What happened around here? Seriously - somebody explain this to me. I have been going through and rating/re-rating Portfolios in VR. Over the past couple of days I have visited over 500 Portfolios (out of over 4000, so I have a way to go yet).
Some time back, I use to be a Sentoran on VR - and one of my tasks was to troll the Portfolios for compliance. Why is it ... when there were rules mandating that Portfolios could only contain images of you or created by you - everybody had to fill their Portfolios with crap stolen from all over the internet. Now that those rules are no longer in place - everybody has perfect Portfolio's filled with nothing but images created by the owner?
Does take that little number to heart. But then- I am a power hungry bullie so... ;)
Although I have never really left the realm of Vampire Rave; I have lurked in the darkness for many, many moons. That time has come to an end.
I shall once again travel these lands and bestow upon you all my grace, presence, and witticism.
For those who do not know of me; be forewarned - you will not drag me into your worlds of whiny-ass behavior. I will unashamedly correct you, judge you, and ridicule you to the fullest extent that you deserve.
I am Lord Vlkodlak ... I have risen ... and I have spoken.
Now - tell me that again, but in French.
I'm just glad to have you back and out and about again :)
Bien que je n'ai jamais vraiment quitté le royaume de Vampire Rave, j'ai cachait dans l'obscurité pendant de nombreuses de nombreuses lunes. Ce moment est venu à une fin.
Je vais une fois de plus voyager dans ces terres et vous accorder toute ma grâce, la présence et boutade.
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas de moi; être prévenu - vous ne me glisser dans vos mondes de pleurnichards-ass comportement. Je vais sans vergogne vous corriger, vous juger, et vous ridiculiser dans toute la mesure que vous méritez.
Je suis le Seigneur Vlkodlak ... Je me suis levé ... et j'en ai parlé.
(Wise cul!)
02:42 Jun 21 2012
That rule changed a very long time back. Sentorans were suspending people based on 'copyright' reasons, and we were never supposed to assume that. Many were suspended who truly created the work. It's still 'illegal' to steal images and claim them as your own. Anyone is free to seek out the real owners/creators of graphics being used unlawfully, and that owner needs to file a DMCA complaint on VR. After investigation, the member will be forced to remove graphics and maybe even risk suspension. So it's still not kosher for them to post whatever they want, they are risking anyone reporting the use to the rightful owners and the complaint filed against them. It's just the way Cancer had to change things due to too much confusion with admins making a judgement on who really created what. We don't assume. But anyone is free to find the owners out there and point out stolen images. If they want to take action, they will.
18:23 Jun 21 2012
Yes, it's been ages since I did that - and I fully understand everything you say. It just seemed funny that when it was blazing in cold hard text on the Portfolio page - nobody paid any attention. Now that the rules have changed and it's been removed - it doesn't seem to be the issue that it once was back then.
It's like we're all power-hungry to be rebellious. You say I can't do something? Challenge accepted!