17 more adds away, or, 1.5 days Time Spent to Sire.
Your name is in my kismets asking for adds- and I'm sending a few texts. You might have them soon. =]
Added. ;)
Many years ago, when Cancer changed the leveling system- I lost Sire. Those who had covens as Sire prior were allowed to keep their covens even so. I'm still trying to get Sire though, after all these years. You may wonder why it's taking me this long. It's because it's really hard for me to focus on this profile's leveling when I spend most of my online time on my main account, 'imagesinwords'.
If we're friends and you'd like to help me out, feel free to rate, add me as a friend on this profile, as well as add my journal to assist in this not so far off journey. I'm thinking of spending some time on webcam with the profile while on my main account as well... Just to get that helpful 'Time Spent'.
Sire , Sire, wherefore art thou, Sire???
I'll stop by and give you a helping hand :)
The adds and rates will help tremendously- but I'll also be working on it myself. I need 1000 pages, and 1.56 days to get one full level up. I plan on doing that with rates and cam time. I can easily get the pages but rating for a good chunk of time in one day. And those rates I make of course will also help the cause. It won't take long if I give it some effort. will get it in no time:)
Here's to hoping!
I've added on this account, favored your journal again on xXLordxZachariasXx and "borrowed" access to a friend's accounts to help out. I'm still doing more, though expect a visit from Sesshoumaru. Keep at it, I'm sure you'll have Sire back in no time. =]
rock on :)
Woohoo, shameless self promotion!
I've got no problem adding you and your journal if it helps.
21:07 Jun 23 2013
Oh...oh God. No, no.
21:13 Jun 23 2013
Why did I just see this???????????????????
22:06 Jun 23 2013
Oh my God! My eyes! They burn!
I need a way to unsee what I saw on that profile...
22:15 Jun 23 2013
22:56 Jun 23 2013
I c a n see this types on FL not here dayum...
23:39 Jun 23 2013
I will NEVER be able to peel that sight out of my brain. Ohmigawd.
23:44 Jun 23 2013
''I am just a regular vamp...'' lol
15:52 Jul 03 2013
He just wants 666 babies.