Not sure why I got all the negative honor lol
It figures that I would start my first journal entry off with a Bronte’ quote. Even though I am empty
inside; my heart shrunk down to an apple seed, I still believe in love. It’s just become clear that love will never find me. If I had to count how many times I have given my heart away without a second thought, I’d have to be really stoned just to cope with the reality. You would think that in my 29 years I would have realized that wearing your heart on your sleeve leaves you open to be plucked and discarded like a piece of lint off your jacket. Yet I purposely fall down the rabbit hole every time.
Sounds like winning to me.
Hello Rebecca
Saw you on chathour hahaha
You should be asking yourself or you're good friend Tabby why you're getting negative honor?
08:32 Feb 19 2022
that’s got to be some sort of record… in under a couple days?