LadyKem's Journal

LadyKem's Journal


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10 entries this month


14:51 Oct 26 2010
Times Read: 620



Facebook status conversation :) (I'm Laura if you didn't know)

00:33 Oct 25 2010
Times Read: 635

Jesska Dorman

I am so serious about this! On a side note: how bad is it for someone to be estatic about having kids to experiment with different parenting techniques?

Tom Isch

at least you care lol

Laura Allan

That's not bad. Yesterday I confirmed while I was cashing out a lady buying candy for Halloween that, and I quote "The only reason I would ever have kids is to steal their candy when we go trick-or-treating" ... Because you know the moms carrying their babies aren't feeding the child all that candy, they're taking it all for themselves!

Jesska Dorman

dude. i said the same thing to my mom. in a way. that i want a toddler for halloween to get candy.

Mau Espantalho B

I wanna have a kid and keep him in the basement and beat him and have another one and raise it rich and see what happens.

Jesska Dorman


Cept the beating and the basement idea.

Laura Allan

I wanna do that too :) Except the raising the kid up rich idea hahahhah

Mau Espantalho B

I kinda am rethinking my plan. If I raise a rich kid, it'll be a spoiled fuck.

I'm going towards throwing them both in the basement.

Jesska Dorman


Laura Allan

lmfao.. What's black and blue and hates butt sex? The 8 year old in my closet. LMAO... blame LaQuan for that joke.

Jesska Dorman

LaQuan would say that.....

Mau Espantalho B

Jess I'm beginning to like this Laura Allan woman =

Jesska Dorman

Everyone likes Laura. Ask her about her awesome arm tattoo. xD

You'll LOVE it.

Laura Allan

lol I"ll post a picture momentarily. Keep babbling and I"ll comment back on here when it's posted

Mau Espantalho B


Laura Allan


Dur ya goo

Jesska Dorman


Jesska Dorman

and don't forget the violence.

Mau Espantalho B

Wait, and, you live, in, buffalo?


Laura Allan

lmfao I take it you're Canadian? Jessica, what did I tell you about making friends with foreigners!!! Especially Canadians!

Mau Espantalho B

I'm not Canadian!

I'm, Canadian-ish.

Laura Allan

Mhmm, that's what they all say

Mau Espantalho B

no no no I'm actually just Canadianish.




So I heard something epic today, and so true.

05:41 Oct 22 2010
Times Read: 650

Those who say "nothing is impossible" have never tried to nail jello to a tree...



07:59 Oct 22 2010

Lmao.. That made my night.. Thank you for posting this..

09:01 Nov 29 2010

Omg I wrote that lool and indeed it is epic thank you :P



18:16 Oct 15 2010
Times Read: 708

xXDisproportionedMalcontentXx, what a dick. All because I'm part of DeMorte, he wants to rate me a 1 and block me. WTF. So what if I leave DeMorte and make my coven? Then I can't message him and ask him to rerate me?! He seriously brough my rating down. I just hit sire and because this dickhole has some grudge against Razr, he rates me a 1 and brings me down back to 99.58...

This... is... BULLSHIT.



18:34 Oct 15 2010

With a name like "xXDisproportionedMalcontentXx" it's kinda hard to take them seriously.

Compensation via a username mayhaps?

18:52 Oct 15 2010

pah not cool eh

19:47 Oct 15 2010

He did the same thing to me a while back simply because I was a member of Fratrem Darconis.

I outwitted him on why he rated me a 1 and once he was cornered and felt like crap the only consolation that his ego could give was "guilt by association, Sorry."

He hate rates for fun and makes enemies everywhere he goes - which fuels more reasons to hate rate. He does not rate because he dislikes you but because he enjoyed the attention he gets.

The only thing "Disproportioned" is his ego!!

He is clearly a small man who probably has his ass handed to him every minute of every day in the real world. He comes online to fuck with people to make up for the lack of testicular fortitude he lack in life. The fact that he chooses to screw with you simply means you could probably kick his ass.

He's afraid of you. lol

19:57 Oct 15 2010

Are you fucking sirious??

21:24 Oct 15 2010

Dont feeltoo bad theres assholes like that all over VR. They love to do petty crap.

22:03 Oct 15 2010

There must be some sh%* pills going around here.What a crappy thing to do.

22:56 Oct 15 2010

Wow... thats just wtf? Well don't give up, keep on going, you'll hit sire in no time.

