MikhailTheMagnificent's Journal
1 entry this month
14:25 Aug 02 2013
Times Read: 947
This conversation was shortly after I received a rating of a 4 and then returned the rating saying simply that I respect that he gave me a 4 and thusly I will return that 4. He didn't seem very enthused. Here is another example of the silly rating system creating far more enemies for no reason than friends. HAHAHA. I find this site increasingly entertaining every time I visit. By the by....I added this guy. He made my day by far. Real conversations are hard to come by!
Message To: Vestige
I fear you misunderstand, but I thank you for the dignified conversation none the less. it is a rarity nowadays. hahaha.
On 13:36:45 Aug 02 2013 (-0 GMT) Vestige wrote:
If I was you I would read what you wrote in that last message you sent and have a long hard think about the contents of the 14 words.
If you feel I disrespect you with a number then 11 months is not long enough.
Good day sir
On 13:24:12 Aug 02 2013 (-0 GMT) MikhailTheMagnificent wrote:
No. I just like to give people a reason why I returned their number. Though I don't care about it....some people do. So I only see fit that I explain to them why I returned it. If I had a way to send a default msg with every number I would. However, VR gives me no such options. However, I can respect your opinion. I fear you have me wrong though. Your rating was in all honesty generous. I could have recieved a 1. I very well understand that. I personally just give people 10s and thus have a default msg for it because I must rate people to level, no? I know people like 10s. So I give people what they like. If you feel I deserve a 4, by all means I will accept it, but I go through my ratings everyday and simply return what I was given. I have a lot of catching up to do however as I have been away for nearly 11 months! Haha
On 13:18:31 Aug 02 2013 (-0 GMT) Vestige wrote:
I just find it interesting that when someone rates your profile honestly you comment about respect and when everyone else rates you a 10 they get your default message. It seems to me you care more about the number then the honesty behind it.
On 13:06:48 Aug 02 2013 (-0 GMT) MikhailTheMagnificent wrote:
Of course not. We all have a right to reserve what we feel another should get from us. It is meerly a number. You have given me one and I simply choose to return it. I feel ratings are silly. However, I return what people give to me. Do you see this as a bad thing?
On 13:03:56 Aug 02 2013 (-0 GMT) Vestige wrote:
So respect for you is a 10?
On 13:02:31 Aug 02 2013 (-0 GMT) MikhailTheMagnificent wrote:
Nothing yet everything. What people give to me I return. In comments... messages... ratings... Respect isn't just a level of how someone views another. It is a means of repaying what someone has given you. I simply do not give anything more or less. If you give unto me. I will happily repay you. No matter what it is. You can have nothing on your page and send me 10s and comments and I will repay that kindness simply because that is what respect is. Paying in full.
On 12:58:41 Aug 02 2013 (-0 GMT) Vestige wrote:
What does respect have to do with rating?
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16:04 Aug 02 2013
Here is a perfect example of people not understanding the meaning of the word respect...or the meaning of the word courtesy. For one, respect has nothing at all to do with this rating system. True respect is something that is earned. Earned by consistency in action and word.Returning a rate to "pay in full" or "out of respect" is rediculous. One cannot respect someone theh dont even know..or disrespect them for that matter. However, common courtesy is more like what comes into play when it comes to rating or other situations where peeps dont know one another. All this hype and demands for respect is utter crap. People want respect? EARN it. Common courtesy is something we all should practice, and while nice to be upon the recieving end of it, if someone doesnt practice courtesy, then they just dont. And we just have go our merry way, hoping that the next person we encounter, will.
It would certainly do this site a lot of good if people would simply learn the differenc and meanings of these two simple words , and use them in context, instead of demanding something that one hasnt even had a chance to earn yet.
16:10 Aug 02 2013
Bottom line is Mikal, you didnt respect the rater at all. If you truly did, you wouldnt have rated him at all, or you would have rated him what you actually felt his profile was worth, regardless of what he rated you. Think about it...
