MordrakusxMortalitas's Journal

MordrakusxMortalitas's Journal


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12 entries this month

Still down

04:22 May 31 2018
Times Read: 721

Cams are still down, not sure when they get fixed but don't waste time starting a cam session because no one is going to see or hear you, and you won't be able to see them.

Frankly, the cams should be shut off until its repaired/overalled.



12:43 May 31 2018

still will get time spend right?

14:00 May 31 2018

Not sure. You can try and find out. If it does work then at least there is still some benefit.

22:44 Jun 03 2018

I never remember now we have cams because they do not show up like they use to on the front page.

22:49 Jun 03 2018

The layout can be a tad annoying, too much focus on mobile users. I miss the old site. I get this has to be updated but the previous one worked better, cams worked, my coven chat worked but this new one has got problems. Still it is early days so we will see.


Wine nose.

18:19 May 23 2018
Times Read: 732

I just not long ago put the last episode of Auralnauts's parody but I decided to rewatch the old episodes, namely episode two.

The scene where Obi-wan uses drug fuelled powers to make the death stick guy kill himself.

"You don't want to sell me death sticks"
"I don't want to sell you death sticks"
"You want to go home and kill yourself"
*I want to go home and kill myself"

I forgot how funny that was.

And I just so happened to be drinking some port at the time, you can guess what happened. The lovely red stuff just had to come out of my nose. What a waste.

I tell you, the stuff is definitely better in than out. Although that is the first time that has happened to me so its quite funny in that regard.




The last episode

15:13 May 23 2018
Times Read: 737

So this hilirious dub parody has come to an end.
Here is the last episode from the awesome auralnauts.




Party on

22:36 May 22 2018
Times Read: 743

Hosting a drunk cam session, kind of a falsie because I have not got enough booze to get me drunk, but I will drink it anyway.
I noticed that the cams are not that different to before. Mind you, it has been awhile and I never really took much notice of any other feature about it.




Slight change of plans

14:42 May 20 2018
Times Read: 755

Might do a "drunk" cam session this tuesday or wednesday since apparently cams are working. I think.

Problem is that my stock of alcohol was left at my droog's house while I am now in another.... thus I had to get what I could which amounts to three bottles of goblin, vodka, one can of cider and maybe some wine if I can nick some. Its not going to get me drunk unfortunately.
I might get something else before that day but I doubt I will be able to get enough.

Still plan on doing an actual drunk cam at some point but this is going to have to do for now.





13:55 May 19 2018
Times Read: 767

Nature has its own way of dealing with over-population and the draining of resources.

It is called the food chain.

Unchecked herbivores would strip the land of its green, hence the need for predators to feast upon them to redress the balance. In addition to the food chain is the natural "disasters" as the hairless talking apes would call it. Sometimes the food chain may not be enough, sometimes a good old "shake up" is needed, it might even be an extinction level event, either way it serves a purpose for the benefit of the world.

The food chain works for most living organisms, there is a balance that is maintained. With humans however, it is not. Humans have found ways (artificially I might add) to circumvent the food chain and keep back any predators that would have done nature's will and thinned the human herd.

Now the world is over-populated and resources are going to run out sooner or later.
The best part? For all their moralising and civility, they will eventually greedily slaughter each other for the last drop of oil or any other resource that is about to run out, all for their own individual survival.

Right now the world is not exactly united but not at war either. But as soon as one country runs out of everything it needs....they are going to be looking at their neighbours for what they need, and they will take it one way or the other.

So the end result is going to pretty dark for them. Civilization will fail.

To avoid such ruination upon the world, the answer is culling.

I would say a good 20-30% of the population from each state/nation/country would do for starters, just to see if there is an improvement.

Culling would be the for best and it doesn't have to mean executions, one could just exile them all into outer space...after all humanity is obsessed with exploration. They can live out rest of their lives on a ship floating in space.

Executions would be simpler of course and the dead can be put into the ground to feed new life. Plus can you choose who to kill, rid humanity of its dead weight and undesirables.

Everything has a price, you cannot just keep breeding and expanding without a counterbalance of some sort. Either humans start culling and conserving resources now or they will be eating each other sometime in the future because that will probably be the only resource left at that point.




A non non non heinous party

22:47 May 16 2018
Times Read: 779

One of my droogs threw a party last night and it wasn't half bad, just the right music and drinks involved to keep things fun and interesting.
Sneaky bastard had a stash of the good stuff that he kept hidden. Whiskey and amarettos, vodkas and some wine.
You know, I am feeling he was hiding it from me specifically, I don't know why since the rules have always been "what is others, is mine."

Needless to say I helped myself and turned the quiet house party into something akin to rock in roll. I even "persuaded" one of the guests into attacking my droog. All in good fun of course.

Playing some 60's to 80's classics, mostly rock but also some country. None of that screaming crap you hear today.

It was just the chilling out I needed considering I have been running out of alcohol thanks to deciding to cut loose for a few weeks.

I managed to save some of the vodkas, saves me having to go stock up and it something a tad more effective to drink than simple beer.

Its going to be one hell of cam party once I am fully stocked.




Sci Fi and Punks

16:12 May 13 2018
Times Read: 815

It has been awhile now since the site update, so what is happening with the Sci Fi section and Power Punks? I heard Cancer was supposed to be intergrating them into this site somehow but that was ages ago, and it doesn't look like its going to happen anytime soon, especially with the cams needing fixing and all.

