Nov 4 2009
I have check in my Texas area and it appears they are all GRP (gamers/role player), which I’m insult by and simply not interested. I’m seriously thinking about moving to a location were we are larger in numbers for support and activities. I know we are out their every where, but why in the sam hell does it have to be so bleeding difficult?
I’m not some young kid looking to hang out with vampires. I’m a 42 activated professional female. I hope that this site can bring some of all this into focus.
I have visited other sites and they promise all types of stuff, blab la bla, do not promise just do it.
I guess you can pick up on the sarcasm, sorry. I’m really at point blank with not having companionship in the vampire world and no, I mean just what I said companionship/friendship.
Ok, I think I have complained enough.
Hope everyone have a fantastic evening.
Today is Nov 2 2009,
I have not been here in a long time. I've decided to start becoming more active. I feel alone in this world and in search of like kin. Finding a mate seems to be out of reach, yet I search. Lucky for me I have a butcher who has supplied me with the fluid that I need. It's from organic cattle and pre filtered and fit for drinking. It's a pretty amazing set up I have. Because my freezer does not hold my shipment, he is keeping what I need in his large walk in freezer. It sounds strange, but when I'm running low, just like some do with milk, I walk in and they know why I'm their and hand me several 1pd jugs.
The life of a real vampire has not been easy. My awakening was through out this year adn a part of me is still dicovering my talents and gifts. Many have been with me since birth. I know I was a vampire when I was only five years old. Though, I did not know what a vampire really was at that time. It's clear to me now who and what I am.
I'm in a vampire in search of other's like me. Are their professional's who are vampires out their? I'm sure of it. Why is it so hard to find family? It's not easy, but I know deep down they know of me.