16:31 Aug 02 2013
Apologies for all these posts but my device is very small and I cannot read what I type until after the fact. One more thing I would like to bring up is the people who practice this, "I rate what I get". When it comes down to it, if we are talking respect and courtesy...while absolutely, it is free choice to use the practice, it would have to be thee most disrespectful and un courteous practice to employ. The first reason being that by doing so, you have taken freedom away from the rater to rate honestly and expect an honest rate in return. It forces the rater to either give you a 10 even though your page might not even deserve it. Or it forces them not to rate at all, because they know that they cannot expect an honest rate from you. This id doubly un courteous because when you go to rate them, you arent interested in anything they have to say, or in any work they have put into their page..because they are going to get what they get, no matter what. I can write so much more, but I think you might have gotten my point. But if interested, we can delve deeper into this subject.
18:46 Aug 02 2013
I too had the same conversation with this individual , He wants to have negative conversation with you Mikhail so he can come back and belittle you or your profile . This person wants to give out the impression that he has somewhat of a God complex . He wants you to block him , a possible Vlad wantabe but doing it in a different manner as Vlad . It actually wouldn't surprise me if it was Vlad. Just ignore best thing to do.
19:28 Aug 02 2013
Ive have conversations with Vestige, and to be honest, hes a pretty respctful guy.As well as courteous.And he rates honetly from ehat I can see.
From an outsider looking at this..it wasnt Vestige who was in the wrong here..in his rate or replies. In all seriousness, why would you have the urge to message him in the first place? Because it annoyed you that he gave you the rate he did. If you rate ehat you get, and it is posted on your page, why even bother to tell him? If it isnt, then what does it matter anyway? Especially if rates dont mean anything to you. Oh well, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, or cause a big deal. Its just peeps need to learn what real respect is..and it sure as heck isnt paying in full. Thats just a justification of your own action is all. P.s. Vestige isnt anything like Vlad..thats funny.
04:13 Aug 03 2013
LMFAO! Do you know what I love about people making comments or sharing their aggrandized, verbose OPINIONS towards others they don't know? It really shows their ignorance and points in clarity their feelings of self involvement. Or perhaps they simply like to hear themselves talk. The word for that? Narcissistic. But moving on. To start with, I would like to point out to those who do not know...lol....Mikhail very well and make it clear that he was HIGHLY amused by this encounter. Evidently that got lost in translation, though I fail to see how as English is our first language, which in my mind further shows idiocy, but again I side track. Has it not occurred to anyone here that by telling him in an aside the reason for his rate was a matter of courtesy? After all so many ridiculously infantile people on this site become far too butt hurt over something as asinine as a rate that he was letting him know in a RESPECTFUL manner the reason for him doing so? No? Never mind, it's rather obvious that it was confused from the word go. Respect to each person is defined by his or her outlook. Not everything can be taken contextually and frankly when it comes to morality and how one portrays it is all in the matter of ones own reality. To disagree is one thing. To force your opinion of your own ideals of the concept is another. This has become a debate of opinion versus fact. Which ultimately leads to flat out stupid. In Mikhails mind he was courteously extending an explanation for the reason of his rate. He respectfully extended what was given to him as the number in and of itself holds no meaning when he wakes up in the morning. Sadly I think what really needs to be discussed here is reality. You know, like having a life outside of a rate box and website? Just sayin' =)
15:58 Aug 04 2013
:: Laughs out loud::
Welcome back, Mikhail. It's been a while. Do ignore Elly's commentary as she responds (audibly) to my every word from this point on. :: chuckles:: It seems that barely upon reentry through the VR gates you've stumbled upon Self-Absorbed Idiocy. What better way to ring in your return, eh?
You've always shown a lack of patience for the stupid that rivals my own, and have no problems with confronting any issue brought forth, no matter how inane. This I "respect". LOL. Respect, I do love how that just so happens to be the topic at hand in this entry, and the comments that followed. So... all choking niceties aside, allow me to take a metaphorical swipe at this. And in all honesty, hope I provide some mild entertainment rather than actual enlightenment; The latter, being naught but a wasted myth on this site. (OH! and I like to read myself think!) Here we go...