I should have archived my pages from my group there before the site update, but I didn't know it was going to delete them. Oh well, what is done is done. Hopefully Cancer has it all backed up somewhere but if not then so be it. I am not too sentimental about it but my group was a blueprint for my Coven and I did so enjoy my movie nights there.

Also back then I was busy trying to reach sire so that I could undo Aracon's treachery.
In the end I took a shortcut as I was always far too drunk and busy to grind to sire, plus its supremely boring. Sometimes I was so drunk I could barely type at times haha.
With all that said, trying to reach sire meant you had something to do. Once you reach sire and create your coven, there is not much else to do. The forums are only useful until you hit 2,000 posts and the database is time limited in that bit by bit, all potential content is being placed everynow and then. Meaning that you have to really dig to find something that is not already submitted, after all there is only so much content out there.

This is why like in real life, its the journey that matters, the hunt is sometimes more enjoyable than the kill to use a more natural metaphor.

Three days sober, its so boring but must resist until appropriate time. Also I need to find a snake to milk.



18:33 May 13 2018

But you're wrong , I submit entries for all 3 databases on a daily basis . You're allowed 2000 entries which helps you level. I try not overwhelming the Procurator's so I try to keep my limit down to around 20 per day . I could send more

22:28 May 13 2018

Yes but whatever you submit, others then cannot as then there will be duplicates.
I suppose as long as there is vampire movies, books and whatnot, there will always be something to submit to the database but it is like a race since whatever you find may already be submited, so one has to go find it before someone else does. Which is why its best dig up obscure and lesser known information. I would say editing an entry can count but the Procurators are weird in that if you try correct mistakes/update information (even from your own entry) they will deny the edit. At least they have done for me lol

00:51 May 14 2018

At each category there's a place you can type in what you want to submit and do a search to see if its already in that database . I have also edited I had no problem with it being denied . Maybe you need to try sending them in now, the Procurators we have now have been very helpful and polite . Make sure you go by the database guidelines , there are some websites you can use like ebay , etsy theres others thats listed you cant use. Simple !

00:52 May 14 2018

Typo correction: you can't use e bay , etsy and a few others

00:55 May 14 2018

I will take it into consideration, I haven't edited or submitted anything in awhile so maybe things have changed.

04:36 May 14 2018

I wanted to make a correction you can use e bay but you can't use the websites I will supply for you. If you really want to submit database entries and you're not sure about something , message me I'll try to get you going .


http://www.bonanza.com/ (is like an ebay/etsy website)


Restocked but ways to go.

14:49 May 12 2018
Times Read: 831

I got booze in now but it is not enough, I need some cans to go with the bottles I got and maybe some whiskey as well, I need vodka as well as an ingredient for the Grapist.

I wonder what a blackjack would do to the mix?

It is good to experiment with things, reminds me a little of alchemy only less useful to long term goals.

What about snake venom? I hear some folk have actually tried mixing it with drinks, I might do that myself.



01:08 May 13 2018

*Drinks the Jim Beam Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey and cola*


Darn, I drank too much!

18:24 May 11 2018
Times Read: 842

Well I ran out of booze.

I knew I would!

Why do humans insist on not making the cans and bottles big enough? I need gallons dammit.

Well...it looks like I got to go out and get me some more, sad thing is I actually did stock up quite a bit but this week just compelled me to let my hedonistic self to cut loose for a full two weeks....well, actually its still on going but I have nothing to drink lol

If only I had some fruit or potatoes, I would make my own.

Maybe I will hypnotise myself into believing water is wine, heh well I did do that once before.

No I am not alcoholic, I am just fun personafied haha




One king, one crown and only one bad guy.

12:46 May 09 2018
Times Read: 864

I noticed some of these journals are a bit...well, odd. Someone thinking they are "the bad guy"or evil but there really is only one bad guy about (at least worth noting) and that is yours truly, The God-King. The original bad guy of VR. Yes, I'm sightly narcisisstic, but I am the only being that truly has my utmost respect and high opinion of. haha

Not that there is any competition of course, there will never be another me about and that is probably for best, I doubt the site could handle two of me lol

Reminds me of this video, which I uploaded before.

Though something tells me there would be less finger pointing, and instead actual violence if I ever met another me.
Why would I want an equal when I enjoy being superior? There is and will always be only me as the bad guy on here.

Oh that reminds me, must get a pet white pussy to stroke while I recline on my throne and make overly elaborate evil plans.....I'm kidding of course as thrones would take too much space at the moment and my evil plans are actually quite simple. lol

Though my current (non evil) plans is wait for darn cams to get fixed so I can host a drunk cam party again. Its taking so long that I am running out of alcohol. That reminds me, I need to start geting barrels and crates instead. Bottles and cans are clearly not enough.

I need to make another Grapist.

So say hello to the bad guy, because I am the only one. >:P



12:51 May 09 2018

Hello bad guy

12:53 May 09 2018

Hello Mindie, remember to become ice cold and sharp, no one will get in your way then.


Lets watch some comedy

12:54 May 06 2018
Times Read: 905

Yes! finally mobile users are getting their just desserts for being idiots.

That was brilliant.

Also there is this:

timestamp 2:20 was particularly funny, I think after that you even hear a crunch from when it goes over him.



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