I feel like poop......
I just got uninvited to a party because I'm a lesbian..... they said "no dyke's allowed"
I was at my friend's house today, and I wore my first corset! I couldn't breathe teeheehee. But it was so pretty. We should've taken pictures.
I'm thinking about dying my hair red. Any ideas or comments? Would that make me too.... weird? I am a cheerleader, remember... will I be judged?
My friends are mean :c
They made me play left 4 dead and slendergame. Then they took me home in the dark. I'm so scared! And my mom is at work... somebody hold me... :c
A really cute girl asked me out today.... idk, I kinda like being single. I don't need a girl to make me feel loved. I've got a wonderful family, and a great cheer team. Plus my orc dorks teeheehee.
I didn't want to say yes, and I didn't. I let her know it's nothing to do with her, I'm just comfortable where I'm at, and I'm not ready to change anything in my life.
I just thought I'd say that....
But I do still love to flirt teeheehee
I've been reading up on the covens lately, and I find that I'm actually really interested in some of them. A lot of them are really intense, and kinda scary, but at the same time, I'm curious. Any Coven Masters that want to message me, and tell me more about their coven and the members and everything, feel free :) I'm open to new ideas, though to be honest, my friend, Yuri wants me to join the coven she's in. I'm not sure if that's right for me, but like I said, I'm open for all covens :)
I find beauty in all things.
In men and women, though not romantically in men. I find beauty in rain and thunderstorms.
Even though I'm a preppy cheerleader, I love to find beauty in the subtle things.
Elderly couples are beautiful, because even though Romeo and Juliet died together, so will the couple, but they'll have an entire lifetime of memories.
I find struggles beautiful, because after the struggle there's sure to be a rainbow. I find darkness beautiful, because you're able to see the stars shine from a light year away, and you're looking into the past.
Books, too. You see an entire lifetime, and entire WORLD come to life, in black and white, yet you know that there's more to come. That even though it doesn't truly exist, in that moment, on those pages it does.
I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I just wanted to say that.
Sooo this is my first journal entry...
This site is actually kinda cool, and the people are not at all what I expected.
I've always heard that vampires and goths were creepy and gonna, like, suck out my soul or something. But instead everyone has given me a really warm welcome. I'm glad I tried out this site.
21:28 Aug 31 2012
Those people sound uncouth and cognitively inept. Tell them, "I could not attend anyway my dear. Moron conventions aren't my thing."
What can I say LOLBethAngel, this generation are idiots.
21:34 Aug 31 2012
Thanks.... I cried for half an hour.
22:25 Aug 31 2012
You certainly don't need people like that in your life. Time to find out who your true friends are ;-)
22:37 Aug 31 2012
Thanks guys.
I'm thinking.... and it's sad that people that don't know and are probably a hundred miles away are nicer to me than the people I've lived with and known since I was six.