Message To: ChessMaster
one more thing, your comment is not only lies but idiotic as I can prove that I am not Ana I gave her honor. i bet you have tried to give yourself honor before, or to your other profiles. it can't be done. i haven't even been here a month and my first day here i gave her honor so i have never been nor will ever be her. i don't even live in the same state as her.
how old are you? because from your spelling grammar and over all reading and comprehension you seem about the equivalent of a 7 year old with attention deficient disorder, and a possible mental handicap. are you slow?
I understand now why she blocked you. you are extremely childish, you have a very low IQ and you are not only lying and calling her names, you are also picking on her friends, and not listening to reason.
please do not contact me again.
To CryingMist:
this is what i wrote in that comment box. I don't once see the word whore in there.
"if she apologized she meant the apology, she never says or does things she doesnt mean. you refused to accept, and blocked her with your profiles, so she did the same. I am her friend and you have seriously misjudged the situation."
this is what you wrote.
Date: 18:25:18 Mar 29 2013
Rating: 1
she lied and I got proof, I gave her the benefit of the doubt yet anna dragged me again and even pushed it to call me a whore???????????? do you even know what a whore is? I do not sell my body for sex favors, I got a bf who I make love with. when we both want to together. Then again, you are just another ana account probably harrassing me AGAIN. LEAVE ME ALONE.
where is the proof she lied or called you a whore? i'll tell you where. nowhere because you have none.
can you see why I think you are childish?
She has no proof because I said no such thing. This display is very juvenile.
i know right? pathetic.
Nellmorgan has a birthday? yep that's right it's that time of year again Ana can't be here right now but she will try to make it for your birthday. she called all of us to make sure you know she loves you on your happy day! you are a lucky girl she loves very few, and you are on that list. enough to still think of you even thro all she is going thro. welcome to the fold.
Thank you so much La. I am very touched by all the warmth and good feeling from you all. Sending hugs to yourself, Ana, her roomie and everyone. I feel blessed to have Ana and yourselves as a friend.
Hugs to you LA. Thank you :)
this reads from bottom message to top message.
i feel that both sides need to be represented properly.
Original Message:
FROM: LosAngel
Message To: ChessMaster
i can guess which friend as it is one of three people. You are functioning on hearsay from people that are mad at her for calling them on their bs. You need only look at her original profile to know you are picking on the victim. You were called out for something you didnt do she retracted it and even apologized yet you continued to block her even though she hadn't blocked you at all I was on skype with her when she blocked you. I know when she did it and when you started blocking her. You can't convince me otherwise. When she is wrong she admits it when she is not then she backs off after she apologizes like she did with you. no body is perfect. she is and has been bullied by these people for almost a year now and you are now a part of it because you believed the hearsay over a genuine apology. She refuses to respond to you until you apologize as she did for what you have done.
And I know for a fact you are being fed false information. The people that have left have left because teetee gurumillionaire and tabby although he is trying to make amends now he was party to all of it while they were friends. If you go through her journals you will see that none of the people that left, were ever in her journal before they left. you should do your research instead of believing whatever you hear from the people openly mocking her and attempting to discredit her.
If you leave it is because you chose to believe the rumors about her because with you she made a mistake. and to be fair she was being attacked by many people when you came to her profile and commented on that journal entry. she saw your name and because she had just found out by one of the antichrists that SilentSerenity hadrecorded and passed around her private conversation when she was set up by her when being attacked in a camera of someone she thought was a friend. SilentSerenity pretended to defend her then called her on Skype so she could humiliate her as she said how much she appreciated it. There were 12 people attacking her in that camera and didnt even respond when they attacked her.
You need to do some fact checking before you believe what others say. I have and nearly everything she has told me lines up the rest is speculation but she always admits that it is speculation. And even if the speculation isnt true the rest is damning enough in itself.
If the site closes it is because Cancer allowed the trolls to chase everyone away. From what she told me and she has been here off and on for 7 years this place used to be a haven for people that were different. Now if someone is fat or weird or smart or talented or sticks out in anyway they are ridiculed by the same group of people. it is very unfortunate.
She has actually taken an active stand against people that are making this place a terrible place to be and she is the one everyone blames for it. She has been here 7 years this one of her profiles wasnt ridiculed until those people started in on her. and it was because she wouldn't go along with their cruel manipulative little games.
You seem like you have been taken in by these people as much as anyone else on the sight, You don't seem like deep down you are a bad person, it just seems like your mean streak is being incur aged by these hooligans.
"1 is a pedopĥile lover" what is that one that could be the mistaken identity one? or it could be someone framing her too.
And I will not edit it but I will post it. as well as this as I don't lie and she never does either. If she is wrong it is not because she is lying it is because she has the wrong information.
You said petty little lies about her and you still sit there and say you are not the type for revenge. My dear it seems you are. And if you take your money elsewhere then that is your choice. She gave you plenty of time to get over the unfortunate incident. I will be forwarding this to 18 people so that they know I did not alter it before i posted it.
She is quite reasonable and stops when things are worked out rationally. I suggest you try to look at it with a clear head and void of anger. look at it as if you were in her shoes as i discribed it. What would you have done? I think she handles herself a lot better that anyone I have seen on this sight and she is being attacked by more and more people that buy into the rumors and lies that are so wide spread because she called out three of the biggest gossips on this site. For a long time she said nothing to anyone not wanting to bring them into it because that's how she is she likes to keep things between her and the people that are involved no one else. that intergity put her at a huge disadvantage because she plays fair, they fight dirty.
