Bad Kitty...
Set at 19:35 on February 07, 2018

Last Updated: Apr 30, 2012 |
Hi and welcome, I'm Darkblue, it's a totally random name...
Proud to be an ACM in Arcane Consort, in Alliance with Magickal Elixir.

I have very few dislikes so I won't bore you with that. I do enjoy watching Movies and reading. My music likes are so varied I can't list them all. I'm here on VR to make friends and learn some things. I'm a very curious person. I have an extremely open mind, I find things boring if everybody believes in the same things. I may not agree with you but I will respect your values. (I do have my limits. The usual, Abuse, unnecessary violence etc.)
I am looking for the proper questions to find answers in my journey in defining what I am. The journey looks long and I would be grateful for any assistance offered on my path. When or if i can I will also help others in need. I am loyal to friends I make, it is a true commitment to call somebody friend. I am a thinker and sometimes a dreamer. I find my dreams an indulgence but they keep calling me and I long for the next dream path to follow.
In a more solid state of rational thought I enjoy reading, watching movies, television and listening to music. When I can, I travel, these days I'm mostly restricted to occasional Weekend trips. I try to find little known places off the beaten track. The most important thing I look for in a place to go, is whether it can tell me a story, what secrets does it hold? I hate to make lists and labels. I read, watch and listen to anything that suits my mood and my mood changes often. If I ever chose to make a list of my likes and dislikes I would be changing this page at least once a day. As for labels, well, who gets to decide what qualities an individual requires to be placed into a category. Not me, I know that much.
I just want to keep if short and simple.

Thanks for stopping by. Rate as you wish, I'm past playing games but if you do add me let me know so I can return the gesture, it's no hassle. Cheerio :)
Member Since: | Dec 18, 2010 |
Last Login: | Apr 22, 2018 |
Times Viewed: | 25,480 |
Times Rated: | 1,549 |
Rating: | 9.876 |
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