....Sooooooo what you mean to tell me is that once I am given a rate, I should just shut up, nod and move on because what I think about the rate is just NOT that important to you?! No, no... Slow down. I didn't make this up, in fact... I think that is very much what is established. How? Simple... Mikhail said anything about it, and there was a reaction! LMFAO. Okay, I'm sorry. I started off on the wrong foot. Let me take a step back and ANALyze what's been discussed: Respect, okay. Common courtesy, alright. Who messaged who?!? Really? Honestly people?... :: sighs:: Alright. And of course... the resulting conversation that took place.
Side note: Fair warning, this, Inevitably, will become about me as I am obviously deciding to interject my very valuable, substantial and awe inspiring Two Cents.
Well, I'm kinda stumped on which one to tackle first... I mean CMON! SO MUCH TO SAY and so little minds-- I mean time! Ahem... Alright. So let me focus on the conversation. I would dare assume that Mikhail wouldn't embarrass himself by posting something partially just to attempt to gain favor, thus I think it's fair to say... He was messaged first!!---But we'll get back to that.
Your response, Mikhail, was hilariously golden. Not only was that exactly what flashed through my mind as I read his question, it simply just is a point of view. Nothing more. But clearly... your answer was A, So unexpectedly well thought out and formed, that he chose to ignore it entirely. and B. It impacted his life in such a way that he felt the need to somehow push it further, with a ridiculous assumption formed by his abject unwillingness to actually absorb what you had just said. Now, is that my opinion? I dunno, lets take a closer look... You responded to him AND took the time to inform him of what Respect was to you... Yet his retort was to STILL to question you about what respect is to you? I'm sorry... But I dare venture a slight wager on the bet that this is either a rather dense individual, or... they understood what you said and opted the stupid route. Neither a good thing considering how they try to establish themselves as more intelligent than the masses of VR.
Now... it might be just me, but have you ever noticed that no matter how long or short a passage you write is, the person responding seems to inevitable and unfailingly use the very last sentence you wrote, in the following reply? Doesn't that more or less give you the sense that... they just never cared to reread the rest as they compose their self-absorbed 'Godlike' response? It sure as fuck seems that way to me. I mean... As long as we are all chucking opinions around and all that. Subsequently... I present to you.... that condescending phrase that was not in the least bit egotistical and arrogant. At least not in the magnitude in which I can be. But it's up there, not quite above Robert Downey Jr, But just below Charlie Sheen:
"If I was you I would read what you wrote in that last message you sent and have a long hard think about the contents of the 14 words. If you feel I disrespect you with a number then 11 months is not long enough.Good day sir "
IF!?!?! There was no IF. You were not feeling "disrespected' at all. But... somehow you miss-communicated that to him? Say it ain't so! That Candid, Direct and clear statements were not actually read for content but actually for reasons to be contrary!? My goodness the intelligence OOZES from the individual.
Now... I HATE to be one of those assholes that's a stickler for words and definitions, I mean, what the HELL is English Class for? Right? I lied... I don't hate being one of those assholes, as so many, many "Americans" like to say to non-English speaking folks, "SPEAK ENGLISH"... well... I'm gonna go ahead and show you, that you have to be GOOD at it too. Not just speak it for the sake of opening your Oxygen waster. ~~2.a courteous, respectful, or considerate act or expression.~~ That just so happens to be part of the definition of COURTESY. Now, I'm no expert on the English language... but just because you put 'Common' in front of 'Courtesy', itdoesn't magically take away 'respectful' out of that definition. Who knows... I just might be wrong. But I think it's worth looking into. :: shrugs::.
Oh... And in the thesaurus... Courtesy seems to have a few Synonyms... kindness, politeness, refinement, Oh look! Respect. But HEY! Let me go right on ahead and leave this poor dead horse in peace. Okay? Okay.
SO... touching back on the whole why you "felt the urge to message him at all" thing... Ummm You didn't. You left a rate comment just like he leaves his. I have to ask.... Oceanne... is telling people that if they react to a rating given by him that they need to get out more, common courtesy to you? Hmm. Let me see if I can translate this right... "I'm being courteous to you, by informing you that regardless of the rating I give you, if you react I will downplay that into your inability to overlook insignificant things because you can't get away from the net" That's a Ballsy ass statement coming from a guy that goes out of his way to make his profile "Like None other!" on VR, and announces updates and writes journals every other day about how unique he is. But HEY... its cool.