00:01 Oct 16 2010

There there now... This condescending pat on the head will hold you over.

00:01 Oct 16 2010

There there now... This condescending pat on the head will hold you over.

01:39 Oct 18 2010

Thank you all for the concern... But I was only really upset for about 5 minutes. Just had to rememember it's only a website x_X

And lmao Sev ;-P

04:12 Oct 27 2010

Yep people are assholes on here and I can be one too but not with you cause your nice lol. .......

Just playing I dont do that crap.



04:12 Oct 11 2010
Times Read: 771




02:35 Oct 11 2010
Times Read: 777



Materialism essay, what I have so far.

15:23 Oct 07 2010
Times Read: 799

What is materialism? In the average dictionary, materialism is defined as “preoccupation with or emphasis on material objects, comforts, and considerations, with a disinterest in or rejection of spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values.” A wise man once told me “You are born with nothing, and you can take nothing with you when you die, so what’s the point of collecting all these possessions in the middle?” Materialism is an infection that has spread across the nation; pushed in to our heads from the time we are little children that we cannot be successful without money, success, fame, or glamour.

Materialism has been recognized as far back as the poem The Nature of Things, written in the first century B.C. by Lucretius. America was founded on the beliefs of materialism; that we will take what we find and harvest all we can, to start new beginnings and become the most powerful country in the world; and we succeeded. We are a consumer economy, continuously buying things that are not necessities. We do this ignoring the thought that other people in the countries we buy from are working for a dollar a day just to feed their family for the week. They do this for you, the consumer, so you can buy your multi-thousand dollar engagement ring which will eventually become too small for the plump fingers your spouse will develop from the years of over-consumption of the food they will eat, saving the left overs in a plastic container and thrown in the back of your fridge until it spoils and gets thrown out. Welcome to America and it’s thriving economy.



18:27 Oct 07 2010

very well put!!!!

21:48 Oct 08 2010

nice start hun, one thing you can say in your essay is the cultural superiority it gives an individual when they are given material objects

22:33 Oct 08 2010

ok im back with more ideas :D

each one of these ideas could be made into a seperate paragraph.

Ok first of all how is it an infection in america or the world today? Some might say that they want the best for their child and they will do anything to provide what their child wants..but is it that need taken to far when a kid will throw an all out fit in the store when they do not get that toy or pair of shoes they wanted? Will a parents excessive need to provide these material objects to their children destroy the future of america?

How does having these items make you superior to the rest of society? Will that expensive car really take you farther in life? Sure owning these possessions can make your life easier and can give you instant happiness but have we as a society lost track of what really matters in life and what actually gives us long term happiness and love?

Maybe talk about socialism in Russia. I cant remember the years but Russia gained the leader Stalin, he made the soviet union a socialist country, which means that he placed people in common homing (all living togehter as a community) and they were only given a certain amount of clothes and food and nothing else..nobody owned anything different than anybody else. This could be seen as good because nobody starved and they all got shelter and food in return for the work they did, but is restricting material objects just as bad as having no control over consuption?

Is Materialism problomatic or solveable in your opinion?

yeah i dont know why russia came o my mind but yeah sorry i kinda got a little too into it forgive me? :P

15:50 Oct 09 2010

Ahhh this is perfect babe I have so many ideas now :) Thank you for curing my nasty brain fart hahah

15:59 Oct 09 2010

anytime babe i was happy to :) glad i helped :D


People should just listen

11:26 Oct 05 2010
Times Read: 801

You did exactly what I told you NOT to do with your life... and yet you're trying to blame me for your problems?

You wonder why I mock you.




21:18 Oct 01 2010
Times Read: 807

I love how people always try to find something to blame for their problems. Why don't they try looking in to the mirror once in a while?




The Strigoi Vii essay I did for English.

18:00 Oct 01 2010
Times Read: 823

When you hear the word vampire, what do you think of? Ravenous blood suckers who morph in to bats, are allergic to garlic, and sleep in coffins as presented in early fiction novels? Or how about super-strength, romantic vampires who are supposed to resemble Greek gods when in the sun light? What if I told you that there might be one in this very class, sitting amongst you, on a sunny day, doing work and schooling, associating with the rest of you like a normal human? What if by some bizarre chance, you could be one, and just not know it?

