I hear ya. I have always loathed the concept of the New Year's Resolution. It's like offering yourself an open invitation to let yourself down. Failure is inevitable. It's the one thing that at which we humans excel.
I blame the Mayans for the concept. See, I believe their final New Year's Resolution was to show those pesky Aztecs once and for all that the Mayans could beat them in the annual human sacrifice contest.
With hilariously terrible results, natch. I mean, ironically, they WON.
*Wednesday morning…December 22nd…6:30 am*
I just now got off work and am waiting to take my car to the garage at 8:00 am…it has been running bad for weeks…the sub zero temperatures have forced my hand in this matter…the idea of walking because of a faulty car does not appeal to me…at all!
I’ve waited at the garage for two hours now…I’ve read every magazine…twice! The mechanic finally comes out and informs me a part has to be ordered and it will be hours until it arrives and then installation could take hours as well. He asks if I would like a ride home and then be called when my car is finished…of course I accept…I need to sleep. I get dropped off at my bungalows back kitchen door…which…I rarely ever use.
As I travel up the short walk to the kitchen door I see a package in a snowdrift beside it. It’s a surprise package from Risky (Neva) of Christmas Cookies that are now frozen solid…including chocolate chip cookies! Well…I had to have one of those bad boys before bed…so…I popped one in the microwave for 15 seconds (perfect) and had an ooey gooey treat before lights out!
An hour later the phone wakes me and it’s the garage telling me my car’s finished and they are sending someone to pick me up. What happened to hours and hours? I get dressed and stand at my kitchen door watching and waiting for my ride back to the garage. I microwave another chocolate chip cookie and am eating it as my ride arrives…out the door I go…mouth stuffed with chocolate chip cookie.
My car’s running great! The engine light is no longer on and blinking…it’s such a good feeling after it’s been running poorly…I am filled with joy! I drive to Walmart and Lowes unafraid of a freezing walk! Everyone smiles at me as I purchase drapes for my bedroom…wood screws…a turkey for Christmas dinner…I saw the Christmas Spirit was in full swing…even the mechanics at the garage were friendly…so many smiles…I give every last one a cheerful “Merry Christmas”!
I arrive home with my goodies…my spirit filled with goodwill…I stash said goodies…I take a healthy piss…I’m washing my hands when I look up into the mirror and see the BIG CHOCOLATE CHIP SMEAR RUNNING ALL THE WAY ACROSS MY CHIN!
*I did not think to take a picture…damnit…sorry.*
LOL I went to the shop one day for milk and standing in the queue, I happened to catch something out of the corner of my eye, flapping from the hood of my jacket...jeez, I'd have been delighted if it had been a chocolate chip bloody cookie...but, it wasn' was my bra, caught by a hook on the end of my hood.
That might...might...beat me.
...5 gold rings...4 calling birds, 3 french hens, 2 turtle-doves, and a partridge in a pear tree :P
nope. What I really want is loadsamoney and great perfume :P
Michael is your inner child!? Oh. I thought he was a real kid.
Damn it!
Sorry...I was sitting in the bathroom...thanks Nedra!
You didn't know Michael was my inner child? Well...that changes everything doesn't it.
Love it...just don't pee on the lights. HAHAHHA
Good advice...I will watch that closely!
Ho Ho Ho!
Nope nope. I just kind of assumed he was a ward, perhaps from within the family, that you took in out of the goodness of your heart. Haha.
Silly me and my assumptions. It does change everything.
Screw the book. You need a television program.
ha ha ha... definitely better than 99% of the things currently on TV.
What I need is about 280 million dollars!
yeah, I'd tune in for more of this :)
arrrgh shurrup already. I'm dreading my family day...the babies are toddlers so stink is doubled...all the children are female so screeching is mandatory...I have 4 sisters who all like to drink, then 'debate' mom gets tired preparing the day (since at least the year ahead) but never accepts any help so she wears the martyred look and I swear one day she is gonna collapse right in front of us all...and I hate the after dinner games - Monopoly (WHY THE HELL anyone invented this game I will never know I want to KILL when I play) Junior Trivial Pursuit (one sister learns all the answers therefore always wins) more chocolate (f**k off Im stuffed more than the damn turkey was)...