Profiles are an extension of your personality and who you are...My profile is simple and direct with what i am or what i believe in... and if you don't like it, oh well. I haven't even rated that profile. Don't think I ever will. His profile has absolutely no content, empty and focused on looks and appearances... Personality... Profile... Personality... Hmm...
Mooooving right along...
---and we're gonna sit here and judge one profile against another over a non-balanced comparison scale? Cute. Mikhail's profile has a much better looking theme AND it doesn't lag the ever loving fuck out of my comp when loading. Not to mention No stupid ass dialogue boxes. And the one who rates low initially, bitches and practically says "How dare you speak of respect when I obviously have none for you?!?" :: rolls eyes:: So really, did he reply because of the respect Rate Comment or the fact That he also got a 4 in Return? lol STOP THE PRESSES! I'm sorry, but this is a classic case of "You used my playing card against me, and I didn't like it, because you had a better reason than I. :: snorts:: Don't like it don't dish it.
Back to the respect thing... I give what I get... treat others how you would like to be treated, give it to get it... Cmon now. So what? He's exempt somehow from this? Just because a person is respectful to one, doesn't mean they can't be a total and complete douche nugget to another, case in point, Myself. I am an absolute nightmare to stupid. I'm allergic to it, it makes me itchy and exasperated and most importantly it makes me want to kick puppies and stop baby seals from breathing. That's just how I roll. You want to know what is respectful to me? Approaching me with intelligence and forethought when responding to my shared thoughts and words. Not half-assed assumptions and near orbital type focus. That is what I consider common courtesy. Don't do that, and I'm already irritated at your existence and have thought of 13 ways of insulting to you make you go away.
Oh and BTW Mikhail and Myself do not exactly get on,(probably an understatement) but that sure as fuck doesn't mean I can't agree with him.
And before anyone tries to make this out to be me lashing out at the moron in question lets all take a nice long breather and remember... Slain. Doesn't. Like. Idiots. He's irked me with stupidity in the past, big woop. If you're gonna SAY in your journal you truly don't care about things and that people need to reflect on what they say and do when they speak to you, but can't actually grasp a direct statement, then you, "SIR" are full of shit. Then to also try to offset people "blocking" you and consistently claim you don't care and to block you more? Sorry kiddo, that card's been played on VR for far too long and and is again... Unoriginal. So the comparison to vlad FITS. The same act over and over again. "I don't care about anything on VR, but I care" Bitch please are you actually paying attention to the shit you are doing? You ARE the epitome of VR. Congrats. You just think your incessant tweaking of the code somehow makes you better. You're just sugar coated stupid.
In CONCLUSION, Thank you Mikhail for sharing this amusing and enlightening conversation, but honestly dude, you really should take a good long hard look at those 14 words. I don't know what 14 words, as that message was HELLA longer than 14, but it might not hurt to reflect. A VR god told you to, so you might want to consider it. Just a friendly suggestion. :: SNORTS::
I leave you all with this:
I have commented and broken down your pathetic behavior honestly. If you think this comment is going to impact your life, well, you really need to go and apologize to the nearest tree for not appreciating the oxygen it provides more.
16:39 Aug 04 2013
~Chuckles~ Slain. I applaud you for putting in the time and effort to show everyone a beautiful case of accurate, humorous and informative verbal diarrhea. I cannot tell if it's hilarious or sad you took the time to write that much, but either way I laughed because most cannot manage to set a humorous tone when trying to be sincere. I do however suggest next time you add maybe some pictures to your response, because some of us rather enjoy picture books.
I do find the journal itself to be quite interesting. Heh.
01:20 Aug 05 2013
02:35 Aug 05 2013
Omg slain that was epic and sooooo right! thanks for posting that!
18:22 Jun 11 2017
I realize its years later, which I know I'm bound to catch hell for, but you're a brat Slain! Yes, re-reading everyone's response in an altogether fashion showed me clearly that I was being mocked. Lack of knowing the English language hmmm? Doucher. lol
01:25 Aug 06 2021
Years later, and I fucking miss your sense of humor, friend. Lol
I am practically "dying" at my keyboard, right now.