4 entries this month
A&F - Groparu de la Bellu 14:56 Jun 21 2009 Times Read: 915 New Romanian Drone/Funeral Doom Band temporarily called A&F. First single : Groparu de la Bellu (The Grave-digger from Bellu). Do you like it?
Agathodaimon - Ne Cheama Pamintul & Glasul Artei Viitoare 20:51 Jun 04 2009 Times Read: 936
Agathodaimon - Ne Cheama Pamantul (Earth Summoning Us)
The lyrics belong to our national poet Mihai Eminescu(1850-1889) - Junii Corupti.
La voi cobor acuma, voi suflete-amagite
Si ca sa va ard fierea, o, spirite-ametite
Blestemul îl invoc
Blestemul mizantropic, cu vînata lui gheara
Ca sa va scriu pe frunte, vita ce se-nfiara
Cu fierul ars în foc...
O, fiarba-va mîndria în vinele stocite,
În ochii stinsi de moarte, pe frunti învinetite
De sînge putrezit
Ce am de-alege oare în seaca-va fiinta?
Ce foc far-a se stinge, ce drept fara sa-mi minta
O, oameni morti de vii
Vedeti cum crapa urna, cenusa reînvie
Cum murmura trecutul cu glas de batalie
Poporului Roman
Cum umbrele se-mbraca cu zale ferecate
Si fruntile carunte le-nalta de departe
Un Cesar, un Traian
Cad putredele tronuri în marea de urgie
Se sfarma deodata cu lantul de sclavie
Si sceptrele de fier
În doua parti Infernul portalele-si deschide
Spre-a-ncapea cu mia rasufletele hîde
Tiranilor ce pier
O, sfinte firi vizionare
Ce faceati (valul sa cînte, ce puneati) steaua sa cînte(zboare)
Ce creati o alta lume pe asta lume de noroi
(Noi reducem tot la pravul, azi in noi mani in ruina,)
Prosti si genii, mic si mare, sunet, sufletul, lumina
Toate-s praf, lumea-I cum este... si ca dînsa sîntem noi.
Si singur stau si caut, ca uliul care cata
În inima-omenirii de viata dezbracata
Un stîrv spre-a-l sfîsia...
[English translation: Earth Summoning Us]
To you I now descend, oh you, deluded souls.
And to purge your sorrow, you forlorn spirits,
The curse I shall invoke
The misanthropic curse, with its sordid, purple claws
To carve your forehead, instead of cattlebrand
With iron burnt in fire
In vain will pride be seethed in veins dried up and scorched
In death-swallowed eyeballs, on foreheads purple-hued
By putrid blood that died
What can I ever chose from your exhausted entity
No fires free from dying, no undeceiving right
Oh, you dead men walking
See, how urns now burst, the ashes resurrect
Alike the past, which murmurs with the battle-cry
Of the roman empire
See the far-off shadows, they dress in steely armour
And raise their noble foreheads that gone grey
Great traian and great cesar
The rotten thrones are crumbling swept by tempests waters
The rulers iron scepters, the heavy chain of slaves
Together are now crushed
The gates of the inferno outrageously wide-opened
Engulfing now by thousands the filthy, depraved breaths
Of tyrants grim who perish
Oh, holy visionary minds, who set the stars to sing...
Who create another world on this realms of mud and grime
Fools and wise, young and old, sound, soul and light
All is dust, the world's like this, and so we all are
Agathodaimon - Glasul Artei Viitoare (Chant Of 'Morrow's Art)
The lyrics are from the poem of the Romanian symbolist poet Ion Minulescu(1881-1944):
Romanta Noului-Venit
Strainule ce bati la poarta de unde vii si cine esti?
Strainule de lumea noastra, raspunde-ne de unde vii,
Prin care lumi traisi cosmarul nepovestitelor povesti
Si-n care stea gasisi culoarea decoloratei nebunii?
"De unde vin? De unde pot veni, cind ochii-mi
plini de regrete si tristeti par 2 candele-aprinse
in cripta mortilor poeti?"
Priviti sint gol, caci calea-mi fuse-atit de lunga
Si-n calea mea-ntilnii pe rind pe toti
Citi vrura sa va vinda podoabe noi ce nu se vind
Pe cei ce vrura sa va-ndrume spre mai bine
Spre-acel indepartat intrezarit
In armoniile eterne dintr-un sfirsit si-un infinit.
"De unde vin? Eu vin din lumea creata dincolo de zare
Din lumea-n care n-a fost nimeni din voi"
Deschideti poarta dar, veniti in jurul meu degraba
Porniti cu mine-mpreuna spre lumea-n care nu-s
castele cu punti si santuri feudale
Nici ruginite porti de-arama la care bat cei noi sositi
Veniti cu toti cit mai e vreme si mai puteti cinta!
Veniti, sa V-aprind in suflet lumina stinselor faclii
Si-n versuri fantasmagoria si vraja noilor magii
Iar cinturile voastre cu care azi cersiti o piine
Sa le cunun cu stralucirea aurorelor de miine
Dar poarta a ramas inchisa la glasul artei viitoare!
[English translate: Chant Of 'Morrow's Art]
Oh, stranger, who's knocking on the portal
Who are you, and where are you from?
Oh, stranger to our world
Answer, where do you come from?
Where have you been living the nightmare
Of these untold stories...?
And in which star have you finally found
The colour of our faded madness?
..."Where I come from? Where could I come from,
when my eyes, full of sadness and regrets,
look like two candles glowing
in the crypt of the dead poets!!!"
Behold, naked I am now, as I've trodden a long way
Where I've been encountering, one by one, all those,
- who wanted to sell jewels, that cannot be sold...
- who wanted to lead the world towards "better times"
towards that distant horizon...
...within the eternal harmony between end and infinity...
"Where do I come from? I come from the world beyond horizons
from the world, where no one of you has ever been before!!!"
So open up the gates, gather all around me
And we'll walk together towards the world
Where no castles and bridges exist, nor feudal ditches...
Nor corroded bronze porches, which newcomers knock at
Arrive yet, while time's not up and you still may chant
Come now, let me set ablaze the xtinguished torches in your soul
Its phantasmagoria and the spell of new magiks,
And those chants, you're begging today for bread with
I shall put together with the glowing of 'morrow's aurorae...
Though, the gates are still closed to the chant of 'future art...
Orphaned Land - - Ocean Land 19:55 Jun 04 2009 Times Read: 936
A band from Israel is into metal!
They have traditional music influences.
Tiamat - Cain 19:30 Jun 04 2009 Times Read: 937
I gave you my love
Though crystallized
I sent you a rose with nevermore
So many years
So many hours
And only thistles on my shore
For all that it's worth
The blood on my hands
Is the blood of divinities
And all that is lost
Sound or unsound
Only bonds between you and me
If I go will you follow
Me through the cracks and hollows
And I would be your Cain
If you would be here now
The Mother-of-Pearl
Handcrafted by God
You're the tower they built to reach the sky
A White Falcon beauty
My mark on your skin
Follow me down the stairs when we die
Your soul is in heaven
Your body in hell
It doesn't matter much to me
In the night of the unborn
Sound or obscene
Only bonds between you and me
If I go will you follow
Me through the cracks and hollows
And I would be your Cain
If you would be here now
Blessed be our Lady Nuit
Guide us to Ra-Hoor-Khuit
In your night we find shelter
Before the Helter Skelter
Vampire Rave is a member of
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