I've had some interesting experiences since and due to joining this site. Nothing too much to handle but interesting nonetheless.
Just recently though, another oddity dropped into my lap. It was one of those situations that seem to be made for a movie. Picture me opening my laptop, seeing "1 new message" and clicking on it. A lengthy message appears and as I read it, my eyes start getting wider until finally I sit back with a look of real alarm. Finally I sit back and slam the laptop lid closed.
Yep...that was me. This was one of those times I thought, it's all fun and games until...well, until it isn't. Be careful out there.
Il me semble que si toi ou moi devons choisir
entre deux cours de pensées ou d’action,
on devrait se rappeler notre mort
et donc essayer de vivre
pour que notre mort n’apporte aucun plaisir au monde