Merry Christmas Mr Tu hope you have a lovely day LOL
You too Pagan! I will be all alone...smoking cigarettes and swilling Pepsi while I eat my Christmas Hot Wings watching "A Christmas Story"! Sorry to rub it in lol!
Wow. You're journal is truly entertaining, and filled with substance. Thank you for the honor to partake of it. It is an honor.
You are much too kind Seeker.
Sweetheart you can stop by my place anytime and give me presents...........
*raises an eyebrow*...Oh yeah? Come sit on my lap and tell me what you want!
Recently I have seen…here online…a number of “Break Ups”…messy…messy…messy affairs…a lot of accusations and name calling and it appeared…the males (of course)…behaved less than…maturely? Guys? What the f*ck are you thinking?! Do I…your eternal friend confidant and Life Guru…have to guide you in every last nuance in the ways of amour? Or perhaps…I should say…in the ways of un-amour? You want to extricate that HoneyBunny from your Christmas Gift List? You don’t have to leave them and then be subjected to lascivious demented and not very nice slander…have your character sit in the most heinous of judgment! It’s easy enough to make them want to leave you! Duh?!
Here are 10 surefire ways to lose that extra Christmas weight…trust me guys…follow these simple suggestions and women will treat you like The Black Death! 1…2 at the most will be sufficient…don’t get discouraged should you encounter a clingy one…just keep moving down the list…and by number 10…your worries will be over.
1. Smoke…even if you may not…tell her you do…~poof gone~
2. Be short…5’8 and under will suffice…~poof gone~
3. Immediately ask her to stay…with you…over the Christmas Holidays…~poof gone~
4. Let it be known you write vampire songs…~poof gone~
5. Let it be known you like to play games…such as…”Sexy Hitch Hiker”…and/or…”Escaped Convict And The Wardens Wife”…~poof gone~
6. Tell her about “The Vampire Rave” and what a cool…cool…community/site it is…~poof gone~
7. Be creative…show off that dark warped sense of humor you think is soooo funny…~poof gone~
8. Let it be known you rent and not own…~poof gone~
9. When she asks for a Sable coat for Christmas…write back in the form of a letter to Santa Clause:
Dear Santa,
I know…I know…I’ve been a baaaad boy all year…BUT…if you bring me a Sable coat (woman’s size and style) before Christmas…I SWEAR I’LL BE GOOD FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS! PLEASE?!
Yours Truly
The Vampire
…and….~poof gone~
10. Tell her laying in the sun on a hot humid sweaty gritty beach all day is…NOT YOUR THING...and that you’d rather be in an air conditioned bar doing tequila shots with beer chasers…~poof gone~
See? Do you see guys?! You men know…you KNOW…I’m here to help you. Why oh why didn’t you just come to me? Huh?! When have I ever…EVER…misguided you? Alright…ALRIGHT…I know I know…sometimes the most sensible course of action isn’t always apparent…Jesus…it’s like falling off a f*cking log!
brilliant. You know, too short is baad. Unless of course its a midget
lol yes that would work until you encounter someone like me!
*raises an eyebrow @ untrusting*
Mr. Tu…”Yes Michael…that.”
Michael…”…~points~…That…~stab points repeatedly~…is ‘The Greatest Gift In The World’?”
Mr. Tu…”…~points~…Yes…that is ‘The Greatest Gift In The World’.”
Michael…”But…~looks confused~…you can’t play with it Mr. Tu.”
Mr. Tu…”Of course you can not play with…that is ‘The Greatest Gift In The World’ for a woman.”