In the early 1990’s, a small group of people, now known as the Azralim, met with similar thoughts and backgrounds of vampirism, and formed something known today as the Sanguinarium. The Sanguinarium started off in a small New York City night club called ‘Mother’, where they attempted to promote their philosophies and traditions. Every Thursday for many years, ‘Mother’ would welcome the Sanguinarium, eventually leading to the establishment of the vampire community. During this developmental stage, the teachings of the Sanguinarium, known as Strigoi Vii, were tested and developed.

Strigoi Vii, which translates from Romanian to mean “living vampire”, is a set of teachings and traditions which is wrapped around a philosophy which explores the vampiric condition as a spiritual path, magickal art, and personal experience. The term Strigoi Vii was formed as a more subtle term, as one of the founders, Father Sebastian, thought that calling themselves “vampires” or “real vampires” was too cliché. They chose the term vampire because there is no real explanation or word for what they essentially are, so they chose the closest thing that follows. Father Sebastian is one of the primary founders of Strigoi Vii, along with Michelle Belanger.

Father Sebastian was born and raised in San Diego, California and has been involved in the vampire subculture as a fangsmith, author, publisher, webmaster, and event coordinator in the gothic, fetish and vampire scene since 1992, among other things. Though Sebastian founded Strigoi Vii in New York City, he currently resides in Europe in hope to pursue a different perspective, while coordinating events, fangsmithing, and building his publishing press Rakasha Books. His main goal is to promote Strigoi Vii as a uniting “language and philosophy” for members of the vampire subculture.

Michelle Belanger is an expert on psychic vampirism and the modern vampire archetype. She has written and published many books which can be found in book stores including Barnes & Noble and Borders, her most famous book being The Psychic Vampire Codex. A self-professed vampire, she has appeared on multiple documentaries and interviews with shows like XYTV’s British documentary “American Vampires,” Cleveland’s Morning Exchange, and more recently on Essential Entertainment’s “Night Bites: Women and Their Vampires.” Trained in Reiki and Shamanism, Michelle is also a natural spirit medium, meaning she can meditate and focus her energy in to astral travel to contact spirits that have passed on.

Though they do have some sort of central belief system, Strigoi Vii is not a religion or occult, it is not a gang and it is not a group of role-players looking for attention. Their primary focus is to attain equilibrium of things, i.e. light and dark, good and evil, mundane and vampiric, etc… There is no one specific religion that is accepted, because Strigoi Vii is not a religion, more or less a path. They accept all religions from Christian, Wiccan, Buddhist, to Satanic. Though it is not forced upon, another primary aspect of Strigoi Vii is the belief in reincarnation, and that their vampirism will carry over from life to life. This is mainly because the Strigoi Vii do not believe that vampirism is a physical trait, but a spiritual and astral one.

The Strigoi Vii are not attention seekers, they are quite the opposite. Their goal is not to scare people or seem cooler and more unique than the average human. To help their members understand this, they have set a sort of guideline known as The Black Veil, or the thirteen rules of the community. These rules include things pertaining to discretion, diversity, safety, control, elders, donors, territories, and family. Though The Black Veil is only a set of guidelines, many households set these as rules, and if broken will result in exile from the coven and sometimes, if harsh enough, even the community. All of these things help keep the community under the radar from the media and attracting too much attention, though people like Sebastian and Belanger have both taken it to a whole other level.

At this point, you must be asking, “What would make someone a Strigoi Vii, and how could they not know of such a thing?” Vampirism lays dormant in many people for a majority of their lifetimes; some may have it in them their entire life, but will never awaken to that spirit. There are three ways somebody can awaken; from birth, known as Klavasi; after puberty, known as Latent; or from the help of others, known as Ardetha. A common misconception from Ardetha is that people can be made in to a vampire; this is entirely incorrect. I will break the thought process right now by saying there is no way you can drink the blood of others or have sex with a claimed vampire and gain their abilities. Ardetha is something that lays dormant in someone, and someone from the Strigoi Vii community can sense it in them and helps them to find their true selves. This person usually becomes something known as an Adra, or mentor, to the newly awakened Strigoi Vii. This awakening is basically a modification of your Solar Plexus chakra, requiring it to need a higher intake of pranic energy.

Within the Strigoi Vii community there are many households, or covens. These covens are not all particularly the same; they share a common background, but may have different standards and beliefs. Each coven has their own name and glyph to represent them. Some of the most widely known being House Kheperu, Clan Sabertooth, House Sahjaza, House of the Dreaming, and House Eclipse. Though they all have different values and practices, their intentions are the same.

