Welcome to my Journals. . Thank you for taking the time to read my Journals. I sincerely hope they help you in some way as they were intended to.
I try to dedicate time each week to enrich each subject with subjects that can both assist and intrigue you.
I have no intention of becoming personal with anyone here, as it is not in my nature to trust many. With that being said, this is the only place I can post my thoughts and wonders. Perhaps one day I will get some feedback. Thank you. .
I am a very old soul... and no I am not stuck in some Phantasmagoria dreamland. I have much olde world knowledge to share, and with your indulgence will share some here. If you read and appreciate my journals, please feel free to send me a message or comment on here if you please and then I will know that my words and thoughts are not just painting the pages of the world of script in cyberspace. If I receive no responses, then perhaps I will cut back on the time I spend here and use my time elsewhere.
I am a Professional Educator among many things, and I always have things to do.
Today was a day to recuperate and spend some time in some much needed silence. I find my soul craves this and I do not get enough of it. I realized this last night as I was walking my Familiar and felt the warm breeze on my face and heard the songs of the crickets singing.
I also had some major dental work done and was dealing with the discomfort of this.
Some words of advice to send out there into the nothing, as they are screaming for me to type this, so here goes...
1) Never give a Seer/Psychic Percocets... unless you wish to hear absolutely everything good and bad without a filter!
2) Never ignore the Universe when she tells you it is time for YOU! Otherwise, she will make it so anyway, and not necessarily with your consent.
3) When using herbal medicine, do not underestimate its power. All of our pharmaceuticals came from natural sources: some still do. If I have posted a recipe on here, feel free to message me and I will help if I can.
4) I am not a Doctor or Nurse. Seek professional help when needed. I do have college courses in Nursing though.
5) This is not a Facebook to me, so please save the drama for there. This is a place of camaraderie to me. Please do not ruin this for me.
6) I respect everyone until you give me reason not to. Once that happens, well, lets just say that it's best not to find out and leave it at that.
7) I was born a Queen, a May Queen, raised as such and will not tolerate rudeness. Individuality is your choice. Please do not direct it to me and I shall do the same.
8) I am a true LADY and a WARRIOR whenever the need arises. I can ride horses better than most men ever will. In life, and in many planes.They are my familiars and guardians as well. I support, defend and lead. I am the one who remains when others flee in fear. I am responsible for many lives and take it very seriously and am prepared to suffer to save my people.
9) If you ever wonder if you are gifted, and the Universe has given you the gift of "knowing" things before anyone else does, well perhaps it is time to listen and learn. The day you stop learning is the day you die or, in some cases for us, move on.
10) Never question someone on here about their authenticity. Chances are, if they are real, they will not answer, and if they wanted you to know, you would already.
I am sitting in my library, surrounded with the wonderful smell of olde books, some leather bound, some older then this, with so many things running through my mind. I am enjoying a cuppa Earl Grey tea and typing my random thoughts that my 90+ WPM will allow. Candles burning and flickering remind me of a time when electricity was a luxury, when indoor plumbing was unheard of and you rose with the sun. Dinner was always prepared on an olde gas stove, and the heat from a woodstove. I summered every year in an Olde Sea Captains house directly on the ocean. He and his bride still haunt this house to this day. Sadly we sold this regretfully, but my memories of the house will burn in my soul forever. It was a short walk through the cranberry bogs down a sand path to the ocean, where we would dig holes in the sand, start a fire, line it with seaweed and layer our dinner for the night. I can still see each layer. Mussels, Clams, Lobsters, Scallops, Corn, Potatoes, Haddock, Crab, Shrimp. Then we would layer it again with bladder wrack seaweed and close it all up until later when the feast on the beach began. Tables with candles, the smell of the ocean, the sound of the lighthouse nearby... the soft culling sounds of the ocean lulling us all into relaxation bliss. We would stay on the beach until the moon rose, and we would watch the tides move in and out. Out lanterns lit the way back to the sandy path to the Sea Captains house.
Once the moon rose, the house took on a personality of its own. Everything in it was original, and it was incandescently perfect. Our lanterns would follow us to bed and we would all retire after bathing in antique washtubs and milk soaps. I still to this day have my antique bowl and pitcher, stand and candle holders. My library is still full of renaissance and honor. So few in this world today can even comprehend the amount of luxury we had growing up. Tea and scones, scented sheets, long dresses, white crispy linens and needlework. Horseback riding lessons, languages, etiquette, writing with ink and quill, music lessons, voice lessons, greeting men and women with influence. Hospitality that this world remembers not. It is a shame that all the beauty and niceties are forgotten. I can tell you that they are not forgotten in my world. I am not a snob, nor will I ever be. Believe me, my world was far from perfect. To everything there is a price. I am not sorry for all things I had to give up to get this rearing, and yes, for those of you who think it was all rosy, think again. Perfection was not an option, it was mandatory. When all of my friends were off at parties I was studying. It made me into the lady I am, and for that I will be forever grateful.
So I pose a question out into the black void tonight...
If you could choose what era you would live in now, when, and where would it be and why?
For me, 18 century England, Castle by the sea, having a cuppa Earl Grey tea in my library, nibbling Scottish Shortbread and having a special Merlot. Watching the fire crackle in the massive stone fireplace, ladies in waiting, hounds at my feet. Riding attire and the smell of leather boots while my steed was readying for me and a long ride among the heather and wildflowers.
It is where my heart lives to this day....
What say ye?
I can feel the moons presence within the suns rays today. This moon is to be very powerful and present in everyone, although many will not know what governs them and the choices they make. My Blood red Moss roses opened this morning, and a gift I am quite sure was meant for me. I feel change in mass proportions coming on. Be aware, and be on guard for your friends, and be constantly vigil with your family. The energy around us is beginning to vortex, and with this always comes those of the mire that have waited to be freed. I believe in light and dark magic. One cannot have one without the other. Those who claim that they only work in white magic, may choose to live in their magical world, but may I ask you... if someone they loved or an innocent were under attack- would they retaliate? Of course, and the very same spells from the dark side would filter from their lips... to be rid of it/ or cast away. So I ask you, and I used to be one of the ones I speak of, can you call yourself strictly white magic? I think not. There is balance in all things, light and dark, and both need love. It is what they crave the most, and will do anything to get it. Love is the most powerful magic there is. Hence my posting for today. I am both light and dark, Holy and UnHoly. I am one with the Universe. I have dealt with many things including exorcism and can tell you, I smell it coming... Be aware but do not draw your magic until you know their purpose. Things are not always as they seem...
Blessed Be!