Michael…”It…~looks really confused~…is?! Why?”
Mr. Tu…”Very well…I suppose it is time for you to learn the ways of amour concerning the fairer sex.”
Michael…”SEX?!…~covers face~”
Mr. Tu…”Women you little retard…women!”
Mr. Tu…”First you must learn the value of uniqueness…~points~…that is unique in the world…there is only one!”
Michael…”Nobody has a gift like that Mr. Tu?!”
Mr. Tu…”No Michael…not King nor Queen…we are the only beings that possess…‘The Greatest Gift In The World’!”
Michael…”Is it better than a new car Mr. Tu?”
Mr. Tu…”Oh yes Michael…it is better than a new car.”
Michael…”Not even Barrack Obama has it Mr. Tu?”
Mr. Tu…”Oh Michael please…a thousand Barrack Obamas pondering for a thousand years would never create…~points~…that! Do not be an imbecile…Michael put down that JC Penny catalog…~snaps fingers~…Michael look at me!”
Michael…”YES SIR!”
Mr. Tu…”Now…the emotions this gift will wrench from the recipient…is as well…a reason it is ‘The Greatest Gift In The World’!”
Michael…”Is it better than diamonds?”
Mr. Tu…”Yes Michael it is better than diamonds.”
Michael…”Better than that two opened end hearts piece of crap that washed up movie starlet is hawking again but this time put into that ugly key?”
Mr. Tu…”Yes Michael it is better than that two opened end hearts piece of crap that washed up movie starlet is hawking again but this time put into that ugly key. As I was saying…upon opening…the female will at first be confused and disoriented and will have to produce the false…time worn…”This is nice!”…expression. It may take…perhaps…a few moments of use before the full impact of what exactly has been bestowed upon her…then…in a flash of understanding…said expression will change!”
Michael…”What will she do then Mr. Tu? WHAT WILL SHE DO?!”
Mr. Tu…”Well Michael…she will weep…she will run from the room clutching ‘The Greatest Gift In The World’ to her breast…overcome with emotion…tears of joy will cascade down her cheeks!”
Michael…”What? Is she gonna cry all f*ckin’ night?”
Mr. Tu…”No Michael…after she regains her composure she will run to you and I…she will throw her arms around us…she will nuzzle her nose close by our ear and whisper…*How soon and how long do you want me to suck your cock?*.
Michael…”We don’t have a rooster Mr. Tu?”
Mr. Tu…”Penis Michael…PENIS!”
Michael…”MR. TU!…~covers face and giggles~…LET’S GIVE IT TO SOME WOMAN RIGHT NOW!”
Mr. Tu…”Oh no Michael…‘The Greatest Gift In The World’ is too powerful…we must be very careful as to the female we bestow it.
Michael…”But couldn’t we give this one away…RIGHT NOW…and then make another one?”
Mr. Tu…”Oh Michael…such actions would merely cheapen and it would no longer be ‘The Greatest Gift In The World’! This gift will seal a female to you and I forever!”
Mr. Tu…”NO MICHAEL…we were touched by the divine…we must show the proper care respect and responsibility such a creation demands. Are there two Sistine Chapels? NO! Are there two of The Great Sphinx of Giza? NO! We must not be led by your testicular whims concerning ‘The Greatest Gift In The World’!”
Mr. Tu…”We will just have to bide our time Michael…in any event…I am sure our readers do not believe we have ‘The Greatest Gift In The World’.”
*Michael and Mr. Tu sit and gaze in awe at ‘The Greatest Gift In The World’*
Michael…”You don’t even have a girl to give it to!”
Mr. Tu…”Shut up Michael.”
wow. Gold tusks. LOL
Well what is it!? I read all that and want to know what it is! Lmfao. You need to write a book.
"stab points repeatedly."
Chrys...we can't tell you...we're sorry.
