For those of you who actually read these and or care, I would like to inform you that I have yet again removed myself from a single status and am now dating a Filipina. I believe it could work out with all constriting and conflicting aspects of the both of our lives considered. I have also decided to extend here in Korea for an extra six months, so that I may stay close to my new relationship choice and kindle it for a while. I feel it may come as a shock to some people, and its certainly a surprise that I would make a desicion like this. Well, In closure, I hope that people would accept this and understand, and that of there are questions, you would ask me. I have already had one confrontation with it that upsets me. Take care everyone.
Of late, I've been listening to a lot of country music.....forgive me I listen to all styles, but I prefer rock and metals most, hope that will help you forgive me. Anyway, I've fond that a lot of slow and sad songs are about being lonely and wanting to be loved.... I wonder why that is? Oh well, i'll let someone come up with a reason and pay no mind to it. Anyway, I bring this up because it is mostly how I feel lately.... alone and un-loved. Take for exaple a song by Vince Gill, the song starts off with him stating, "I've been cheated, been mistreated" well that goes on to the girls who have done me wrong, including cheating on me and lying to me, and then he askes the question "When will I be loved" which is also the name of the song, and its exactly how I feel right now, i dont think there is anyone that i can share my love with, because they can either/neither accept how much love I can give, or return any love to me....such a sad world we live in that there is no love....