She uses facts they use slander and rumors. She makes mistakes and owns up to them but then they use it as ammunition against her, saying see i told you she lies.
Look at it from her perspective, then You will begin to see just how much she has suffered because of these bullies online. She only ever defends herself, and her friend when they are dragged into it. I had enough and decided of my own free will to help her as best i could.
I hope you and her resolve this issue at some point before it goes too far.
On 11:34:39 Mar 19 2013 (-0 GMT) ChessMaster wrote:
she is not block on the cryingmist, or serenity profile so she could have reply, so check your facts,
and yes she lied because she dragged me into the journal of one of her alter profile and called me names and insult and even made diffamatory comments.
She is block only on the profiles she left insults on
so check your facts
plus A friend of mine explain to me that she is like that, she creates profile then drag people who have nothingt o do with her kindergarden fights and she then pushes them off the sites
well she can congratulate herself, cuz I might leave and I am sure she will celebrate her succes... but so far this means 5 people leaving in less then a few months because of her, does she plan on supporting finnacially the site? because when everyone is gone, who will pay for the site support to make sure Cancer keeps it open?
I was drag into something I had nothing to do with or even knew about and did NOT want to have aything to do with, so CHECK your facts.
ps: yes maybe and I am not hidding anything, maybe 2 of my pro still block dont know, have'nt log on them in a while, but the others I take the time to go and check the comments to see if SHE changed for real and really mean to appologies and then I remove the block, I have minimum blocks, 1 is a pedopĥile lover, 1 is a rude comment and another is the pedophile .
so check your facts. before posting lies. I stayed out of her stupid childish fight, and what do I get? I did not even read the journal seeing her calling me a whore was enough to show she lied. It showed she was again dragging me into her stupid fight.
I am canadian yes, and I agree canadian tend to be able to endure being punch for a while, but I am also Quebec made, this means the type that don't get revenge, or stuff like that, the type that just take my money elsewhere and money is what makes the site roll.
I dont care who you are, I am simply now going to drag this into a journal and play the kid's game of journal fight, I am clearing up that again SHE LIED, even by saying she is block and can't answer me, pfffffft
She had been unblock the day the nasty comment was removed that was some times ago, so pffft
lie to me once shame on you, lie to me twice shame on me if I beleive. And I do not beleive aymore
Anyway, I could tell you to leave me out of your kid's games but I know you wont, I am sure this will even be edited and posted in some journal and all, I don,t care,
I've been here long enought to know a few things: who is really important and has value on this site and who don't.
I am happy at least that none of you live in Quebec, this place is way to good for you.
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wow that has to be the least active this site has ever been.
This journal is for one of my best friends we have been through a lot together and i wouldn't trade any of it for the world Ana I love you babe. If anyone has any doubts about her sexuality, then Speak to me. I will put all rumors to rest. I know she was born a female I have seen the birth certificate, and i snuck a peek at her in the buff when we were younger. ;) sorry ana but to be fair you are hot. lol
Date: 00:50:49 Mar 16 2013
Rating: 2
Tell me, what's all the fuss about? Remember, in the end it's just a silly number. Enjoy. :]
Date: 21:51:10 Mar 15 2013
Rating: 1
By the way I am not Ana as anyone can see I gave her honor. She has never owned this account and she is a woman. sorry you are so jealous you have to cut others down to feel good about yourself. both of you are trolls.
They are not trolls for giving you an honest rating.
Arrow they called Ana a Man on my profile they are trolls.
As I said in my message to you, I don't bully people and I am not by any means a troll. I rate based off content, and content alone. I am sorry if you misunderstood.
I retract what I said about imortalxkiss but I stand by the other one.
[ Members Who Have Blocked You ]
shakes head
leave her alone, she is my friend. yep that is right she is my friend and i love her with all my heart. you dont believe it? fuck off!
she said i might get this from her stalkers, when i came here but i had no idea how pathetic they were couldnt even come out of the closet and say who they are. note i will be blocking all of the people that have her blocked and vice versa. i am not her or the other one, but there are more of us coming now that i have seen it for myself.
Anonymous-450: whats wrong ana still hiding lol you dumb tranny
Not everyone is this evil. There are good souls here too. Here for both you and our mutual friend. Here if you need anything. Sending good thoughts.
^^^ the other one i spoke of they seem to think i am you as well. what is wrong with these idiots?
The cavalry has arrived. Love you very much Ana. I am always here for you.
You sure show them XD
Wait, wait... I am ALL of you.... don't you know that I have time to be ALL of you.... LMFAO.... seriously, even if you WERE Ana (which I am not saying) who cares! People should mind their own business....
21:40 Dec 07 2013
My IQ is 135 and i am FRENCH speaking, real french speaking not fake like you Anna and funny you got suspended and funny everyone is away its you, try to learn french for real, not with google translator and you'll see what real grammar and all is about.
I don't care if my english is not perfect, because I earn my livng with french working software, and french all around me, and also french employe I am in charge of, as a supervisor, about 450 agents give of take 5.
heheh funny, Cancer prooved that you are Ann, he suspended your fake profile.
case close, I am right, you are wrong bhuaaa