lives. This story can be multiplied and retold, with many names and places of those who refused to let crippled bodies stay them in their quest for greatness: Helen Keller, Pavlov, Nurmi the great runner, and Beethoven, to name a few.

The story of civilization is punctuated with greatness achieved by various individuals in spite of physical bankruptcy because these individuals possessed smoothly functioning minds. Each of them had a definite major purpose, faith in that purpose and plan, and faith in Infinite Intelligence. They understood clearly where they were going and what their problem was.

Dr. Coyne Campbell, a well-known psychiatrist, said in one of his lectures on the problems of the maladjusted that they all had one problem in common. They were unable to tell him clearly what was the matter - they were unable to put their difficulties into words. He went on to say that when he had taught them to state their problem, they no longer needed his services. Once they had a clear picture of themselves and their problem and developed a definite major purpose and a definite plan to attain that purpose, these unfortunates were back on the road to a useful life.

Individuals with weakened bodies like those mentioned earlier, seem always to have known their plan, or to have learned it at an early age. On the wings of a definite major purpose, faith, enthusiasm, and a positive mental attitude, they rose further and further from the vague despondency of maladjustment towards great heights of brilliance and achievement. This is the power of a man's mind. Thus it would seem that even when we cannot achieve sound physical health, we can achieve sound mental health if we have a definite major purpose.

To realize a smoothly functioning mind, let us reconsider some of the qualities we have found essential to success and happiness, for they are also essential to a sound mind.


A definite major purpose and a plan for carrying out that purpose. These keep us from vacillating in our efforts. Think of a situation in which you were part of a smooth, well-organized plan. You were content with the way the situation was handled. You felt at ease and comfortable. Your mind is always most satisfied with the harmony of action shown in a well-organized plan. Anxiety is the feeling you develop in a poorly organized situation.

Controlled attention, self-discipline, accurate thinking, personal initiative, learning from defeat, and going the extra mile are mental tools you can use to organize and carry through your plan. These satisfy your mind since they help you to carry your plan forward to a successful con­clusion. Thus they give you satisfaction in the achievement of each step in your plan, and satisfaction in the progress towards your goal. Satis­factions are one of the most important foods for a healthy mind.

A change in mental attitude often aids in the development
of bodily resistance against disease.

Probably the most important single quality necessary to sound men­tal health is a positive mental attitude, and all that this entails. Two of the greatest destructive forces in the human mind are fear, and its close partner, anxiety. They kill enthusiasm, destroy faith, blind vision, blunt creative effort and destroy harmony and peace of mind - all the qualities necessary for a positive mental attitude.

Source: PMA: The Science of Success by Napoleon Hill.




21:00 Aug 16 2020
Times Read: 417

Had major thunder and lightning early this morning. Hot day today continuation of heat wave





23:41 Aug 13 2020
Times Read: 440

What am I holding on to that I need to let go of?



03:47 Aug 14 2020

A heart that no longer needs yours.


16:00 Aug 11 2020
Times Read: 447

The fireflies flew up into the sky, free. I watched them until I could no longer tell them apart from the stars.
—Paul Pen




From Mark's Daily Apple

18:18 Aug 09 2020
Times Read: 476

Hey everyone. Happy Sunday.

Today I'm going to tell you about a few things I'm into these days.

1. Micronutrient I'm digging into: Boron.

Boron, I'm realizing, is a really important nutrient that most people aren't getting. There are trace amounts of some foods and moderate amounts in others, particularly plants and fermented adult beverages, but little to none in meat and dairy. It also used to be present in certain regions' drinking water, but it's removed now.

Boron improves wound healing, bone formation and health, increases free testosterone and normalizes estrogen, reduces inflammatory biomarkers like IL-6 and CRP, and increases endogenous antioxidant activity (glutathione and superoxide dismutase). It even protects against pesticide toxicity and potentially increases NAD+, which if borne out should improve longevity and reduce aging.

There's a great liquid supplement from Trace Minerals. Some people use very small amounts of borax. I haven't tried that internally so I can't comment, but you can absorb a good amount through your skin by soaking your feet in warm water mixed with a spoonful or two of borax.