I used the word “Christmas” in the title of this entry because it’s December and the silly season is upon us…it just seems wrong not to have an entry… if even very remotely…refer to Christmas in some way and I suppose considering it is December I do have a Christmas Elephant In My Pants.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines an “Elephant” as follows:
El-e-phant (el’a-fant) n. 1. Either of two large herbivorous mammals, Elephas maximus of south-central Asia or Loxodonta africana of Africa, having thick, almost hairless skin, a long, flexible, prehensile trunk, upper incisors forming long curved tusks of ivory, and, in the African specie, large fan shaped ears. 2. Any of the various extinct or living animals related to either of these two animals. [ Middle English elefaunt, from Old French olifant. From Vulgar Latin *olifantus, from Latin elephantus, from Greek elephas, elephant-.]
Alright…let us really take a look at this and see how correct I am…shall we? Of course we shall…it’s my entry…don’t be an idiot!
Having thick, almost hairless skin…CHECK!
A long, flexible, prehensile trunk…CHECK!
Upper incisors forming long curved tusks of ivory…well…alright…I concede…but…wouldn’t that be f*cking cool?! TUSKS?! OMG can you imagine? CURVED TUSKS OF IVORY?!! Sure…sure…they’d be hard on pants…but…TUSKS!! I wonder if Strap On Tusks are available? If one manufactured holes in one’s pants to accommodate tusks…*ponders*…do you think said tusks poking out of said pants would be deemed inappropriate? Alright I have reconsidered…this is a…POSSIBLE CHECK!
In any event…let’s move on.
Large fan shaped ears…substitute “softball” for “fan” and…CHECK!
Hey…that’s three CHECKS and one POSSIBLE CHECK! I think this is pretty conclusive…if I bought an appropriate sized (I didn’t want to say little) Santa chapeau…bleached my pubic hair white…and procured a pair of Strap On Tusks…I would have A Christmas Elephant In My Pants! This is indisputable! OMG TUSKS!
This would change everything in the bedroom! “Honey your tusks are cold!”…”Stop poking me with your tusks…I have a head ache!”…”Just because you have them doesn’t mean you have to use them baby!”…”Only if you take off those damn tusks!”…”Look at what you’ve done to our 1600 count Egyptian black sheets!”…”I knew I should have never bought you those damn tusks!”.
This is a solid gift idea for your man this Christmas ladies! Ivory…stainless steel…gold…OMG GOLD TUSKS!!
Merry Christmas everyone.
What. The. Fuck. Dude.
I heart you
xD Hah hah...
I think my man would... be alarmed if I bought him tusks and told him they go in his pants...
... he might get the wrong idea as to what they would be for and maybe... run.
Are those tusks in your pants, or are you happy to see peeps? lol
How would one get the wrong idea?
That's the spirit PD!
Well knowing him...
any thing horned, whether it be ivory, gold, or silver, he may thing I bought him some form of male sex toy and freak out all due to the fact his brother thought is was funny to send him an early Christmas gift last week of anal beads (as a joke) and may think the tusks were along the same lines...
You would have to read my journal entry about "Christmas Lights" to understand why I think he would react to tusks that way.
LOL MrTu you rock
LOL oh LOL that would be horrific in speedos though, just a thought.
Yeah yeah okay...sure...a joke...and I will have to read this Journal entry of yours!
Thank you Saetan!
Arn't speedos stretchy? It could catch on.
07:20 Dec 31 2010
Mr. Tu only you can make baking a cake sound sooo sexy were is my piece
07:48 Dec 31 2010
yes...yes feel the chocolate as it courses through your system, know it's powers , bask in the glory of the grand chocolate cake!
11:23 Dec 31 2010
OY! gerroff! that cake has my name on it. I am a mean old chocoholic dontcha know ~.^
LOL Have a happy New Year, MrTu.
15:33 Dec 31 2010
Happy New Year kids!
02:52 Jan 01 2011
Mmmmmmmm Chocolate ......