When I was eight years old, I went on a fishing trip with my father and Uncle Bud. We went to Kalamazoo, Michigan. While there I refused to go in the boat because I was afraid I would fall out of the boat and not be able to swim back to shore. We visited my Uncle Paul, and then decided to stay the night in a Super Motel Eight. The next morning I rose about 7:30 and attempted to go to the mall, though it didn't open until 10. SO slightly down spirited I went back to the room, to which I had forgotten the key. I pounded on the door for what seemed like hours but it was only about a half hour, until my father got out of the shower and let me in. What an amazing, and unforgettable trip that was!
Every so often, maybe once a week, or every other week, I like to get with my good friends and have poker night. For the first time, we actually had a good turn out. instead of the three people that i've had the past couple of time, I actually got enough people that we got too loud and someone had to come up and, more or less, get us in trouble. The bad thing is that now I have a troubled mind. Because I'm in the military, it doesn't just stop with a repremand at the door ad off they go, it escilates to a call through the ranks to our commander, who is not pleased with the fact that a group of her soldiers are causing a drunken ruccus. Now thats not the part that bothers me, the fact that the commander repremanded the entire company, and took away the innocents three day weekend which we all workd so hard for, she left it up to the section seargents to do the individual reprimandations, in which, they do not do a collective punishment, but an individual one. This may seem somewhat fare, but when in that groupe of people, some get off scott free, and others get the maximum punishment, i see a little unjust actions. I feel too responsable for the actions to have less of a punishment than someone who was there for five minuets and hadn't taken a shot yet.