2. Activity I've been loving: Floating in the waves.

I've been spending some time in LA lately, and I gotta say: it's really, really nice just floating out there in the waves. You get in that sweet spot where you ride the crest of the wave up high into the air and avoid the break, letting the waves take you up so it's like you're looking down on the beach. The waves in Miami aren't quite the same, but it's still nice there too.

It's a nice break from constantly having to "do" something out on the water. Sometimes you just need to be there. Plus, great way to get low level cold exposure and a salty mineral bath.

3. Other activity I've been loving: Lying in the hot sand right after swimming.

Every kid loves to do this and every parent hates when their kids does it. You get out of the freezing cold water, dripping wet, and flop down on the hot dry sand. The sand gets everywhere but it's so warm. There's nothing better and more infuriating. Cause even when you'd get hosed down before going in the house you'd still end up depositing a quarter cup of sand on the bathroom floor or your bed. Oh well, it's just a little sand. You'll live. And luxuriating in hot sand is truly living.

Just be prepared to find sand in your hair a week later.

Okay, what about you? What are you into? Any cool TV shows, books, or movies? Any new activities you've been liking?---Sunday with Sisson



18:22 Aug 09 2020

Lmao oh yea living back home my nick was buckets lol. Cuz the amount of sand I'd track from the beach and in my room. Gotta love it:)


Nature as medicine: a challenge

18:58 Aug 08 2020
Times Read: 495

There’s a good reason that spending time outside usually leaves you feeling happier and more relaxed—actually several good reasons. According to various studies1, being in nature may:

Help improve your memory
Boost your concentration
Promote weight loss and boost your mental energy
Help you absorb vitamin D (a vitamin that may help prevent cancer, osteoporosis, and heart attacks)
Reduce stress
Strengthen your immune system
Improve your mood
Those are compelling reasons to open the door and step outside, so why not write yourself a prescription for spending more time outdoors?

For the entire month of August, challenge yourself to spend at least 30 minutes outside each and every day. If it’s safe to do so, invite a friend or family member to join you, and enjoy the added benefit of social connection.

See if you start noticing any trends, like an increase in energy, improved mood, better sleep, or decreased chronic pain.

You can do the same activity every day (a 30-minute walk for 31 days in a row is a wonderful idea!), but if you want some inspiration, here are 31 ways to enjoy spending time outside:

Grab a lawn chair, a blanket, and a cup of something warm and look for shooting stars after dark
Do yoga in the park
Eat your lunch outside
Plant a tree in memory of a loved one
Mow the lawn, then mow a neighbor’s lawn
Fly a kite
Have a walking meeting, if you’re back to work
Lay on the grass and see what shapes you see in the clouds. Bonus points if you take a sketch book along and draw what you see!
If you don’t own one, borrow a friend’s dog and take it for a walk
Research trails in your area and map out a nature walk using something like Map My Walk so you can track your distance
Get up early and go somewhere where you can watch the sun rise.
Stay up late and watch the sun set
Sit on your front porch with a cold drink and greet everyone passing by
Go for a walk in the rain
Try birdwatching
Research the history of your city, town, or neighborhood and take yourself on a historical walk
If you like being spooked, research ghost stories related to your area and take yourself on a ghost walk
Read a book in the shade
Tackle the weeds in your garden and, with permission, tackle the weeds next door
Take a nap under a shady tree
Get some chalk and make some art on your sidewalk or driveway
Knit or crochet in the park
Grab your camera and take some photographs of the beautiful things in your neighborhood, then share them on social media to encourage others to get out and explore the world around them
Camp out in your backyard
Try to identify 10 different plants and 10 different trees during a walk
Eat dinner under the stars in your backyard or on your balcony
Jump rope
Try Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese practice that has been called meditation in motion, on your front lawn
Prep a vegetable bed for next spring so you’ll be able to enjoy homegrown produce next summer and fall
Blow bubbles down the street for all to enjoy
Turn your backyard into a mini golf course

1 https://selecthealth.org/blog/2019/07/10-reasons-why-being-in-nature-is-good-for-you



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