Well lets make this first entry of the year a good one huh.
*clears throat*
There once was a girl called Triss and oh how she always took the piss.
She went out of her way, to make enemies every day.
Told everyone to die, with tears in her eyes.
Triss will ne’er be missed.
She mocks those, who are into anime,
She can’t get more then .99 cents for her whoring.
Her tale is full of woe,
No sugar daddy for her, for she has no want for an ugly guy.
17:27 Feb 01 2020
This dollar menu whore don't know when to quit
Failed prostitute makin' zero profit
She attacks first, but fight back, and she'll call you a bully
Bitch got more mustache than a mammoth that's wooly
She'll call you ugly, Tris the twit think she a VR menace
But paint her purple, she look just like Grimace
17:28 Feb 01 2020
Lol girl's got rhymes yo
03:41 Feb 03 2020
First entry of the year ... and it isn't about me! WTH anty!
23:53 Feb 09 2020