Most covens are divided in to a caste system; this is to help balance the role in rituals and other things that the household must accomplish. These castes usually come in a set of three, the Ramkht (priest), the Mradu (warrior), and the Kitra (counselor). They each have a level of difficulty and focus, but none should ever be considered more important than the other. The Ramkht’s main focus is being a mentor and having a high ability to manipulate and create energy for ritual. The Mradu is the best caste for a Strigoi Vii who has troubles with energy manipulation, mainly because they are supposed to be the strong ones who ground this energy and are uneasily affected by it. The Kitra are the sensual ones within the coven, their primary goal is to make sure everyone is doing well and be there when they need something; their primary goal in ritual is to circulate energy. You do not have to generalize yourself in to any specific caste to be considered vampiric, but it is generally helpful when in a coven. Most covens will require, after a certain amount of time of joining, that the vampire choses which caste he or she would like to be in. Some have trouble deciding, but are good with all three, so they remain a backup in ritual for when they run low on one certain caste.

A Strigoi Vii’s true goal is to develop something known as The Inner Dragon, the deeper or higher self, manifesting in the reptilian part of the brain, which controls basic motor functions such as remembering to breathe. To find one’s inner dragon takes much practice through meditation, recognition and a balance of Maiiah. Maiiah is the Hindu word for “Great Illusion”, and is basically a balance of both one’s physical and subtle body.

You must be asking yourself, “They call themselves vampires, how do they feed?” Many Covens have actually banned feeding via bloodletting because of the high safety risks invovled. Though they call themselves vampires, they are not immortal or less prone to diseases than any other normal person, and ingesting blood is just as dangerous as unprotected sex. So what other ways are there to feed? A majority of Strigoii Vii will tell you they are psychic vampires, or vampires who feed on the non-visible energy which we live off of. This is one way to feed, but there are many other ways, including emotional, sexual, and ambient, or feeding from the excess energy left from large crowds of people. Strigoi Vii are not greedy or bottom-feeders. They only take what they need and are very formal about their exchanges, usually having specified donors for their certain needs. These donors are people who understand the concept of vampirism and help feed the vampire, either through blood or other sources of energy. They do not feed from children, elderly, or people who are mentally or physically ill. These donors can be for blood, sex, or just basic energy. Safety precautions are a must for any sort of donor/vampire relationship. They will always use clean razors or syringes, and test their donors frequently for both physical and mental diseases. Any sort of ritualized vampiric feeding in the Strigoi Vii community is known as ‘communion’.

There is no true way to tell if someone is vampiric or carries the trait, it is more of an instinctual feeling that is sensed between two vampires. There is no test that may be conducted to tell if someone truly is. There is no mutation of the blood, though there are many who claim to be anemic. They do not have super strength, though there is a process which they can do which includes focusing their energy on a certain task to help them perform better physically. They are not immortal, though many Strigoi Vii do believe in reincarnation, or immortality of the soul. They do not burst in to flames when they are touched by sun light, though because the sun is such a powerful source of energy, it is common for Strigoi Vii to get harsh sun burns or even sick from too much sun exposure. They do not sleep in coffins, or at least most don’t, it’s just not comfortable. There is no physical deformity to spot a Strigoi Vii because they do not grow long fangs, they do have a reflection, and they don’t have abnormal eyes that resemble a wolf’s. They are what some consider being the perfect predator; they blend with their prey.

Strigoi Vii is something all around us, like air, though it is not seen or noticed, it is still there. They are your neighbors, your grocery store cashiers, your doctors; there have even been self-proclaimed vampires who have run for senator. Being a Strigoi Vii does not mean you have to dress up with fangs and contacts to be considered one, they come in all colors, nationalities, styles, and groups. The last thing the Sanguinarium wants to do is scare people, and that’s why things are taken so slowly; people fear what they do not understand or cannot explain. But they are working on getting themselves more well-known, with all the TV shows and books coming out about them, Strigoi Vii will soon become a commonly accepted belief system in the nation and even the world.



18:20 Oct 01 2010

I noticed that your journal entry doesn't cover the topic of Lilith. I thought it would of done. *Tip's Hat*

18:27 Oct 01 2010

That is because Lilith is not a factor of Strigoi Vii. She may be in other beliefs, primarily Luciferianism, but this essay was strictly about the basics of Strigoi Vii... Plus it was just for an English class, I wasn't going to get too in to detail.

18:59 Oct 01 2010

Really good - well done! Be interested the reception it gets.

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